
Kai Arnold Lewis

Kai Arnold Lewis is a 14-year-old teenager who enjoys eating out, donating blood and glamping. He is Intelligent and creative, but can also be very overly-competitive and a bit unfriendly.

He is Japanese. He is currently at school. He is allergic to milk. He has a severe phobia of bees, and is obsessed with bottled water.

Physically, Kai is in good shape. He is average-height for his age with walnut skin, pink hair and brown eyes. He has a tattoo of a waterfall on his lower back.

He lives in a middle class neighborhood. His father walked out 8 years ago, leaving his mother, a legal secretary Catrin, to look after him.

Kai goes to Bash Street School, where his favorite subjects are chemistry and biology. He loves his teacher Mr Hill but hates Mr Cole whose interests include speaking in a really annoying voice.

Kai's best friend is a teenager called Nico Campbell. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Tamara Hart and Donald Hutchinson. They enjoy playing games together.

Tell me what yall think of this character. He just came out of a random generator.

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