

"I like you. Will you date me?"

Miya was famous for his stoic face. Never did he flinch nor yell. His voice is always monotone. At first glance you would see him like a walking robot, void of any emotions and inner turmoil.

But that day. The day he confessed to me. His face was straight and stoic but I saw his hand shaking beside him. I saw his eye glistening and saw clearly how that thin sweat trailed down from the side of his forehead.

I felt something shattered. And I found my heart beating so fast.

Suddenly, Miya seemed to be so colorful and brilliant.

I was revived, refreshed, restarted. I found myself alive.

I always looked at everything with the veil of grey. Everything was monochromatic, boring, tasteless, lifeless.

And Miya was the most lifeless, boring, tasteless, monochromatic person in this world.

But suddenly.

He colored my whole world. Like a spring breeze blowing. He blew those viel away.

But my silence hurt him.

The day I had fallen to him was the day I lost him.

I couldn't follow his running. The bell had rang. I went to class giddy and uneasy. When the class was over I went to his classroom. Miya is famous amongst the second year. I was a third year. Our sections and buildings were far apart. Nor did we have the same club. I arrived at his classroom only to find him gone. He went home. I don't know where he lives. I was at loss. I didn't want to prolong this misunderstanding because I also wanted him.

I really do.

I have realized my feelings. I wanted to tell him: He was special to me since the beginning.

Love was nothing to me. It was a very dark piece of this monochromatic world. It didn't shine. It didn't glow.

But he——He brought it to me. Colored it whole.

Tomorrow came. I was very excited. Only to find he was absent.

I was irritated. I tried to ask his classmates where he lived but none of them could tell.

Miya was famous but he had no close friends.

When that became evident to me, I was lost.

I thought he had many friends since he was famous. Always surrounded by smiling people. No one even knows his family situation. I only heard pieces but none of it could be proven the truth.

A week passed. None. Suddenly, during on monday. The campus auditorium seemed to be in a very terrible mood.

I peaked around the second year. Looked for his section line, but I found no wavy blonde hair.

Miya was particularly tall. And his hair was particularly noticeable. It was blonde, long and wavy. It looked like a fluttering leaf and smooth and fluffy like the cloud.

The ceremony went like always: we sang the national anthem, sang the school hymn, prayed and stretched. But today seemed to be different. The principal with his dark suit went up the podium and tested the mike. All of us became silent. It was seldom that the principal would share a few words. Other than school events and the school year opening, in all of my three years studying here never did this happen.

"My dear students. I am sorry to inform everyone that an outstanding student of our school unfortunately passed away, on February 0, 0000, last thursday. He was a model student. He loved sports and a high achiever. But he was destined to be with God at such an early age. Miya ******, lost his life while saving a young child from an accident. He came with all he got, and left such legacy. To those friends, classmates, mentors and pears, please let us offer our silent prayers to our dear student, Miya."