
A World

Humans lived in peace. They hunted for food and build their homes. Civilization grew faster than anyone would have ever imagined. Along with the growth of man kind, came the growth of Deltas. A group of humans with a longer life spans and abilities. These abilities are not able to be used until a Delta turns 10. Then one can do want they want. Most stay in hiding do to the fear they have for the growing number of humans. Others go on a killing spree to try and stop the exponential growth of the Homo Sapiens. The industrial revolution left Deltas with little land to live off of and without that land they would have to live with the same humans that are out to hurt them. That is where the Light and the Shadow come. To very powerful Deltas will soon emerge into the world and save their kind. The legend has been spread from generation to generation in hope that one day it will come true.