17 Team up with Ria

I woke up very early today and decided to check up on Nix my Phoenix. 

As I got there Ivy was also there taking care of the animals. I looked at her and somehow she is just like how I met her before. A very sweet and kind person. 

She saw me and greeted me good morning and so I replied with a good morning too. 

She went back to what she was doing and so I continued walking. 

Geez… I may be really over thinking I am still examining the people I encounter… Well… It's not bad to be careful though.



My over thinking was stepped aside when I had a glimpse of Nix. 

I rushed to her and her flames got enlightened more when she saw me.

"Awww how cute. Looks like she misses you a lot. By the way you can already bring her home but don't force her to combat as she has not fully recovered." Vi said as she saw Nix's reaction.

As I got Nix with me I went up a hill where I could see the beautiful view of the sun rising with the village.

"What a beautiful site" I whisper to the thin air while Nix is resting beside me. 

Seeing the sun. I remembered when I saw mom and dad faces. It relaxed me as I remembered every word they told me even if some was a dream. 

I layed down on this place as I felt very peaceful. 



A couple of minutes passed by and I decided to go for training as I know that it will start any minute now… Oh no I forgot… I did not even talk to my teammates… Geez what a member I am. 

I hurriedly went to the hall that is the meeting place but I went by the house to drop off Nix so that she can continue her rest. 

I got there in time and every team was already starting to gear up. I looked at the board putted outside the room and it looks like our team will fight the winner from the 1st battle. 

I looked for my teammates and I saw them in a mirror with Shol, Mera, Aunt Aost, Ria, and Ryna watching the fight. 

I hurriedly went there and called my teammates El and Ryn.

I asked them their powers and Ryn was a genius and El has the powers of shape shifting into any animal form.

I said that we will plan our strategy when we find out who we will be fighting with. 

The battle has started from Alio's team and Sevan's team. Everyone is extraordinary. They haven't used weapons yet or animals are not yet present in the battle as Shol wanted to see everyone's limit first. Alio is just standing there and just uses his telekinesis also to help his team. Sevan is doing the same but also moves his hands to tell the shadows what to do. I don't know how he really controls them.

Everything was fine in the battle field. The thing that isn't was Mera was kinda acting weird about this fight we are watching. I did not bother to look at her again because it will just make me think again. 

Any minute now Mera went out. I don't know where she was going and so I followed. 

Mera was about to leave the training field when someone called my name.

As I looked it was only Ria and so I asked why she called me and why she followed me.

"I don't really wanna judge people while I haven't read their minds… But I do admit that I haven't read everyone's mind here. I just had a feeling that Mera or maybe one of us and the one's fighting inside is the spy… I am kinda confused and don't know what to do that is why when I saw you leaving the looking room I followed." Ria said. 

This may help me answer my questions Ria can help me. We can team up to answer the questions spinning into our minds. 

I think of a plan. And what she had in mind is that she needs to read everyone's mind here and we will just put the pieces together to know who the spy is. 

We went back together and observed everyone. The fight between Alio's team and Sevan's hasn't finished yet. 

We took that opportunity for Ria to read Ryna who is watching. Ria just talked with her and while doing that she reads her mind. It was a success but when Ria came back to me she said that it was not her. Ryna was innocent. 

We couldn't continue our plan because the fight was done at that moment. I had to go and also find out who we will be fighting. 

Ria said that while I am fighting she will try to read the others mind. She bid me good luck as I went to my teammates. 

I looked at the board and we will be fighting my brother's team. 

Sevan, Rolli, and Laun. This may get a bit fun as I will fight my brother. I made up a plan not only one but two to be sure. 

Sevan may be younger than me but he knows how to fight. I was about to enter the room when someone pulled me. It was Alio.

"Alio. What is it?" I asked.

He smiled before answering my question.

"Be careful there. Even though this is just a training." Once more as he finished his words he stepped closer to me and kissed me on the forehead and I can truly tell that I turned red.

"Uhmmm... O- okay I g- got to go know" I said while stuttering… Ummm… Yes? I may have feelings for him for real now… 

I don't if he truly feels the same way as I do.

AHHHH damn… Eine focus you are going to fight. Even though it is just a practice focus… 

I haven't felt like this for years. I have been living for about 23 years and this is really my first time being like this. Well I do not doubt that I may love him now.
