
Chapter 1

The biting cold wind blew in through the window, and the messy room looked like a disaster scene. A young man huddled up, trying to keep himself warm.

The curtains, blown by the wind, made a rustling sound, and occasional dry leaves drifted in. It felt as if this place had been abandoned by the world.

After shivering, Lin Han sat up from the sofa, hugging his chest with both arms. Goosebumps and hairs stood on end all over his body. He rubbed his hands together, disregarding his image, in an attempt to generate some heat.

"Damn it, what a crappy place. I'm freezing to death!" he complained. At the same time, he quickly maneuvered around the obstacles in the room and ran towards the open window. He closed the window, shutting out the cold wind. Only then did he let out a sigh of relief.

Standing by the bed, Lin Han looked at the room in front of him with confusion and disbelief. As someone with slight OCD, he couldn't even imagine that this place could accommodate anyone.

There were magazines and books strewn across the floor, clothes and pants littered everywhere, and the smell of socks wafted from an unknown location. Coca-Cola and beer cans were scattered everywhere.

Expired pizza manifested on the coffee table, and crushed potato chip crumbs buried the remote control. The DVD box of a movie was randomly stacked, and the takeout food boxes in the corner seemed to have accumulated for hundreds of years. Even the broth in the instant noodle box hadn't been poured out completely.

It was a complete mess. Lin Han felt like he had entered a living hell. He looked down at his clothes, and there were unmistakable oil stains and black spots on them. It seemed like they hadn't been washed for several days.

His mind went blank, and he muttered to himself, "This must be a dream, it must be a dream. It's so scary!"

The hands in front of him weren't his own. And this outfit definitely didn't belong to him either. Lin Han vividly remembered every piece of clothing in his wardrobe. He looked around the room and then walked to the mirror in the bathroom, reaching a conclusion: he had crossed over!

Such a significant event suppressed his little OCD. Ignoring the dirtiness of the bathroom, he fervently pinched his face in front of the mirror and then jumped up. The sensation in his body couldn't be more real.

The man in the mirror looked like a mess, with unkempt hair and a disheveled beard. However, his appearance wasn't bad. He gave off a sense of a fallen handsome guy.

Lin Han didn't know why he had crossed over, but he felt like there was something extra in his mind. Just as he was contemplating seriously, memories that didn't belong to him suddenly surged forward.

Leaning against the bathroom door frame, even though his temples throbbed, Lin Han didn't want to sit on the sofa and torment himself again. Once was enough, he didn't want to sit there again.

After sorting through these memories, he was astonished to find out that this person with the same name as him was actually a somewhat famous director, at least he used to be.

The structure of this world was extremely similar to the one Lin Han was familiar with, with only a few minor differences that made it feel somewhat familiar. At least it was still in modern times and he hadn't crossed over to ancient times.

At this time, China and the United States were on par, and with the improvement in living standards, social entertainment became the focus of attention. Movies, music, literary works, and art thrived, but there were rarely any familiar people in Lin Han's memory.

According to the memories of the original owner, every dynasty from the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, to Qing existed, but Emperor Taizong of Tang, Emperor Taizu of Song, and Emperor Chengzu of Ming were completely nonexistent. The Four Great Classical Novels also existed, but the poet who wrote "床前明月光" (The Moon Shines Bright Before My Bed) was called Li Du.

He didn't know where history took a turn, as almost half of the historical figures seemed to have changed. Talented individuals emerged in each era, leading in their respective fields for hundreds of years. However, Lin Han was unfamiliar with the stars in the entertainment industry, and all the books in the bookstore were classic ancient works that Lin Han was familiar with. He had never even heard of modern and contemporary literary works.

With a prosperous economy, there naturally came a flourishing cultural and artistic scene. Every industry had outstanding representatives, and outstanding works were as plentiful as crucian carp in the Yangtze River.

As a graduate of the Drama Department at the Huaxia Academy of Drama, the original owner became an assistant director for a famous director as soon as he graduated. Last year, he even had a stroke of luck, taking over the directorship of a sci-fi blockbuster, "Breaking out of the Solar System," adapted from a best-selling novel. The film had a production cost of nearly 300 million RMB, but its box office revenue was less than 50 million RMB, and it only had a rating of 4.8!

Normally, a film would need to earn three times its production cost to start making a profit. However, the box office revenue was less than one-sixth of the production cost, and the investor, Candy Entertainment, had to sell off their underwear. They ended up filing for bankruptcy.

As a result, the original owner became a unique and eye-catching figure in the entertainment industry, someone who single-handedly destroyed a company, a true star of disaster.

No investment company was willing to hire the original owner as a director, and no film crew wanted him as an assistant director. Even when the original owner condescended to enter the television industry from the film industry, there still weren't any organizations or crews willing to hire him. His reputation as a disaster extended for thousands of miles.

Even various entertainment magazines and gossip shows would occasionally drag the original owner out to criticize him. They would highlight things like the top 10 most loss-making films and the most overrated directors. Eventually, his reputation became so bad that even his alma mater wanted to revoke his diploma.

After integrating all his memories, Lin Han couldn't help but want to complain. This life really was like a drama. He achieved success at a young age, only to face a sudden downfall. Now, he had become someone who only knew how to numb himself with alcohol every day.

Long-term alcohol abuse had left his body in a sub-healthy state. His skin was abnormally pale, his hair long and unkempt, and his beard to compensate. If he were to walk on the street, he would definitely look like a sharp guy.

Lin Han didn't have grand ambitions. He just wanted to be a peaceful and literary youth for now. At the moment, surviving was the most important thing.

His stomach grumbled, but Lin Han couldn't eat anything in this human hell of an apartment. He rolled up his sleeves, ready to tidy up the place.

This place was not suitable for human habitation at all. He couldn't stand it!

He found a garbage bag from his memories and picked up the trash on the table and floor, then threw his clothes and pants into the washing machine. He would wash the socks and underwear separately.

He disposed of the pizza box and poured the soup from the instant noodle box down the drain before dealing with the chip crumbs. He put all the potato chip snacks into a garbage bag, and another garbage bag was used to collect the takeout boxes.

After cleaning up the large pieces of trash, he picked up a broom and started sweeping the entire room, cleaning up every bit of paper, dust, packaging bags, peanut shells, biscuit crumbs, and soda can rings. Nothing was left behind!

Once everything was clean, he opened the door and took the tightly packed garbage bag outside to throw it in the hallway trash can. He also took the opportunity to take a look at the blue sky of the capital.

Cleaning alone wasn't enough. He had to wipe the coffee table, windowsill, bedside table, cabinets, and sofa with a cloth, and then use a mop to clean the floor spotlessly.

The washing machine rumbled continuously, and Lin Han felt a little resentful. The first thing he did after crossing over was to clean the room. Did he really have the attributes of a cleaning worker?

The sound of a ringing phone came from somewhere. The inexplicable melody was pleasant to the ears. After rummaging around in the crevices of the sofa backrest, Lin Han finally found the phone.

There were three missed calls and several messages on it, all from his former agent, Chen Jiaxuan. As a senior entertainment agent, Chen Jiaxuan was undoubtedly successful. She had made two kings of the music industry and an actress famous. However, her only failure was with Lin Han.

"You better answer the phone quickly. Don't play dead with me. It's been a year of despair. Now it's time to start working again!" read the contents of the message. Seeing this, Lin Han could imagine the furious expression on Chen Jiaxuan's face. Even though the original owner didn't have any money to pay the agency contract anymore, she still occasionally cared about his life and would bring food to visit him.

Receiving a beautiful woman's favor was the most difficult to bear. As an onlooker, Lin Han naturally sensed something fishy. He didn't know how to face Chen Jiaxuan for the time being, so he pretended not to have seen the messages. He could delay the matter for now.