
Chapter one Introduction

In the Richard's family house in country A

Mrs Richard is sitting down on a sofa, beside the sofa was a big photo frame of her late husband which she just lost to the cold hand of death after a sudden heart attack, he died two hours after been taking to hospital even his death was a mystery. It happened too fast.

Mr Richard was a businessman that does not engage in any shade business, aside been a business man he was a philanthropist, a loving father and husband to his wife and daughter. He spoilt his daughter to the maximum to the extent that she believes the world owe her everything.

He battle death in his study room after one of his business partner visited him over the loss of a business deal worth a billion euro. His condition was discovered by one of the maid that wanted to delivered the coffee he requested for before been rushed to the hospital.

Mrs Richard closed her eyes and leaned her back on the sofa beside her was her husband only sister and her husband, on the other sofa is her daughter, the heiress to Richy corporations Susan Richard, Susan's best friend Betty and her boyfriend Bob Kelly.

The Kelly's are family friend and business partners with the Richards for two decades now. After sometimes of consoling the grieved family, the family lawyer entered with his assistant carrying his brief case that contains Mr Richards will and other important documents.

Mr Johnson introduced himself to the family of his late friend and client as the long time family lawyer and also his assistant : "my purpose of coming here today as you all know is to read the will that was written and stamped by the decreased dated 12th of July, 2017. Mr Johnson proceed by reading the contents of the will as follows :-"

1. Late Mr Richard has 16.1 billion dollars in his personal account at different banks in country A

2. 50% shares of his company

3. two estates in country B

4. three mansions at different parts of the country including the one we are in right now

5. three different company's account that is meant solely for company's management.

6. and lastly a handwritten letter to the deceased wife and daughter.

Contents of the Letter

"To my beloved wife and daughter, I love you from the depth of my heart , the two of you are the best thing that has ever happened to me . I will like to ask for forgiveness from my wife for not informing her that the two estates in country B has been used as collateral to obtained loan from Harmony banks which I used for business that finally flopped. I know by the time you are reading this letter I would have joined my ancestors. I want you to know that I love you so much in this life and the life beyond."

After reading of the letter aloud, Mrs Richard was wailing and lamenting because she has lost the half of her life.

Susan stood up from her seat moved closer to her mother to console her. The two of them only has each other, now that the head of their family is gone.

Mrs Richard succumbed to fate because no matter how much she cried it can not bring back her husband. After their outburst the lawyer continued to read the remaining part of the will.

"Two billions dollars and one mansion at divine road goes to my sister."

"Two point one billion s dollar for different charity organizations that I am engaged in across the country."

"One billion dollars to other extended family of the Richards."

"Five billion dollars, 15% company's shares and this mansion goes to my wife."

"Six billon dollars, the remaining 35% company's share and the last mansion. goes to my beloved daughter which shall be handed over to her when she get married and changed her perspective about life."

"The company shall be managed by her mother until the conditions of this will are fulfilled." Mr Johnson passed round the will for verification of its authenticity.

After reading the will he brought out all necessary document that are needed to be signed by all the members of the family while he handed over to them, the check and their house documents. Immediately after this the lawyer left the mansion before the tornado that is brewing beside him burst on him.

Susan sat down fuming with anger on the ridiculous conditions set by her father before managing her father's company which has been her dream since young.

The lawyer's assistant nearly peed in his pant when Mr Johnson was reading the will because of the deadly glare from Susan. After the lawyer and his assistant left , Susan stood up with fury and leave the living room. Bob and Betty noticed the changed in the atmosphere they stood up to follow her upstairs before they can even pacify her , she closed the door on their faces before shouting from her room.

" Go away!!! I don't want to see anyone .!"

After the two of them leave the hallway they heard a loud crashed of glasses from her room. The two eye themselves and shook their heads they know better that its better to leave her alone than to irked her further, even the maids in the house are terrified of her whenever she is throwing tantrum.

One hour later, the crashing and wailing in her room died down even all the guest too has bade their goodbyes. Mrs Richards stood up with heavy heart because she was ashamed and annoyed at her daughter's behaviour.

She made her way to her room, later she called two maids to go to her daughter's room to take care of her. When the maids opened Susan's room, the room look like a bomb site everywhere and everything are upside down. Susan sat down on the floor with blood dripping from her hand.

Mary one of the maid ran out of the room to call Mrs Richard" please ma come to young miss room her hand is bleeding."

Mrs Richard moved closer to her daughter that sat on the floor looking into space, she took the bleeding hand to inspect it when she noticed the wound is not deep , she was cut by one of shattered glass. Mary went into Susan's bathroom brought out the first aid box and helped her to disinfect the wound before bandaging it.

The two maid cleared the room and rearranged everything the way it should be, they left the mother and daughter alone in silence. Mrs Richard also leave when she noticed her daughter is sleeping peacefully.

She sighed deeply and shook her head before closing the door to her room dejectedly.

She made her way the her room, immediately she entered she slumped on the bed sobbing silently while talking to herself " Why do you have to leave me alone? why? you left me your daughter too. who is misbehaving can you see now? can you see what you have turned her to? The sound of knock stopped her from her speech

knock! knock! she stood up from the bed, clean her tears away before opening the door.

"Josephine what do you want? "she asked the maid standing by her door

"Ma'am sorry to disturb you at this time. Can I talk with you ma?" Josephine asked cautiously.

"Sure come in",she moved away from the door to make way for the maid to entered her room before closing the door. She sat down on the sofa in her room while gesturing Josephine to sit too which the latter refuse.

" Madam, let me remaining standing ma."

"OK suit yourself, why are you her I don't remember calling anyone." Mrs Richard said to her.

"Yes Ma. You did not call anyone but I want to talk to ma if you don't mind ma."

"What is it you want to talk about? if its about leave you can leave just inform others to be available." she said to her with a disinterest tone.

"No ma, that is not why am here ma, am sorry to interfere in your family affairs ma but I can not help it. With the way your family took care of all the domestic staffs in the house you took us as one of your own. That is why I want to say this ma. I passed by just now I heard you crying, I know it's wrong of me to eavesdrop on you but...."

"Josephine, thank you for your concern but it's very wrong of you to eavesdrop on your boss." Mrs Richard cut in.

Josephine immediately knee down to apologized for her behavior: " am sorry ma it wasn't intentional, I wanted to inform you that we have cleaned young mistress room and some things needed to be replaced, I don't know that...that ...." she stuttered .

"Am sorry ma. please forgive this lowly servant." she continue to apologize on her knee.

" It's alright dear and stop fidgeting. You are right I was crying before you came in. Josephine you know how much I cared about my family. I don't understand why my husband will die like that just between two hours." She sniffed.

"Now look at my daughter she doesn't want to face reality. Just for her to stop been arrogant and settle down look at how she behaved." She sighed and continued " I know you all are afraid of her, I know how she has been treating all of you. now tell be why won't I cry just within a week my family has become this."she said sobbing.

" Am sorry ma." she bowed her head. "I know young miss is been childish but you don't have to take it to heart and affect your own health too. You have to give her sometime to adjust, please ma. We don't want to see you sad. You have to be strong in order to keep things right ma." Josephine said to her before standing up from her position. "Thanks for confiding in me ma, I will get back to my position."

"Thank you too Josephine, I will keep your advice and make use of it, you can go back to your duty."

The maid leaves the room and closed the door behind her. She let go of the breath she doesn't even know she is holding.

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