
Chapter 5 - Battle Plans

The next day Kazimir woke up early in the morning. The sun was barely rising above the horizon, and the air was cool. Kazimir frowned as his body felt stiff.

He looked around the village and saw that the goblins were still sleeping. Some were huddled up in groups, some sprawled on the ground around the dying coals left over from last night's bonfire, and a few were sleeping in their log huts.

Kazimir jumped down from the tree and started doing stretches to relieve the soreness from sleeping in a tree. After limbering himself up, he went into some internal exercises and regulated his breathing.

Breathing in and focusing on his stance, he went through his breathing exercises. After just 10 minutes, he felt that his body was warmed up and relaxed, so Kazimir concluded his morning routine. He felt surprised at the feeling of clarity and the amount of energy and alertness that he had after his exercises.

Kazimir traveled all across the previous world, and has learned many styles of internal and external martial arts. The breathing exercise is something he adapted from different styles, and was something that best suited his body constitution.

Kazimir couldn't find Obie from among the sleeping goblins, so he started walking to the cave. He had to continue his conversation with Josz anyway, and Obie would be helpful with what he had planned for the day.

Kazimir found a sleeping Obie in a corner of the cave. Josz seemed to be sleeping as well, but he quickly woke up as Kazimir entered the cave.

"Good morning Kazimir."

"Good morning Josz, I wish to continue our conversation from yesterday. I hope you can answer some more of my questions."

"Certainly. What would you like to know?"

Kazimir fixed Josz with a burning, eager stare, and said "Tell me about magic. Aside from being sent here by it, I don't understand it, but I'm really curious about it now. I want to know about how it's used."

"Magic is a a system of using energy that is all around us. I've heard warriors and other physical fighters convert it into a form the call Qi that they can incorporate into their bodies to improve speed, strength, and flexibility. More famously, magic is used directly by Wizards, Sorcerers, and the like to create phenomena like fireballs or teleporting teenage boys into monster-filled forests." The hobgoblin shows a crooked smile at his own words.

"Then do you know of any ways to utilize Magic or Qi?"

"I do not, never had the talent for it. Only rare individuals can sense these energies, much less control them. This does bring me to something I wanted to talk to you about though - As part of the task to improve my village's living conditions, you will no doubt confront the Kobolds that want to hunt us down. One of the larger Kobold camps around here has a Shaman. I doubt he will teach you willingly, but that would be your best bet right now to gather clues about Magic."

Josz also adds, "Plus the Kobolds from that camp are extremely aggressive towards Goblins and especially our village. Clearing them out will do a lot for improving our lives."

"I will scout them out first, and act accordingly. Can you give me authority to command the Goblins from this village? I don't want to take on large numbers all by myself, odds being even worse if I'm attacking their camp and they have a Magic-wielder."

"I've only taught Obie the Common tongue, so take him with you and he will relay your commands to the others. Right now we only have about twenty fully-grown Goblins, but with the food you brought, and if you can bring the same amount for a week, we can double our numbers easily."

"Double them? Are you wanting me to entice recruits from other villages?"

"No need, the speed of reaching maturity and reproductive abilities are the goblins' only advantage over other races. We already have many newborn goblins, and with enough food they will all be fully-grown within five to ten days."

"That's amazing..." Kazimir was a bit shocked, he was again reminded that this is a fantasy world, and that biology wouldn't be the same for all races. "We'll scout the surroundings of this village today, and I will look for more food." Kazimir thought he will need to get something edible for himself as well, he didn't want to be eating just nuts and berries all week.

Kazimir walked over to Obie and shook him awake. Obie grudgingly woke up and jolted upright, disoriented at seeing the human.

"!!!... G-gud mornin." (Good morning) Obie gets up off the ground, and slightly scowls at the low-hanging sun. It was too early for him to be waking up.

Kazimir chuckled and said, "It's morning already, get up. We have work to do." He had a weird thought that the little goblin was more likable when he was upset and not talking.

The two bid farewell to Josz and went back to the village center.

Kazimir stopped walking and looked at Obie, "What kind of tools does your village have? Are there any axes or hammers?"

Obie shook his head, "No, b-but vee yoo-use sharp brokken roks to cut s-things." (No, but we use sharp broken rocks to cut things.)

"Ok, wake everyone up, I will be showing them how to make tools. I have a few small projects for everyone to participate in."

Obie's eyes gleamed, he was excited to hear that this human would be teaching them about tools! His uncle knew a lot about human society and their language, but unfortunately he did not learn basic things like tool making or how to produce food. This was an absolute treasure for his village. They needed to grasp this chance!

"Yess!!! V-wait a bit." (Yes! Wait a bit.) Obie started running around the village and waking up the sleeping goblins. The ones who didn't wake up from his voice would receive a swift kick to their rears!

In a few minutes, the goblins were all awake and grouped together. Kaz told Obie to translate his words, and to help deliver his commands.

Kaz divided the goblins into 4 groups.

The first group was the smallest, they were weaker goblins who we had stay in the village and watch the young goblin children.

The second group was in charge of finding stone and rock deposits that would be used for shaping into tools, Kazimir helped them find a few as an example, and showed the shapes that will be needed before letting them loose.

The third group was sent to look for hemp and flax, Kazimir had seen some plants that looked like 100 ft (30 m) tall hemp back in the forest, and showed them how to remove the hemp fibers from the wood stalk. He also showed them a flax like plant, and had them collect and process those as well.

The fourth and last group was tasked with finding tree sap and animal droppings. Kaz then showed how to process them into resin that would be used later.

The four groups were sent out to complete their tasks, and only Obie accompanied Kazimir to scout the forest.

As the two were walking through the forest, Kazimir found the tracks left by a group of Kobolds. When they followed them, they were able to catch up to three dog-headed creatures that were resting under a small tree with pale-pink colored fruits hanging from its branches.

The first thing Kazimir noticed was the fruits, his stomach wasn't satisfied with last night's small dinner. Ignoring his hunger, he refocused on his prey. He made a plan in his head and whispered to Obie.

"Stay here, and when you see my signal, make a sound to distract them."

"Okai." (Okay) Obie nodded his head in understanding.

Under Obie's watchful gaze, Kazimir circled around the Kobolds. He moved quietly through the forest until he was opposite from Obie, behind the Kobolds. He readied his spear in his right hand and the shortsword in his left. Once ready, he gave Obie a signal.

"Grraaaack!" Obie let out a loud yell.

The kobolds whipped their heads in the direction of the sound. They got into a close formation and started walking towards Obie.

Kazimir quietly snuck up behind the closest Kobold, and quietly stabbed the shortsword through the left side of that Kobold's neck. The Kobold made gurgling sounds and fell with a whimper, alerting his friends.

The two living Kobolds turned around, alerted by the sounds, but it was already too late. Just as they were looking back to see what happened, Kazimir's spear was already plunging into the middle one's chest. This strike found the Kobold's heart and it died without even making a sound.

The third and last Kobold jumped back and got into a ready stance, brandishing a stone hammer. It was glaring at Kazimir and growled menacingly. Seeing a space, Kazimir kept his eyes on the Kobold, and took an opportunity to retrieve his spear.

The Kobold was wary of Kazimir, and was moved backwards, retreating from the dangerous human's prodding. It didn't make any aggressive moves, and was only looking for a chance to escape. After ducking a few of Kazimir's light thrusts of the spear and stepping backwards, it saw the human relax his stance and smile.

Thinking this was a chance to turn things around, the Kobold lifted its hammer to strike at Kazimir.

Obie had been watching Kazimir fight and take down two of the Kobolds with surprise attacks. The last dog-head was walking backwards away from Kazimir and right towards Obie. Kazimir obviously was pushing the last dog-head towards Obie. As the Kobold got close, Kazimir smiled right at Obie, this must be a signal!

Obie lifted a new dagger that his uncle gave him this morning, and used all his strength to drive it into the dog-head's back.

The Kobold stiffened at the fiery pain that came from behind. In its last moment, it peeked back, and saw a goblin with a bloody knife showing a happy smile. Why was a goblin working with a human? ...The Kobold died with a look of confusion on its face.

"Whoop! Ya-yah!" Obie exclaimed and pumped his arm in the air. This was the first time he had killed anything, and to think it was one of those hateful dog-heads made this victory even sweeter!

Once again, Kazimir felt refreshed and energized after the battle had ended.

"Good job, lets collect our prey and the village can have another feast." Kazimir smiled at the little goblin's vicious antics. He somehow found the little guy cute even though they he just murdered a creature in cold blood. This wasn't a tough fight, and Kazimir simply found himself playing around with the last Kobold after he ambushed the first two enemies. He wanted to see what Obie would do if given a good chance, and was not disappointed. The little guy had potential.

Kazimir went back to the tree and picked a fruit. He smelled it, and took a single bite to see how it tasted. It was sweet, and had the mixed flavors of peach and melon. In other words: it was delicious. Kazimir ate the rest of the fruit, and greedily stuffed some more in his bag. These were a lot better than nuts and berries.

Kazimir also had Obie pick up a spear from one of the fallen Kobolds.

A while later, Kazimir and Obie returned to the village. This time they brought all three bodies back, and the goblins were looking forward to another feast. The looks they were giving to Obie were of respect, and even Kazimir was included in the merry-making this night. Where before they acted on the elder's orders, some would now act out of gratitude.

Kazimir spent the rest of the day by again demonstrating how to handle the hemp, how to sharpen and shape stone, and helped prepare resin.

After sunset, the goblins enjoyed another feast. Everyone was again able to fill their bellies with meat... except for Kazimir. Smelling the scent of cooking meat but being unable to eat it knowing where it came from, Kazimir ate the fruit he gathered earlier. As the day was coming to an end, he swore to himself that tomorrow he would have meat! Tasty meat is necessary for his growing body!

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