
Bleak Future

Late night, Ye Xinghan's courtyard.

Ye Xinghan and Gyutarou sat together on the gazebos right in front of Ye Xinghan's personal room.

They currently had a lavish dinner containing meat, expensive vegetable and fruit.

Gyutarou ate it with gusto, while Ye Xinghan only ate a little bit. 

He, who has the palate of modern world, felt the dishes were lackluster even if it was cooked by the best chefs in Glory City.

On the contrary, this was the best dinner Gyutarou ever had. So he couldn't be blamed if he acted a bit disgusting.

"And that's all that happened at the meeting." Ye Xinghan said while putting down his chopsticks.

He told Gyutarou the entire event regarding the emergency meeting from start to finish.

Actually, Ume wanted to told everything personally to Gyutarou. But she was snatched by Ye Xiao, Lu Yingmei, and Ye Qingyu trio to had dinner with them.

Ye Xinghan, out of pity decided to ate together with Gyutarou because he was pretty much neglected by everyone.

Gyutarou also stopped eating when he saw Ye Xinghan finished talking.

"It went better than I expected." Ye Xinghan calmly said, "It won't be an overstatement to call her a princess now. Hahaha.."

"I always feel sorry for her because I couldn't make her happy." Gyutarou lamented with sad eyes.

"You have done an excellent job to keep her safe. A lot of people would give up and spent their days aimlessly should they suffered like you." Ye Xinghan said, "Don't mind it too much, those days were already over. Now you have to shoulders much more important job."

"Of course you won't freeload me for nothing, hahaha...." Gyutarou laughed, he continued "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"I want you to be my shadow, I want you to do dirty works in my stead. My identity were too important. The bloodline alone is a kind of morale support for the common masses. If I was exposed doing crime, then the consequences would be really dire." Ye Xinghan stood from his chair as he walked towards the small lake in front of gazebos, "You need to be strong as fast as possible, for our enemy are terrifying beyond your imagination."

"So powerful that even the Snow Wind Family couldn't do anything?" Gyutarou asked curiously.

"Hahahaha, even a million, a trillion, a billion of such family isn't enough to scratch his skin!" Ye Xinghan laughed darkly.

Gyutarou heart beat went up by a lot. He suddenly felt regretful to join Ye Xinghan's boat, "How do you even offend an enemy like that?"

"I am not worthy to make such figure feel offended." Ye Xinghan calmly said, "Forget it, telling you too much information won't do anything good. But you should realize that we don't have much time, as our life and any other living beings are in danger."

"Wtf? Are we going to fight against a god?" Gyutarou asked skeptically.

But Ye Xinghan didn't reply the question, instead he said "Enough about this topic. We currently have a short term objective that we must achieve at any cost."

"Sigh okay, what is it?"

"Destroy and uproot Sacred Family."

"Pppfffttt." Gyutarou spit his tea out of his mouth, "Are you being serious?"

"I don't have the mood to joke around. Do you know that whenever beasts horde happened, the Sacred Family is always the only one who don't have casualties?"

"Really? That's weird."

"Right. Anyone would fight to death if their homeland is in danger of being exterminated. But that's not the case of the Sacred Family.

Moreover, after every demon beast horde, Sacred Family's strength always went up by a notch. They were initially a small ordinary family around 40 years ago, but now they can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Snow Wind Family."

"In short, you are afraid that Sacred Family will replace the Snow Wind Family as the highest authority?" Gyutarou found the loophole and asked.

"I will gladly closed my eyes if it were any other family that were more capable than our family. But, we must never let it happen to Sacred Family." Ye Xinghan eyes glinted as he stared right at Gyutarou eyes, "Do you know why?" He asked with chilling voice. He didn't wait for Gyutarou respond as he continued,

"Its because the Sacred Family and the Dark Guild are in cahoots!!" Ye Xinghan said while gritting his teeth.

Gyutarou was petrified as if he were struck by lightning. He didn't dare to believe that one of the strongest family was actually cooperate with terrorist that everyone hates!!

"This.. this.." Gyutarou stutteringly said.

"This is a verified information only known to me. A hundred percent fact!" Ye Xinghan firmly said.

"Our time are short, we must get strong as fast as possible. Approximately, we only have 7 years of relaxing time before chaos break out within and outside Glory City!"

Hearing Ye Xinghan, Gyutarou woke up from his earlier fright and firmly nodded his head, "I will do my best!"

Ye Xinghan smiled when he heard it, he took out a scroll from his ring and gave it to Gyutarou, "This is 'Hundred Jade Ancient Code'

It can make you more sensitive to danger and poison, it can fasten your reflex and dexterity.

In short, your attack speed will be much faster than before.

You will temporarily practice this technique until Black Gold Rank!"

Gyutarou only looked silently at the scroll before receive it. He took a deep breath and bowed once more.

"Save your time of being grateful, instead show me through the result." Ye Xinghan said, he continued "You are dismissed."

Gyutarou nodded and walked back to his appointed room.

Ye Xinghan only looked at his back silently.

'Nie Li, you must return in this life time!'

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