
Chapter 1


As the soft glow of the morning rays filtered through the gaps of the blinds into the room, Diya Ames stirred awake, enveloped in the cool darkness of her bedroom. She reached a groggy hand from beneath her cozy blanket to silence the persistent blaring of the alarm clock perched on the headboard, the digital display confirming what she already knew—6:00am.

20 minutes. She thought, resigned to the inevitability of the new day, Diya rolled onto her back, closing her eyes momentarily to steel herself for the impending departure from the comforting warmth of her blanket cocoon into the chilly emptiness of the room that awaited her.

She hesitated, unable to shake off the feeling of unease that accompanied the prospect of embracing a new daily routine, a sense of reluctance settling over her like a heavy fog. Naila's words echoed in her mind—'Get a job'. Not that she needed one. She had a cushy small business which paid her bills and didn't require her leaving the confines of her apartment.

Change had always been a daunting concept for her, especially when it arrived unannounced, without giving her the opportunity to steadily acclimate. Like the swift transition from university life to the uncertainties of post-graduation existence.

Reluctantly, Diya unwrapped the blanket around her, allowing herself to acclimate to the cooler air enveloping her skin, like a pet fish moving into a new home. Although her time in university had proven very dynamic, she at least knew to expect change with each semester and despite that, her routine stayed pretty much the same.

She knew she would always have to be up by 8:00am, out of the shower by 8:30am, dressed by 8:50am, makeup done by 9:30am, out the door by 10:00am, in her first class by 10:45am and back home by 6:00pm or 11:00pm if Naila had anything to say about it. Her childhood friend was the only one allowed to disrupt her routine. As long as she was around, it didn't bother her as much.

She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and rose to her feet, her muscles protesting the abrupt disruption of their slumber induced inertia. She yawned as she stretched her arms, twisting her torso left then right before turning on the LED strips adorning her ceiling.

Guided by the faint light, Diya made her way to the bathroom, shedding her pajamas along the journey. The harsh glare of the bathroom light greeted her as she flicked the switch, momentarily blinding her as she tossed her pajamas into the laundry basket.

Glancing at her reflection as she reached for her toothbrush and toothpaste, Diya noted the telltale signs of a late night—the faint shadows under her eyes and the subtle bloating from the previous evening's celebratory indulgences upon Naila's insistence. Shrugging off the remnants of fatigue as she brushed her teeth, she resolved to remedy her appearance with a longer than normal shower and self-care routine.

Turning on the shower, Diya allowed the water to reach a soothing temperature as she took a fresh towel from a cupboard and hung it to warm up on the heated rail beside the shower cubicle.

She stepped into the shower, reveling in the warm cascade enveloping her as she rehearsed the steps of her new routine for the day ahead. Today, she decided, her outfit would be dictated by her makeup—a small gesture to assert control over the unfamiliar territory of her impending job.

Through the fogged glass of the shower cubicle, Diya squinted to read the time displayed on a small Bluetooth speaker mounted on the wall. 6:15am. Determined to complete her slightly altered morning routine with precision and efficiency, she set a mental deadline for herself—finished with her shower and after-shower care by 7:00am, finished with her makeup by 7:40 and dressed by 8:00am. She didn't have to be at work until 10:00am, but it's better to be safe than sorry, she had decided. After all, the journey into the unknown of her novel routine demanded nothing less than her utmost focus and preparation.

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