
The Beginning

My name is Charles Evers Curry and I am a homosexual boy that is currently a teenager. I am gay and yet I always feel lonely. Since I have been gay it has been very hard for me to be myself because most of the time I feel like I am the only one left. Although I didn't choose to be gay it is something that I had to figure out for myself. By the time I did find out that I was gay I was disappointed because I wanted a son. It was very shameful and scary when someone that is straight shows signs of homophobia and non- acceptance towards me, in other words it feels as though I am killing myself or dying or even drowning and burning in a life I did not choose or ask for. I stay in my room and hoping that god can make me straight. There are many reasons why I haven't told my parents that I am gay the reason was because I don't really think they would accept it or keep it a secret. I have to be forced to hide who I am so that I won't be judged just for who I am. No one chooses to be gay and no one chooses to be straight I believe that it's something you are born with.