
Is age real a matter of concern?

It happened at the most unexpected moment. Yes i wanna make you all know about one of the most beautiful things that has happened to me

It was when i was 19 studying in first year. A dramatic care free girl with no intention of falling for a man. But God had something else in store. Once we came to know that a new teacher has been appointed to teach us online. We were excited . And finally the day arrived he made us all join and everything started happening. Days passed and he decided to leave that college. But not me. He started commenting on my status etc. And finally let me know that he likes me. I needed my time. We were mad in care for each other. I started feeling something for him and I wanted him to keep talking to me. And finally confessed my emotions. What next? well i know society won't accept the fact that he's aged. But who cares? I don't and will never ever.