
Abyss of Grief

On this particular day, the ephemeral blue sky had turned dark, and cloudy, and the sun was bloodied.

The once glorious empire of Sparta along with all of its vassal states had been destroyed.

Greece, Thebes.

The city of Thebes, Sparta's most powerful ally, the city of wealth and trade, had been eradicated from the maps of the world. The entire city stood in shambles, their lands ravaged by fire and molten lava.

The screams of the mothers who had lost their kids and children who had lost their parents could be heard, like a melodious symphony.

The massive palace, had been completely destroyed and at the center of the city, two figures stood with murderous expressions on their faces.

The first was the figure of a tall and handsome red haired male, who levitated in the air like a supreme deity. His arms were folded and his body was wrapped in a pure golden divine robe.

The second was a tall muscular man, built like a tank. He wore the skin of a lion on his robes and was covered in divine light. In his hands was a stone club that was soaked in blood.

They walked towards a group of horrified figures sprawled on the floor with murderous intentions. In the midst of the horrified figures was the corpse of an old man dressed in golden armor.

He was positioned on his knees, with a long sword pierced through his mouth to the back of his head, and another sword lodged deeply into his brain.

The king of Thebes had been killed in the center of his own city, with his descendants about to join him in the underworld.


"Hercules!!!! You monster!!! You will not get away with this!!" A blonde haired beautiful woman in tattered robes was holding unto the corpse of a nine year old girl who had a sword pierced through her body cried out in grief.

Her eyes were swollen from crying, her lips bloodied, and she had a sword pierced into her back. Behind her, were two youths with terrified expressions.

One had his arm torn off from his body and the other had lost a leg.

"Silence woman!!! How dare you speak to a God of Olympus in this manner!" The man with the stone club walked towards the grieving woman and looked down on her condescendingly.

"I have ascended, achieved apotheosis, stepping into the realms of the divine!! My journey as a God requires that I rid myself of my mortal shackles!" He spoke, as the murderous gleam in his eyes intensified.

He dropped his metal club, walked towards the woman and grabbed the two youth behind her.

"No!!!! Stop!!!! Please no!!!!" She roared and cried, but her wails fell on deaf ears.

The man's face morphed into a devilish one, as he ripped apart the bodies of whom were once his sons into pieces.

"No!!!!!" The woman cried out and puked out blood, her pupils lost color and she collapsed to the ground, seemingly losing her mind in the abyss of grief and sorrow.


Meanwhile, the red haired male stood in front of a familiar figure, currently sprawled on the ground, hugging two lifeless bodies in his arms, while shedding tears. His skin had turned pure white, like a ghost, his eyes reflecting immense guilt, sorrow and pain.

A huge gash was on his chest, as blood spurted out in jets. Behind him, the red haired male laughed hysterically, as he walked towards him. Instantly, the white skinned bald figure was seized by a telekinetic Force, as his body was lifted up with a simple gesture from the red haired male.

"Let me go!!!" He roared out and struggled, but the telekinetic hold on his body was like an iron clamp, unwilling to bend nor let go.

"Hahahaha!! What happened to the fearless hero of Sparta?"


The man laughed hysterically and waved his finger. Instantly, the bald skinned male was smashed into the ground, as a large crater formed.

He puked out blood instantly, as he felt his bones creak and shatter, piercing into his organs.

Without any time to rest, his body was once more raised into the air.

"Anyway, it is time for the great General of

Sparta to meet his end; an end befitting a person of your caliber." The man smiled murderously and began to levitate in the air.

Raising his hand, multiple huge metallic chains burst out of the ground and bound the body of Kratos.

The next second, a huge beam of lightning, like a large dragon descended from the ground onto the body of Kratos, swallowing him whole.


Meanwhile, Astylos was flying towards his home at near sonic speed. His senses seem to pick up on something, as his brows furrowed and his heart rate increased drastically.

After a few moments, he reached Thebes and upon arrival, he was shaken to the core. His once beautiful home was now in cinders, razed to the ground and consumed by larva.

Seeing the place he once called his home utterly destroyed to its foundations tears began to stream down his face. He gathered courage and rushed into the ruins, to search for his family, or what remained of them.

He landed right in the middle of the ruins and turned around only to witness a scene that would forever be etched into his mind.

His grandfather killed brutally, his brothers, who were torn limb from limb and his sister who had a huge gash on her abdomen. He saw the dried up tears on her cheek, as a nerve wracking pain assaulted his heart.

Immediately, he dropped to his knees, as tears flowed down his face uncontrollably.

He turned his head once more, only to see an event that would scar him eternally.

His father, his hero, his role model, stood in front of his mother who was currently sprawled on the ground piercing her body with a long spear.


The next moment, a beastial roar reverberated across the entire landscape, accompanied by a massive wind, a powerful surge of energy, drawing the attention of the two Gods who turned around only to see Astylos whose entire body was encased in a ferocious energy cocoon.

A/N: I hate writing these types of scenes🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

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