

After years of war, they where done, they have given up.

Why you may ask?

Because it's been 500 years already.

The people continue to grow more tired of this and there comes a religion after 500 years of war.

A satanic cult.

people started to lose hope in god and started to worship satan who they believed would put a end to this.

After more than a month of worshipping, someone finally answers.

They said to end this war after they sacrificed a particular girl.

Everyone searched and searched for months and finally found a saint, absaint who'd never lose faith in god. The people didn't even flinched a bit and brought the girl, who then was only 13, in a horrific way to the sacrifice pillar.

You want to know what they would do to make the sacrifice how the mysterious being wanted ?


So they did, the tortured the girl in various ways the being wanted she was s.a'd for years and tortured at the same time ,and after 5 years of all the torture she unfortunately gave up on living.

She gave up on life and then…she was brought to the being.

But then the unexpected happend… She ran away!

She felt the demonic energy coming and in like one click she realized she was tortured to her lowest only so that she could be a offer to a devil.

But she refused to accept that and ran away because she still believed in god.

So she ran and ran as far as she could go… till she saw a castle and people on horses.

She immediately ran up to those persons and asked for help but her voice was so ragged up she couldn't even talk.. she couldn't even let a tear come out from that swollen face of her.

But when the person saw her, they came in a second, luckily he catches her because she just fainted.

That person seemed worried about her and tells his comrades to bring her to somewhere.

When she woke up she grunts in pain ,looks to the ceiling and stares in shock.

Not being to comprehend the situation she panics and try's to move but when she tries she feels an unbearable pain over her body like needles going trough her body and being burned. She heard a sound and there where two men dressed pretty fancy…

To be continued…..