
Ch.2: She Travels

A pretty little witch travels the roads of the world. Sometimes as a wandering black cat, wearing a little black pointy hat (sometimes not the hat can bring about too much attention) and a tiny satual satchel with a tiny sock monkey stuffed within. Yet at other times she travels as a young girl wearing a red pointed hat (sometimes not the hat can bring about lets say unwanted attention) and a long flowing red cloak, also carrying a satchel with a sock monkey stuffed within. She seldom smiles while in human form or even acknowledges others walking by, its just too much work being nice to everyone. She is always alone in her travels unless you count her little sock monkey friend. She travels by foot, or shall I say by paw, sometimes by broom but that's a challenge in of itself. Her only desire is for the moons guiding light to take her someplace fun and new. The moon, her most trusted friend for it, has never lead her astray. Wandering the world, seeing the sights illuminated by the moons beautiful light, she weaves her magic.

Now that that intro is done and out of the way, let's get to the story.

Last we left Alyssa flying off and away from her then arguing mother and grandmother, quite possibly a flock of birds. The two elders wouldn't be arguing for long.

"Alyssa, where are we going?" sock monkey ventured a peek through his black stitched eyes. "Where are you taking us? We're too high up, you should go low and slow. It's safer that way."

Alyssa did not go low nor slow, if fact she picked up speed. There were strange sounds floating on the wind that night. It was like nothing she had heard before, no crickets chirping or owls whooting. Fly high she did, far above the tree tops. High above weary travels, spooked by shadows. Higher and higher, almost as if she could touch the moon. Yet the moon itself happily cast its rays down on Alyssa, casting her shadow down upon the world. Almost as if it wanted to declare that a witch was on the move, ready to conquer the world.

"I can hear it..." muttered Alyssa, "can you?" she strained to keep flying straight while looking down.

The wind desperately wanted to speak "It's called music, they play it for joy.", but today was not its day. All it could do today was gently blow Alyssa towards several large open tents. Seeing the white and redush tops of large tents light up by torch light Alyssa's curiosity was peeked.

"Down, down, down we must go." Alyssa mumbled while angling her broom towards the ground.

Sock monkey caught sight of what she was doing, and had a sudden sinking feeling come over him. "If she continues at this rate she's bound to fly right into a tree."

sock monkey was right, for that is exactly what Alyssa had done. BANG! BOOM! THUD! She flew directly into a rather old large weeping willow.

"Trees should have the decency to move out of the path of a witch's landing." Alyssa managed to shift half way into cat form. Effectively she looked like Hermione Granger's half human half cat creature, though only briefly as the sound of loud music caught her attention. Thankfully this unusual shift did keep her from breaking her legs or any other bones.

"Alyssa your broom...." Sock monkey muttered befor realizing alyssa had promptly kicked the tree, muttled something along the lines of "stupid tree" and had ran off towards the noice.

"People! So many people." muttered Alyssa dodging an unusually tall man wearing a long flowing dress. She managed to dodge six more people all wearing gauzy dresses. "I wonder what fabricthere dresses are made out off, its so thin and pretty."

Boom, boom, boom, a man with feathers attached to his arms, neck and back banged on a large drum. "What's that guy supposed to be an angel or a harpia?" thought Alyssa glaring hard at him, until a man with large horns passed by her. "Wow... I wonder if he's a minotaur, or a satyr, or maybe a manananggal. Though he could be an incubus, I wonder if he has wings under that leather cloak."

Alyssa steadily followed the man horned man through large crowds. People yelling while selling loose jewls, chains in all sizes and colors. there were people placing flowers in peoples in the hair of passersby. One such person places a heavily petaled flower on Alyssa's hat, tucked right into the black ribbon that wrapped her not so pinty red hat. Alyssa might have been ok with it if the flower wasn't so pink in color. with a muttering of a few words and a touch of her finger tips the flower turned a rather lovely black and red color. The people around her didn't even batt an eyelash at this.

"These peopleare either use to seeing magic, or there much more interested in everything happening within this tent." Though sock monkey suddenlytaking notice that the tent was much largeron the inside than the outside. "Alyssa, I think this might be one of those new age witch's gathering. You know the one's your granny warned you about."

Alyssa continued to follow the man with the horns, ignoring all the vibrantly colored people, even the tables filled with colorful cloth, and food. She continued to follow the man out of the tent past several large fire pits, where people were actively cooking food.

Alyssa stopped moving, and turned her head toward the sound of a sad lone violinist. She completely forgot about the horned man. The lown violinist came into sight, she was very beautiful wearing a black dress embroidered with gold thread. Her hat was pointed, though it had an odd curve to it. Quite unusual as it looked like an item you'd stuff fruit into, atleast thats how it looked to Alyssa. She failed to notic the violinist was also a witch! The horned man appeared with a puff of smoke he was standing behind many drums. Many more people appeared with puffs of smoke processing them. Alyssa did not recognizethe instruments they beganplaying. the sound was quite nice. At least until the four singers joined in. What ever spell they were attempting to perform was broken, atleast for Alyssa. "Boring!" mussed Alyssa as multiple dancers began popping up. Spinning here and there, throwing there arms up above there heads, kicking of many legs some not even belonging to the dancers as peoplebegan to crowd the tent.

"Alyssa! Large person headed our way!" cried sock monkey, getting smacked with a large fluffy feathered fan. it almost took Alyssa's hat off of her head. "We should get out of this tent soon, its starting to get crowded."

Sock monkey was right as more gyrating people flooded the tent it became harder for Alyssa to get out. She fiscally had to push several painted people out of her way as they attempted to perform tricks, more than a few were bent in unnatural ways.

Once again Alyssa found herself between tents. Large flames leaping up with the wind in large pits, while torch lights created a path to yet another large tent.

This tent was quite different there were sounds of coins being passed around accompanied by people shouting. There were animal sounds all around her mixed with the noice people often made at markets. Alyssa could barely see anything, it was packed with far to many things, and people.

"Where could she have gotten off to so quickly?" thought Mother scanning the skies.

Meanwhile Grandmother was listening to the sound on the wind. Grandmother had eyes sharper than an owls at night. it didn't take her long to find Alyssa's broom stuck in tree. "She's on the ground somewhere!" yelled Grandmother gaining her daughters attention from the sky above her. "She probably got distracted by the sounds of marriement wafting from the gypsy witch's tents."

After landing and retrieving Alyssa's broom. Mother and Grandmother began looking for Alyssa amongst the crowds. Everyone gave them a large birth. No one wanted to get in the way of these two dark angry witches. Not to say that they were angry, they just looked angry.

Alyssa spotted her grandmother and mother rather easily thanks to people not wanting to get to close to them. They both looked very angry. She turned on her heels deciding to go exploring deeper within the largly crowded tent full of goods.

The first paragraph is the original writing/story told to a child half asleep within my arms. hope you enjoy the story that continues to evolve.

Tiffany_Forristercreators' thoughts
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