
Part 1: Chapter 1- Moving to St. Louis

   I'm not in the best place at the moment, to say the least. I feel like there's no choice for me anymore. Live or die? My environment chooses that for me. Rich or poor? My higher-ups chose that for me. That's why I left. I hoped it wasn't the same everywhere, so I decided to move to America, the free country.

   Well, guess what? Free country my ass. 

   There are so many judge mental people already, a lot of them talking behind my back. 'Oh, look at the wimpy Brit!', yeah, that's what I have to deal with in America.

   I work out, yes. But, I don't really have muscles. I'm basically a British pencil. My skin is... not tan, and I have flaming orange hair. Freckles litter my face and arms, and my green eyes bring the whole 'Weasley' look to life.

   My Mother and Father are both from America, but they decided to move to Europe. So, I ultimately just restarted the whole cycle by moving here. Except... now the cycle is more... gay.

   "Casper! They have Tiramisu!" My head snaps up, seeing the brown-haired boy in front of me. He has the biggest smile on his face, his hair scattered around messily. He also has freckles, but not as many as I do, his freckles are more prominent, but they only go across his cheeks and nose.

   "Ooh, sounds good, but I'm pretty full. When is your brother going to be here?" Eugene scoffs, rolling his eyes.

   "Probably when they finally genetically engineer a t-rex." Eugene's look is scornful, his face slightly red and eyes set back on the menu. "Though, I can't believe Dad actually convinced him to come! Once again, he did threaten to embarrass him at work." Eugene gives me a wink. "Threatened to bring baby pictures." I laugh, a smile lighting up my face.

   "So, family bought you a ticket to St. Louis and offered to pay for your rent for a couple of months? Sounds like a dream come true with you guy's lack of money... but we both know why they really did it." His voice trails off, making me dread what's to come.

   "Well, that spot as camera man still open at your studio?" After silence insued for a while, I finally asked. I let out s sigh, satisfied with my wording.

   Eugene laughs. "Of course! I also need help with coming up with some new productions. The rates have been going down." I sigh, looking up at him.

   "What kind of productions have you guys been going through with?" Eugene sighs, as he opens his mouth, his mouth snaps closed. His head jerks upwards, waving towards and unseen man behind me. Most likely Evan. 

   I turn around slowly. I position myself so I can see the man--about my age--dodging tables. As he reaches the table, he smakes Eugene's still-waving hand, before gracefully sitting down by him... right in front of me.

   The man has somewhat long black hair. On one side of the part it is simple and neat, combed down, short like a traditional boy's haircut. On the other side, it is long, hair falling in his face. It reaches right above his top lip.

   He has a chiseled collar bone, and his Adam's apple is visible, unlike some men's. His nose is slim,  his cupid's bow makes his face look even sharper. 

   He is wearing a button up white shirt, a vest over it. You could tell from a mile away that he is a business man, not used to laying back and talking with friends.

   You would not only know this because of his intimidating appearance, but also because of his reputation.

   He's popular. As he is the current owner of EFF (Eldric Financial Facility), that is expected. He is also known for being mysterious. People says he's rude, but is secretly soft and caring. A man made to love.

   I look around, already seeing a few girls drooling over him... great...

   "Evan, Evan Eldric." He introduces himself, sticking his hand out towards me. His voice sounds sharp, and disapproving. His eyes show the same scorn. Right then and there, my mind decides my everlasting opinion of his.

   He is both cute and fucking scary.

   "Uhm... hi." Silence commences after this, my hand barely touching his as our hands move up and down. Eugene gives me a sly smile, elbowing his brother in the ribs.

   As Evan jenks his hand back, giving Eugene a stern look that could kill a man, Eugene begins to talk. "He's Casper, as in the ghost." I put my head in my hands, feeling my face heat up. He did the same thing when he introduced me to his father. "You watched that with me when we were kids remember? Anyways, he's cute, right? I mean, look at that face!" I peek between my fingers for a moment, seeing Eugene cupping his brothers disgusted face, turning it towards me. I also see as Evan slaps his hand away.

   "If you invited me here to get me a date, you need to try harder, a LOT harder. Like, maybe a female? Oh, I have a better idea! Why don't you marry this moron and let me live in peace without a ring around my finger connecting me with a idiot!" I cringe, massaging my temples. God, his brother hates me already.