
Taking Step 2

"Red, I know this building is very important to you. I seen tonight what you do for these people.

I would really like to get to know you better. So let me prose this, spend thirty days as my fiancee.

Live at my penthouse get to know me better. If we end up in bed together that will be up to you. If not then that will be fine too as long as you give me a chance."

He took a moment to let it sink in. "Then at the end of the thirty days the building is all your.

If you find you like me then we can also start a little longer relationship."

Lillian listen to all he had to say. No sex unless she said so. The building would be all hers. That would save them six thousand dollars a year. Could she do it?

Jake waited patiently for her to answer.

"If, and I mean If, I say yes will Toby be aloud to come with me?"


"What would the terms of the contract be, If I desided?"

"Thirty days living together. You will be at my beck and call. Taking care of me. Which would mean you would need to take a leave of your job or jobs for the thrity days. You will make me meals and keep my place clean. You would also be required to warm my bed. But as I stayed before, sex will be up to you."

"How long do I have to up my mind?"

"As long as you want. The thirty days will start when you sign the contract. I will send it over tomorrow night at 9pm. You call when you decide."

They ate more in silence till all the food was gone. She told him she would think about it as she opened the door for him to leave. He knew he had her. It was just a matter of time before he would be inside her filling his needs with her body.


Jake walked into his office with a smile on his face. Zane had his schedule for the day.

"You have back to back meetings. one at nine am and ten am. Lunch with Susan at the Club at noon. Then another meeting at three pm."

"Zane, I need you to get a contract made up. It needs to state that party B, which is Lillian Hood will agree to live with party A , Me, for Thirty days. She will be at my beck and call. Taking care of me. Which would mean she would need to take a leave of her jobs for the thrity days. She will make me meals and keep my place clean. She would also be required to sleep in my bed. But she will decide if we will have sex."

"She was Ok with this?"

"I am letting her decide. If she says Ok then she will give back the contract signed. If she still says no then I have more work to do."

Zane rolled his eyes at his boss and friend and walked out to get to work on the document for Lillian.


"Jake I have been waiting for a long time. What took you so long."

"Susan it's only five after twelve." He hated these lunch dates but promised he would meet her once a week.

"Well Friday you missed lunch with me and I had to wait till now to see you." She pouted.

"Keep it up and I will miss more." He ordered a glass of bourbon as he looked at the menu.

"Next week is the children's hospital gala. You didn't forget you are taking me." She said sipping her glass of wine.

"I'm not taking you. I told you that I will only have lunch with you once a week till we get married nothing else. No dates or outings of any kind."

"Why not?"

"Susan if it were up to me I would not do lunch with you. I agreed to marry you only because your Father and mine made a deal. I don't like you. I want to spend my last year in as much freedom as I can get. I promised you I would not sleep with another woman once we get married but until then I will spend my time with every woman I can get my hands on."

"Silly, why do that when you could have me now."

Jake shuttered at the thought. He promised not to cheat on her but he never promised to sleep with her even after he was married. Their parents may be forcing them to marry but he would never have children with her.

"Enough Susan and because you have to bring this up every time we have lunch for the next month we will not have lunch together. If I see you at all for the next thirty days then you can kiss seeing me at all for the next year."

"I am sorry Jake. Please don't be mad."

He hated the way she wined like a four year old. He quickly ate lunch and headed back to the office.

"Zane, no more lunch dates with susan for the next month. I just can't take her anymore right now."

"Yes sir."

"Did you get that contract made up?"

"Yes, its on your desk."

"Thanks, I'll let you know if it needs anything else."

As he read through it there were only a few things that needed changed. He then decided to deliver it himself to Lillian apartment. He parked outside at eight and waited.

Soon the bus stopped and Toby and her stepped off the bus. She walked over to him leaning by the front door.


"Hi, I have the contract right here." he handed it to her.

"So I read it. If I agree I send it back signed and If disagree then I send it back unsigned?"


"Ok" she took the paper and went in. He smiled and left. Now all he had to do was wait.

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