
Dreams of stardom

Henry always dreamed of attaining a position at an electronic sports team. His overall status as a self-imposed NEET, "Not in Education, Employment, or Training" was a result of his precarious upbringing.

As a child (ages 0-17), he was sheltered by parents who would overprotect and cross personal boundaries they should never have crossed. Aside from picking out the clothes that he would wear at age 15, they also made sure he would never walk on even the sidewalks when there were cars on the road. As a result, Henry grew into a very introspective yet cautious young adult, wary of every decision that he was to make in life, and never taking risks.

A fateful day was when he somehow managed to convince his frugal or stingy parents to purchase the game, StarCraft 2 as his 18th birthday present. Living as essentially a hermit within his own home, Henry had little to offer to society, to his parents, and even to his own goals, as he had never developed the capability to even think about his own future outside of his parent's home. The result of owning StarCraft 2 meant that he spent even more time in front of his small-screened laptop computer, essentially having a "job" in front of his StarCraft 2 menus and battlegrounds.

Like typical parents, his mom and dad would constantly nag Henry about his future goals and his current homework status. However, after Henry dropped out of college at the age of 21, due to poor grades and multiple mental breakdowns, Henry decided to become a NEET and survive on Ramen and entertaining himself with gaming, especially StarCraft 2 and League of Legends, the new hit moba of the decade.

Henry himself was your typical kid whom most could call a "Millenial." However, he never experienced any events or friendships in his life, as his parent's overprotective-ness actually backfired, and he essentially spoke to nobody verbally outside of a few select acknowledgments from his mother, a couple of greetings to his father, and some words of annoyance to his elder sister, who was four years older than him.

Henry's life as a NEET could mostly be summed up with choice words such as pathetic, methodical, and boring, to certain members of society who would be deemed successful. His overall outlook on life was a mystery to most people, as his interactions with society were at a bare minimum outside of his online presence. However, within Henry's mind, he held the keys to Stardom and to his salvation from mediocrity. He knew all along that he was destined to be a star player on an esports team that he would lead, but that he was born in the wrong generation for it to happen.

Essentially, his daydreams would consist of him thinking about the fame and fortune that winning a GSL (Global StarLeague) championship would net him or of winning an LCS (League Championship Series) with 4 other talented individuals. He would draw pictures ( in his mind of course, he was nowhere near talented enough to do so on paper) of himself holding the trophy to an LCS and celebrating with some alcoholic drink with his teammates.

This was Henry's typical morning schedule: He would wake up and immediately sit in front of his computer, load up a game of either StarCraft 2, or League of Legends, and then proceed to play for an hour. While eating his morning ramen after the morning hour of gaming, Henry would browse Reddit forums and the more "risque" 4chan forums about news of games, specifically StarCraft 2 and League of Legends. While he was fully capable of posting threads on the reddit forums, Henry always had a nagging warning from the back of his mind that prevented him from following through with his forum posts.

A flashback to his life when Henry was thirteen resulted in Henry receiving a severe warning about his online activities. Due to his parents not being completely fluent in English language, they essentially reprimanded Henry for some "shady" online activities that a regular teenager would have done, and he took it to heart. This resulted in Henry to this day, not capable of posting anything on Reddit. However, he did somehow manage to learn to read, essentially due to the sheer volume of content he consumed on Reddit and other websites that he had access to on his parent's internet connection in the family home.

This day, however, Henry read something on Reddit that immediately piqued his interest, so he quickly clicked into the link that read, "Esports team looking for players." He was met with a short video link from Youtube that read, "I'm a Siren". While he did not know it at the time, he was met with a promotional event video that was the League of Legends equivalent of a rick-roll, or a troll video.