
Chapter 4

"You shouldn't be walking alone at this ungodly hour on dark roads," Drake warned. "It could be dangerous for a lovely damsel like yourself."

"Are you a dangerous man?" she asked boldly. She knew she should have feared this stranger greeting her in the night, but there was something about the way he'd touched her in the bar. Remembering the gentle way, he'd drifted his hands up her thighs, made her feel unafraid.

"No, I'm not dangerous,at least not to you. In truth, I'm harmless."?

She paused, contemplating his words before continuing. "Then, I assure you, Mr.,?"

"McCalister, Drake McCalister." He hoped she would offer her hand for him to kiss the back of it, but she didn't. So, he held out his hand and waited for her to raise hers in kind, but she didn't comply.

"Let me assure you, Mr. McCalister. I'm never in any danger." She picked up her pace, deliberately. She was sure that her performance at the bar had stirred Drake's interest, and now that she was outside of her element, she didn't know how to react to him.

Drake walked beside her, his leisurely strides effortlessly matching her pace. "As a gentleman, I could never let you walk alone in the dark, now that we've crossed paths."

Sierra suppressed her smile, trying not to let his presence excite her too much as it had in the bar.

"Would you be so kind as to tell me your name?" Drake hoped he wasn't too forward.?


"It's a beautiful name, which suits you, but is it just Sierra?"?

"Maudet," she added.

"A French family name," Drake glanced over form as they walked. "Are you from around here?" She certainly didn't seem like the type of woman born and bred in Jadesville.

"Are you truly interested in knowing Mr. McCalister?" Sierra asked, feeling a tingle in her chest.

"I am interested in everything about you," he replied.

His voice had a huskier sound causing a tremor along Sierra's spine. His close stride beside her revealed his aim to protect.?In truth, he made her knees weak, and she used all her will to show little interest in him while walking steadily. She couldn't let him see the effect he was having on her.

"I was born here, but my father is from New Orleans. He came to Jadesville with my mother before I was born," she said.

Drake gave her a wide grin. "I'm from New Orleans."

Sierra could no longer contain her smile. "By the look of you and your friend in the bar tonight, I guessed that you were here on business from Morgan City, Mr. McCalister."

"Indeed, I am here on behalf of my Morgan City client, but honestly, my father is a tradesman who would like a train route through these parts."

"So, your father sent his infallible son to close the deal and save the day." Sierra nodded slowly.

"Well, I don't think I am infallible, but I am no amateur," Drake assured her.

Sierra met his gleaming eyes. "You must take your responsibilities very seriously."

"I am my father's advocate, among other things in the family business. I have a skill in working with people. I am representing my client in the interest of those who need the railroad. The completed route will foster and enhance the trade of goods, improving the standard of living for people in this region."

"A philanthropist? You sound passionate, but it's not me that you need to convince," Sierra said pointedly.?

"I'm passionate about many things. Perhaps, I am inclined to serve humanity," Drake countered.

Sierra stopped her stride to consider the man beneath his words.

"My apologies if I am boring you," Drake said, although he knew she was intrigued. Her haunting gaze and tilted chin reminded him of a person trying to solve a riddle.

"You've done anything but bore me, Mr. McCalister. You've impressed me." Her voice was a bit softer.

"Have I? How?"

"For starters in the bar, I've never seen anybody stand up to Wil like that." Sierra smiled.?

"William Hunter, I assume," Drake winced. "The man threw me out."

"But, you didn't fear him."

Drake nodded. "I don't scare easy."

"No. You seemingly don't." Sierra began strolling again. "I've always wanted to visit New Orleans."

"Why haven't you?" Drake walked beside her.

"Hmm, Wil needs me around here."

"William... needs you?"

"Yes, the same William Hunter who refused your offer," Sierra reminded him. "Don't look surprised that I know. Gossip travels fast in crowded spaces like Wil's bar. But don't take it personally. Wil always rejects the offer. He doesn't like outsiders. He also thinks that I might get crazy notions in my head about running away with a stranger because of all the stories I've heard about faraway places."

Sierra cocked her head to the side. "You know, Mr. McCalister, you won't win Wil over with your talk of money. He cares nothing for riches."

"Every man has his price." Drake frowned. Girard was right. William Hunter was Sierra's benefactor.

"Wil is not every man," Sierra replied.?

"I gather you know him well. May I ask your opinion of something?"

Sierra nodded.

"Should I give up now and leave town tomorrow at first light or stay and try to convince William to sell?"?

"Does it matter to you what I think? You seem to be a man of great determination. If I discourage you and tell you not to pursue your negotiations, will you heed my advice? What could I possibly say to sway you?"

"What you think does matter to me. Please do be forthcoming." Drake gave her a kind glance.

Sierra observed the glint of his eyes in the moonlight. She shivered at the keen awareness of her thumping heartbeat.

"You've caught a chill. Here, allow me." Drake removed his frock coat and placed it over her shoulders.

"Thank you," Sierra muttered. She liked the feel of his hands, touching her delicately as if she were a precious jewel.

"You're most welcome." He walked closer to her.

"If I were going to convince Wil to sell, I would tell him that he has no choice," Sierra remarked. "Change is always happening. Life is never the same as it was yesterday."

"I didn't know you yesterday. Drake rubbed his chest as if pained, wishing he'd known her much sooner.

"I see that you get my point." Sierra smiled, dazzled by his charm, and how seriously he seemed to regard her opinion. "Wil thinks I'm idealistic. He says my head is full of nonsense, and that there's nothing impressive outside of Jadesville, but I don't believe him. When people leave this place, they never return."

"Is Jadesville that awful?" Drake asked.

"For me, yes. For others who can't imagine any positive change that the future may bring, no."

"I understand." Drake found her upfront manner intriguing. "Would you like me to tell you something about New Orleans?" he asked.

She chuckled. "I would. But I might get a crazy notion and want to run away with you if New Orleans sounds very exciting."?

"If you did, I wouldn't mind your company." Drake's eyes twinkled with mischief.

Sierra's smile widened as she stopped moving in front of the sign that read, Adrienne Wade's House. "We've arrived. Home sweet home. Thank you for escorting me." She removed his coat and handed it to him, signaling the end of their conversation.

Turning away, she walked through the open doors. She didn't have to look back to know that Drake was on her heels.

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