
Chapter 10 - A new found. (Re-written)

Then silently entering the room from the window where dim light entered his room from the window while he could see Mikan figure sitting on the bed looking a little tired while having a frown on her beautiful face, due to the moonlight her hair shone bright like a silver river from the sky, Allen chuckle which startle her as she turned to find Allen sitting behind her as he was smilling with the look 'Why are you in a boy room at this time.'

At which Mikan had nothing but a bit resentment as she pouted and looked at Allen with anger as she spoke "Hmph, you are the one who sneaked away from the home at such time while went missing for 3 to 4 hours."

"When, I was just a little worried, so I ended up waiting for you at your room, but here you are bullying me again to cover your own mistakes like this."

Listening to her grieved voice Allen could only smile wryly as he bowed and begged "I am sorry Mikan, it's my fault so please don't hate me for that."

"Uso Desu." (/* Literally mean it's a lie.*/)

Mikan smiled cheekily as she rushed out of the room like a frightened rabbit while Allen stay their looking at retreating figure with an faint smile.

Haha! Really cheeky one!

Shaking his head Allen lay down on his bed while closing his eyes as he fall into to slumber, Allen open his eyes and found himself a different dimension this time there was a cage made up of silver in which a figure of a girl, if one would look closely he would fine that the girl was mini version of the Succubus Alan had silent.

Half blood eyes open up as it look at the figure of the boy standing in front of him with anger, resentment and various emotions she didn't know of till yet. She knew she should have died the moment she was stabbed by that silver lance, but she was still here, alive and well.

"Why! don't you kill me, you should know that I had killed several humans past few years and I have killed many infant to retain my beauty."

"The special ability I have is something which judge other's and Imprisoned them to a different dimension where they can repent for their actions, while it seem the system has not judged you bad enough for self repentance, given even I can tell, you were controlled by something right."

"Why? why you looked at me like this, why not resent me or curse me for my actions, given whatever reason I still slain many life." Succubus called out given it her first when she was judged in such a particular manner, where most of the time she was chased by so called hero and killed during the action.

"If I were to kill you before knowing the reason behind your actions, wouldn't I'll be a killer too, and to be true pawn like you guys are just cannon fodder and the real bastard are not you guys but the one who is manipulating you guy's. So my code of action is not to kill you guys, but I will not forgive you for your actions too for that you have to repent for whatever you have done till now, but not by giving your life up, instead you have to help me saving people like the one you have killed till now."

"So, what do you say will you become my familiar."

' What is that thing like familiar and all about, isn't that just mean that I will be your slave and all, given familiar can't disobey there master and all is more like slavery to me right.'

"Hmmm! Nope I don't think it is the same thing at all since your original body is destroyed, while I will provide you another one, no I should say it will be system which will provide you the body, plus with each good deeds, you will gain blessings too."

"Oh yeah one more thing to go with, half of your blessing in each month will be sent to all those people you have killed before in that state of yours, which might have them some good luck and other opportunities to let a happy life, so their soul would stop resenting you for your deeds and they will lead a happy life, as a part of your repentance."

'But you didn't answer my question properly too, are you trying to dodge it or something.' Succubus asked as she looked a little annoyed with Allen, but inside she was chuckling a bit since she knew that Allen was trying to dodge the main topic.

Allen sweated since he knew that this part of the conversation was the truth behind the scenes, given whatever holy reason one can present the act he was trying to commit was truly a slavery while he recall and smiled in an understanding method "Given it is not totally correct since I cannot order you to do those kind of thing for me."

"So except those kind of order you can toy with my life huh! well that's kinda suck since you can order for me to just die for you and all."

Err! that's...

"Hehe! I am joking, you are way too pure,since it is my repentance I had no right to argue you with that."

" Sure, but I'll make sure that I won't order you to die for me, rather than taking you as a meat shield I would rather have a companion I can count on by, by death and life trial in my real life."


After speaking with the Succubus Allen realise that her real name was Anantha Julius, and she was not from this world which made Alan quite shocked because this kind of revelation is not easy to handle, and also made him realise that this world is not something to be messed with easily, the hidden characters inside this world might overcome his wildest imagination till this date.

" So why did you ended up as Succubus, while I am quite sure it is not something good to begin with since a human can become a Succubus like you then it is more than a miracle it's self and the danger level surrounding us is not that low either too, since the population of earth Is not easy to count or counter."

" I can't put my total faith on you, so I might not be able to tell you everything I know, then forgive me for that."

"Hmm! it's alright since everyone has their own set of problems but in the near future you had change your mind, then don't hesitate to tell me everything. I can't promise that I will be able to help you completely out of this problem."

As the sun shone Allen was already outside while swinging his practice sword recommended by the system so he could accumulate the physical abilities and status.

Allan also looked at the reward of completing the succubus quest which was an stealth clock with stealth ability.

Opening the door to inside, Allen walked over to the bathroom but this time he knocked a little to confirm if there was someone inside, and his guess hit the mark since Mikan came out and she was properly dressed with an smile.

" Good morning, Allen - Kun."

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