
Chapter 1 - Memories

On a clear summer night, in the heart of Saitama prefecture, something special was happening to a young boy named Raito Yagami. It was his twelfth birthday, and as soon as he woke up, he realized he had been given a gift: his memories from his past life. A life that was filled with both good and bad times, full of schemes and death. His goal of becoming God was cut short by a child who got lucky. Raito died because of one mistake, and the winner was a kid who got lucky.

After squirming in pain and discomfort for a few minutes, Raito opened his eyes and revealed a look of pure madness. Suddenly, he started to cackle in a low voice.

"I lost. I, a God, lost to some child. How... pathetic." He said to himself in a tone of self-mockery, which was not fitting for someone his age.

"Anyway, where am I, and how am I still alive?" The boy asked, sounding confused. He started looking around and realized he was in a child's room, as evident from the posters and other items in the room that were popular among young boys in Japan, such as a mecha toy, Pokémon cards, and school supplies.

The thing that shocked him the most, even more than learning that his plan had failed, was when he looked at his hands.

"I'm... I... My hands! What happened to them? They're so small! Am I a child? How did this happen? I need to think." His breath quickened, and his eyes moved erratically, as if he was either having a panic attack or thinking at a speed faster than one could imagine. He then froze, only waking up seconds later.

He laughed again, but this time it wasn't crazy or condescending; it was a laugh of joy and a little bit of relief.

"The person who uses this notebook can neither go to heaven nor hell. Who knew that this is what happens after a user of the Death Note dies? But that does seem weird. Is this meant to happen? Is there another reason I've been given a second chance? And it seems I'm in a parallel world. From what I've gathered in his, or should I say my, memories, there has never been someone calling themselves Kira or L. And there were no mass deaths of criminals. Interesting, and it seems I have the same name. Yagami Raito, the genius."

— POV change —

From the memories I've seen from this body, I can assume that he is me, and it's only just now that I've awakened my memories. Even without my memories, I still had the same personality and chose to do things the way I would do them. I am adored by all who know me and am somewhat of a social leader at my school. I have unintentionally earned the respect of all my classmates and even teachers, something that the past me was very proud of, but now that I've awakened my memories, my desire has skyrocketed.

"I, Raito Yagami, will control luck and never let it be my downfall again. My arrogance and misconceptions of the true reality will change and evolve into something that will pave my way to becoming the Absolute God of the world."

After finishing my inner monologue, I decided it was time to utilize my ultimate weapon: my planning skills. I had just recently turned twelve and had entered my first year of junior high school. I had a loving family that was relatively well off, and I also had a little sister who happened to have a case of eighth-grader syndrome. I had previously had a good relationship with her, and she seemed to idolize me.

My ultimate goal had not changed, but I had. I was no longer under the influence of the Death Note and could think clearly. Something I hadn't noticed until now was that the Death Note was slowly corrupting me. Thinking back on my actions, I couldn't help but feel that there was a more effective way. I could have been more discreet and slower with my approach, something I would have done if not for the Death Note's corruption. I had never been such an arrogant person until I obtained the Death Note, which could just be because the power corrupted me. As Lord Acton said, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

But I doubted that, seeing as how I was away from its influence. I could look back and see how out of character my actions were. I didn't regret my actions as that would be futile, but I did dislike the idiocy of my past self and hoped I had learned from my mistake.

-author note-

Hi author here, I haven't seen death note in a while but still tried to emulate his personality to the best of my abilities. If you have any advice then please to write it in the comments, I would greatly appreciate it. Chapter length will be around 800 to 1200 words as I'm just writing this for fun and can't sit still and write for too long without losing passion.

This will have a dimensional chat group and it's inspired by akikan40 but will be completely different. I want to write a more serious story focusing less on a harem and more on schemes and intellectual battles, just like in deathnote.

Oh and for everyone confused with his name Light yagami in Japanese is actually Raito Yagami as Light means Raito in Japanese, and the surname comes first in Japan.

-spoiler alert-

The characters that will be in the chat group at the start are:

Yagami Raito (MC)

Joseph joestar (when he's first introduced)

Meguru bachira (whilst he's still in blue lock)

Yue (arifureta, still trapped in the dungeon)

Rui Tachibana (before the story starts)

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