
The Volunteer Wolf.

Jake came in and seen the file on his desk. A smile formed as he opened up. He read every word and looked at all the photos.

She was the girl from high school. He had never looked twice at the little wild hair redhead. He remembers stopping his guys from messing with her once but that was all the memories he had of her.

He noticed she was all lone in this world now, so it would be harder to force her into a fling. He had to have her, so this would take some thought.

Zane brought his boss some lunch.

"Zane, you looked at this, do you remember this girl from high school."

"Yes, I do. She was always being bullied but kept a kind and friendly attitude. We had science 101 together."

"If you wanted to get her what would you do?"

"Well sir, She is a rare beauty, so I would try to really get to know her. Maybe volunteer at one of the places she works at. She puts in more hours then she gets paid for at Caring Hands so I would start there." He paused then said, "Sir, please don't hurt her."

"You like this girl too?"

"No, not in that way. She helped me once in high school. She gave me her notes when I was absent for a few days so I could pass an open note test. She was nice back then, that's all."

"I see..."

"Jake, please don't do what ever your planning."

"I have to have her Zane, don't ask me why, I just have to have her. Take tommarow off I won't be coming into the office."


Sunday Jake Dressed in black jeans with a black tee shirt. His plan was to do what Zane recommended. He was going to volunteer.

As he walked in and seen all the homeless people sitting at tables it was hard for him to see the need in helping people who lived like this. Why do they not go find a job and clean them self up.

He made his way to the back when he heard a lovely voice reading direction.

"In a large saucepan or skillet, cook the beef, onion, celery and green pepper over medium heat until meat is no longer pink and vegetables are crisp-tender; drain. Add the Worcestershire sauce, salt if desired, basil and pepper. Stir in the noodles, beans, tomatoes, water and bouillon.

Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until noodles are tender, stirring occasionally"

"What are you cooking? Can I help out?"

Lillian was startled as she looked over and seen the handsome man walking through the kitchen.

"Why are you hear?" This was the last place she thought she would see him.

"This is my property and I have every right to see what is going on in it." He smile at her.

"We have till the 1st to be out. Don't think you can force us out before." She crossed her arms.

"I have no intention to force you out early. I just wanted to come see what kind of business you run here. But I can see this is a place for the lazy to come for a free meal."

"They are not lazy. They have had misfortune hit them. It takes a lot of skill and luck to stay alive on the streets. Most of these people are more kind and caring then you will ever know. They would share what little they have with a stranger."

"So you say, but you won't share your body with me to help these poor saints."

"Get out!"

Jake smirked as her furry. It made him want her even more.

"Get out you despicable low life. You think that just because you are good looking that everyone will fall all over you."

"You think I am good looking?"he smirked.

"Get out!!" Her temper was now on fire.

"Everything all right Red?" Gary heard the yelling and came to check on his angel.

"Everything fine Gary, Mr. Wolf was just leaving." trying to calm down.

"No, I wasn't, I am here to volunteer." He glared at the man who just came in.

"We don't need any help today Mr. Wolf."

"Yes you do." He grabbed an apron and put it on. "Where do I start?"

Gary was puzzled. "What do you want to do Red?"

"Take Toby back out front. Can you show Mr. Wolf were the table settings are stored."

"Sure Miss Red"

"Mr. Wolf please set up the table for serving. Gary will show you how."

"Sure" Jake followed the man to get to work.

Lillian was beside herself. She took a few deep breaths before getting back to making the Hot dish for Lunch.

Soon Jake set the table up just like Gary told him. Then he headed back to the kitchen once more.

"What's next Boss lady." He flashed his pearly whites.

She glared at him. "Can you make corn bread?"

"How hard can it be."

She just shook her head. "Come stir these pots so the food does not stick. I'll make the corn bread."

He took over the Six big pots of food. He started with one and moved on to the next then the next; while she was mixing up everything for the corn bread.

20 minutes later all the food was done. She had him help carry out all the food. She had him serve the bowl of Hot Dish while she served the corn bread.

When service was done she carried the pots back to the kitchen.

"That was easy. How about I take you out for dinner tonight?"

"Sorry, I still have a meal to cook here tonight. Thank you for your help this afternoon. You can go now."

"You just cooked a meal?"

"Yes, This is Lunch. Now I need to cook dinner. Tonight is spaghetti and garlic bread."

He could not believe she would choose this lifestyle. "What do I need to do to help then?"

He was staying. She thought for a moment then said, "Wash the dishes while I make the bread." She smiled at his long face. She was not sure what was up his sleeve but she would keep an eye on this Big Bad Wolf.

Try the hot dish it is delicious.

IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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