
Live, Laugh, Die, Repeat: Information About The New World

Lately, on the news, things have been getting interesting. Usually, it's the same, boring news. Grey skies, cool air, nothing new. Now, though... Now, there's news of something different. A terrorist organization and cult. Worshipping an old God called Dsavia. They've performed feats that the government can give excuses for explanation.

I, an archaeologist who's been played a fool by the government like the others, actually encourages them. Maybe, with the rise of something new, it'll help us break out of this city where only a fraction of what was once the human race lives.

When I look around, I see that the others also are interested in the news and are seeing this as a possible opportunity. Especially 0587 and 0615. But, we aren't allowed to speak unless spoken to, and it's hard to talk back to someone when no one is allowed to speak either, so we don't talk.

We can't call eachother by "names", which isn't hard when we can't speak and we have numbers, not names. The only people with names are the elders, who run the city. The one in charge, we are told, is named after the God of justice, Alkin. Although, I secretly believe in the gods, and I believe that Elder Alkin is the same as the God Of Justice.

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