
Day Three Part 3

Jake a Lillian walked in to the parlor arm in arm laughing at a joke Jake told her.

"Sorry we're late we were out later then we thought horse back riding." Jake said then kissed Lillian on the top of her head.

"I love ridding. I was best in my class." Susan said.

"Yes, she has been riding since she was four. You'll have to take her out next time." Mrs. McDonald said.

"Why?" Jake asked.

"Honey, we could take her next time, it would be nice to have her along. Maybe a picnic or something. We could double date." Lillian said.

Jake smiled, his girl could think on the spot. This made him fall for her even more.

Susan was stunned why would she bring a date when Monday they would be married. She was about to say something when her mother pulled her to the side.

"Remember to say nothing about the discussion we had with the Wolf's." She told her daughter.

Jake heard this this and wondered what his parents were up to this time.

He lead Lillian over to the couch to set next to his Pop.

"How did you like the garden Lillian?" Asked Pop.

"They are lovely and the koi pound was so relaxing." Lillian said.

"That was my wife's favorite place to set and read." He took Lillian hand and patted it.

"I can see why. I too could see myself on a blanket reading the afternoon away." She smiled at the man. If she would of known her grandfather she would have hoped he would be like Pop.

The group talked together for awhile but only Pop and Lillian talked together. Everyone else ignored the old man. Jake liked that these two got along.

Soon one of the maids came in and said dinner was ready.

"Susan, sit next to my father and charm him. That girl seems to have gotten under his skin and we need you to get the shares he is giving her." Mrs. Wolf said.

"But he is so old." Turning to Mrs. Wolf and winning.

"Just do it." Her mother said.

They walked in and Pop sat at the head of the table and Susan rushed in and sat down to his right.

Jack lead Lillian to the left of his Pop then sat down next to her.

His mother sat down next to Susan to help her get closer to her father.

The group started their meal. Susan then asked, "Grandpa Smith, This is a lovely home you have, are you going to leave it to Jake someday."

Pop rolled his eyes, "No, I think it will go to his wife."

"You mean it?" Susan's eyes lit up.

"Yes, Lillian would make a great Madame. She is so charming. I really hope my grandson will be happy with her." He said knowing it would upset her.

Susan started crying. "He is marrying me not that slut."

"There there Susan will talk about this later." Mrs. Wolf said patting the girl on the back. "Father why would you say such a thing."

"I only told the truth." He went back to eating.

Lillian shook her head. 'If That girl has class then she's a monkey's uncle.'

The rest of the evening went by fast and the Men went into the study for cigars and brandy.

While the women went to the parlor for tea.

"Lillian I need to talk to you. My son and Susan will be getting married soon and my husband and I have decided to compensate you for you trouble." She said pulling out a check and handing it to Lillian.

Lillian took the check. One million dollars. That was a lot of money. She could never betray someone in need even for that much money. However that would run Caring Hand for a couple of years and start the homeless shelter they were talking about..

Lillian thought for a moment then she hands the check back. "No thank you. Jake is worth more then that to me."

"Then may I asked, If Jake were already married to Susan would you leave or be his mistress?" Mrs. Wolf said.

"I would leave. We promised to be faithful to one another." I will not share a bed with a married man.

"Let's change the subject." Mrs. McDonald said. They then talked about the up and coming charity drives.

Lillian was getting bored so she excused her self to go to her room. She figured they would be staying another night so she changed into her sundress and went to find Toby to take him for a walk.


"This merger is the best thing we have done in a long time." Mr. McDonald said.

"It will help increase the profits this year by 4%." Mr. Wolf replied.

Jake sat there listening to the two men talk about work but all he could think about was the woman he wanted to be with.

Pop noticed that a girl and dog was walking in the rose gardens out side the study.

"Jake my boy,! why don't you go for a walk." He said.

Jake was pulled out of his daydream at the sound of his name. Then when he looked out side he seen her.

"I think I will Pop. See you later." He kissed his grandfather cheek and excused himself.

The other two men paid no attention to him.

When he caught up with her she was in the rose garden area. He walked up behind her and pulled her close.

"You scared me. Why are you always so quiet?" She asked.

"Lessons I guess. When I was young my mother use to say I sound like a herd of elephants. So she sent me to etiquette classes to make me a gentleman."

"Oh....Your mom offered me a million dollars to leave you." She said leaning back into his chest.

"Did you take it?"

"No, I told her you were worth more to me."

He turned her around to face him. Looking into her eyes he could see forever.

"My Mr. Wolf what big eyes you have." She said smiling at him.

"The better to see you with my dear." And with that said he bent down and kissed her.

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