
fishing with my mom

Please remember to vote for me because this book is participating in WSA 2023. Add it to your library. Comment on it. Once upon a time, a very, very, very long time ago, a Prince, the most popular, most handsome and wealthiest was betrothed to the current-day Lilith. She used to be a common maid, a nobody, who had found favour in the eyes of the Prince and love from the Prince charming. Her name used to be Lilian, the whore whom the Prince abandoned for another while being a few weeks pregnant for her dearest Prince charming. She was ready for vendetta and vengeance; she was ready to bring down the Prince and his new wife, the unreasonable woman, who snatched away her first love from her and their unborn child. She became so thirsty for blood that she became the first vamp that ever lived and that is still living. She was prepared to kill, but she decided to wait so that she would show her child how to deal with men by locking her daughter away from the sight of men for centuries until her daughter betrayed her and fell in love with a man. Please, remember to vote for me. Thanks and God bless.

Bestwriter · Fantasy
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14 Chs


The next day, two days after Lilian got raped by her Fiance, the crowned Prince of the human Kingdom.

She woke up at her usual time and was about to begin her daily routine when she heard a knock on the door.

"Not again." She muttered to herself as she sluggishly rolled out of the bed, stood up, yawned and checked if she was still naked, but she wasn't.

The knock came in again, and she quickly reached her door and slightly opened it to see if it was Goliath because she sent for him again this morning through her crystal ball.

Goliath owns a crystal ball too but no one knew how he got his and Lilian has never bothered to ask him.

The person that was outside her room was about to knock again for the third time when Lilian finally opened the door.

It was Adora, she is the newest maiden in the Palace, her father brought her in when she had refused every suitor that had come for her hand in marriage.

She is twenty and a very obedient maiden. She has been clingy to Lilian since her arrival and Lilian likes her too.

"Good morning ma'am." Adora greeted, bowing her head as a gesture of respect.

"Adora," Lilian called.

"Ma'am," Adora answered.

They did it two more times before Lilian asked,

"How many times have I called your name?"

"Three," Adora replied.

"And how many times have I told you to stop calling me ma'am?" Lilian asked with a glare.

"Countless," Adora replied.

"Good. I have told you on several occasions to stop calling me ma'am. I don't own any business neither am I from a noble background, why do you keep calling me ma'am?" Lilian asked.

"Because you are the head maidens here," Adora replied.

"Head servants..." Lilian gestured for her to come in.

She heaved out a loud sigh as Adora walked past her before asking.

"Just call me, Lilian," Lilian instructed.

"Okay," Adora said.

"Why are you here?" She asked Adora.

"It's because of the Queen," Adora replied.

"I don't understand. How about the Queen?" Lilian asked.

"Remember you asked me to run an errand for you last night but I didn't," Adora explained.

"Why couldn't you?" Lilian asked.

"The Queen couldn't remember seeing you yesterday and she was looking disoriented."

"What do you mean?" Lilian asks.

Adora raised her head to see Lilian's face and said,

"I think it's better you go see things for yourself."

"Why didn't you report to me last night?" Lilian asked.

"I came here yesterday but your door was locked. I sensed the presence of a man. I thought it was the Prince, so I went back. I didn't want to disturb you." Adora replied and cleared her throat twice and then mockingly cleared her throat.

"Okay. You may leave. I just woke up, I have to properly prepare for the day first." Adora said, holding the door open for Adora.

"There is something else."

"How about Goliath?"

Adora and Lilian said together respectively.

"I was about to tell you about him," Adora said.

"Go on," Lilian said.

"He is not with the Prince and not in the guards' chamber too.

What is going on?

"Are you sure?" Lilian asked.

"With my life," Adora said, placing her right hand on the left side of her chest.

"Stand outside and wait for me," Lilian instructed as she walked towards the end of her room, in search of her crystal ball and balm given to her yesterday by Ma Adele.

She found the balm first and applied it on her bruises but couldn't reach the ones on her back and decided to call for help.


"Lilian?" Adora called back.

"I need your help. Come quickly." Lilian said.

Adora quickly rushes inside the room to meet the only person she considers her friend in the Palace.

"Close the door," Lilian instructed, which Adorable obeyed.

"Help me rub this balm on the bruises on my back," Lilian said.

"Woah. These are no bruises. These are wounds. Did you have an accident?.... Did someone do this to you?" Concerned Lilian asked.

"Just mind your own business and rub the damn balm there. It's none of your business. You never saw anything. Let me warn you, I shall slit your throat open if I hear a word about this from anyone, got it?" She asked.

"Yes." Adorable responded with a nod and a sad face as she helped Lilian rub the balm on her back without uttering another word.

Lilian realized that she was wrong to talk to Adorable like that, she let out a loud sigh, cleared her throat and was about to apologize when Adora said,

"I am done."

She closed the balm and handed the balm to Lilian.

"Thanks," Lilian said.

"You are welcome, Lilian. I shall wait outside." Adorable said and barged out of the room, flinging the door open without closing it.

Lilian quickly took the supplements and went outside her room to join Adora.

Lilian properly closed the door to her room before turning to face Adorable.

"Look, Adora. I am sorry."

"I know, I.was expecting that. Everyone has always been sorry to me for what they have done. That was what my father said to me before leaving the Palace after bringing me here." Adora said.

"I promise to tell you about how I got the bru....."

"Really?" Adora asked excitedly, interrupting Lilian who was laughing at her cuteness.

Now she understands the meaning behind her name, she is so cute with her big round cheeks.

"Where are we going?" Curious Adora asked.

"I don't know. Who should we visit first?" Lilian asked.

"The Queen. Seeing her first thing in the morning is a good omen." Adorable said and laughed softly.

"How about Goliath?" Lilian asked.

"No. He is big and scary." Adora said with a quirk.

"Hmm." Was all Lilian said with a smile and a nod with a shrug.

"I thought you would talk about visiting the Prince first," Adora said.

"Speaking about the Devil himself. How about we give him a visit first?" Lilian asked with a big smirk on her face.

"What is that about?" Adora asked, confused at Lilian's sudden change in mood and expression.

"Just follow me," Lilian said as they both headed to the Royal's Quarter.

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