
Chapter 1- New School

It's a mild weathered autumn morning in mid September in the city of Chongqing, the early song birds chirped and tweeted and the morning sun shinning high in the already bright sky. Though the morning was still young, the streets has already become a bustling place. 16 years old Qiao Luo Sheng have yet to wake up and clock by her bedside is ticking loudly for her to wake up. Luo Sheng grumbled unhappily and turned off the alarm while forcing herself up. She swung her legs off the bed and put on her slipper, stilling yawning and walked to the bathroom across the hall.

After brushing her teeth and combing her hair in her usual wavy style, Qiao LuoSheng walked downstairs to the dining room. There is already food on the table and her younger brother had already started on breakfast, so not waiting for her parents to come she sat down. It seems like her parents are especially excited for her first day because today Luo Sheng saw that her mother has put raw jellyfish on table for breakfast. It has always been her favorite dish for breakfast. Luo Sheng reach for a piece of cut jellyfish and dipped it in the seafood sauce nearby. She popped the piece in her mouth and savored the taste.

Her parents came to the table just as she was about to get up. Luo Sheng ignored them and walked into the kitchen and put her empty rice bowl in the sink. She has just woke up and Luo Sheng has never been a morning person, so ignoring people in the morning was normal for her. Qiao LuoSheng put on her backpack and walked herself to school. The new school she's attending is a famous private school called East Sea Academy, attended by all types of talented young masters and young mistress from around China. There are a few who got in by scholarships like Qiao LuoSheng who came from a common family background.

The academy's courtyard is big, As Qiao LuoSheng toured the place, she found that the courtyard is one of the best she's seen here. Just as Luo Sheng was about to step into the courtyard the bell ranged for first hour. She turned around and hurried towards her homeroom, Room A-2. As she walked into the classroom, Luo Sheng found that many of her classmates have already tooked their seats.

The teacher, a middle aged man with neatly combed hair stood up and adjusted his glasses before walking to the front of the class. "Ok students, go to your seats and be quiet. We have a new student joining us today," he said. "Please welcome Qiao Luo Sheng, a new transfer student." The man gesture towards QiaoXue who's standing near the board.

Luo Sheng smiled and bowed light, hoping to making a good impression on her new classmate.

"Hi, I'm Luo Sheng," she introduced herself. "Please to meet you all."

Many murmurs can be heard around the room after her introduction. Most of the comments from the guys are friendly, while the females' were rude and arrogant and only some were friendly comments. Qiao LuoSheng looked around the room for an open spot and a boy's voice called out to her. "Over here!"

LuoSheng turned to the voice and saw a smiling boy wearing a thin white jacket over his academy uniform of Silver and Gold. He have a skin that's smooth and white like porcelain and stylish chestnut brown hair. The boy looked at her with smiling brown eyes and smiled.

"There's a open seat here."

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