

I accept!

That is the answer 47 give after considering pros and cons about the offer. The flame was smiling broadly and laughing for joy and hard work in obtaining the spirit of agent 47 from Valkyrie.

The face-shaped fire moves forward and downwards several times, nodding in agreement.

[Great 47. That's the answer I want to hear. I'll tell you my name right now. I'm Gurou Eternal Being the Disaster. I am one of the Eternal Being authorized to control darkness. In the world there is light and there is darkness and only then is the world balanced, but since the World of Light is trying to eradicate all darkness, I must act before it is too late.]

[Now I'll tell you about the power I will give. Previously we empowered Hero based on what they wanted, but this time I will bet on what kind of power you will get by using roulette.]

When Gurou spoke up to this point suddenly there appeared a giant roulette. In the roulette there are many names of the kind of power 47 who do not know exactly what they mean. 47 just kept quiet and watched what happened and hoped that the power he received would help him in his mission.

[Don't worry 47. I promised to give you two powers so I'll turn this roulette twice. Now for the first power. ]

The giant roulette started spinning very fast. 47 saw the roulette turn around hoping for the best. Before Gurou made the roulette spinning 47 could see some power names like Ultraman, Super Saiyan, Psychics, Summoner, Ben 10 etc. 47 doubt whether or not what he saw is true because he started to think that Gurou was just a fake and wanted to play him.

A moment later the roulette stopped and showed the name of the power on the arrow.

Enhanced Philosopher Stone of Wrath!

Suddenly on the side of 47 appeared a red stone and the stone floated and slowly approached the 47 soul. The stone then went to the chest 47 and the red light came out of the stone and filled the his whole body. 47 can feel th change even in the form of a soul. 5 minutes passed and the process stopped.

47 could not feel the difference in himself possibly because of the form of the soul. But he understood his power. The stone gives him physical, mental, spiritual, agility, wisdom and reflection beyond human limits. He also gains the ultimate eye power that allows him to read the opponent's movements and predict the future, while at the same time he can see within 1 km if no obstacles ahead.

Gurou didn't wait 47 to understand or give him a chance to ask and continued roulette for a second time. The roulette was spinning for a longer time until it stopped and showed a name of power.

Enhanced Blacklight Virus!

This time around 47 there appeared another liquid colored black. The same process as this fluid goes into the body 47 and it absorbs the fluid and it spreads throughout the body. 47 has come to the realization that this time, the so-called Blacklight Virus is a dangerous Virus that can infect cells in the body and cause genetic mutations.

But since it was the power given to him, the virus did not cause any harm to him but allowed him to gains the power to consume and absorb the power, memory and DNA of the victim. In the same time he has the shapeshifting ability which allow him to resemble the victim he had consumed, turning his body into weapons or shield etc.

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