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little dove (Loki x daughter reader)

You were sitting by the window of the asgardian palace staring off into space, so into your own head you didn't even hear your father come up behind you until he touched your shoulder.

"Darling are you quite alright i've been looking for you everywhere for you...you seem distant." Loki said looking down at you with concern sitting down in front of you at the window.

" i'm fine....just have alot on my mind is all." you looked up at him trying to give him a small smile to convince him your ok but it wasn't working. "cmon little dove talk to me you can tell me anything you know that" Loki gently placed his hand on your knee giving you a reassuring squeeze.

you left out a long exhale as you nod. "i want to go to college on midgard...and then afterwards i want to become an avenger", you look up at him waiting for his response.

Loki looks at you for awhile unsure what to say but then he smiles pulling you in gently for a hug. "little dove if that is your wish then i am happy with you....my only concern is that it's far from me.

You let out a sigh of relief as you hug him back happy that he wasn't upset with you. "i..um already found a pretty decent college on midgard and i want to major in (pick a major you like)." You excitedly discuss your plans with him.

Loki listens to you ramble about your college plans tearing up realizing that you were no longer his little girl anymore, you are all grown up now.

He thinks to himself he would gladly do this all over again just to be right were he is right now. He hugs you tightly not wanting to let go "i'm so proud of you dove....always remember even if no one else is i'll always be proud of you.

You smile hugging your father close as you curl up next to him just like you used to when you were younger as you conjure your favorite book into your hands. "read to me" you say handing him the book.

Loki smiles nodding opening the book of poems starting to read to you watching as you slowly drift off to sleep smiling, kissing the top of your head closing the book. "sleep tight little dove".