
Ep 14


We are here in Stage with my friends but yumi is not here, i dindt help them to decorate im just Watching them , Then suddenly the bell rings , i took my wallet to my pocket but Shit i forgot my wallet . After they decorate i stood up and someone run to us and its Kyle .

Yumi:Kyle Why are you running

Me:What happend to you

Then suddenly i saw the boys are running and i dindt saw yoongi

Me:Whats happening to you guys

Kyle:You need to see this

Jimin:To the classroom

We look to each other and saw yumi walking with the food .

Yumi:Guys here is our foods

Me:What are you guys talking about , what is really happend

Yoongi:Just go to thr classroom

We went to the classroom and went inside , when i inside Yumi bag is in the floor and my locker is open , so i run to my locker and check if nothing gone's but i just so my books and i dindt saw my wallet . i slam my locker and turn around .


Then i saw Yeonmi and Sehun walking inside and look to me .

Yeonmi:What is happening

Me:Yeonmi , do you know where is my wallet

Yeonmi:No , im with Sehun whole time

Sehun:Yeah , we both went to the cafeteria why

Me:Someone stole my wallet

Cassandra:Who first went inside of thus classroom

Kyle:All of us and suddenly Kurt bump to yumi chair

and Then yumi bag is in the floor

Yumi went to her bag and took it and Yeonmi Suddenly took her bag harshly

Yumi:What is your problem

Yeonmi:All of you let me check your bag's

Yeonmi Check everyone bag and last one is Yumi .

Yeonmi:Can i check your bag

Me:Yeonmi , Stop it , im with yumi whole time

Yeonmi:What if he stole your wallet

Heidi:Yumi , Where did you went when you left us in the


Yumi:I just buy a food

Yeonmi:Is it

Me:Yeonmi , Stop it she dindt stole it

Yumi:No , I will prove it , i dindt stole it

Yeonmi:Then let us see

Then yumi open her bag and yeonmi check her bag and yeonmi took something and he show us a black wallet and look it inside and he she saw a Card .

Yeonmi:Danica Min , Card of Min Corp money and Credit card bank , Is this your Danica

He went to me and gave my wallet and i look to Yumi .

Yumi:I dont know why your wallet is in my bag , i dindt stole it

Me:Then why is my wallet in your bag

Heidi:What if someone Put that wallet to Yumi bag

Yeonmi:Oh come on we saw now , Danica wallet is in

Yumi bag .

Then someone Appeard of nowhere and its yoongi .

Yoongi:Are you sure about that Yeonmi


Me:What are you talking about

Yoongi:I saw everything .


-Flash Back-

I was about to go to the classroom to take a nap untill i saw Yumi drag Danica somewhere , i was in the Front of the door untill i saw Yeonmi in The Window of the room so i hide and spy on her , Then i saw her Stilling Danica wallet and he put Danica wallet to Yumi Bag i took a picture of her while he puting Danica Wallet to Yumi bag and Left and find Danica , But i dindt saw her untill the recess time's up and the bell ring and everyone went to their classroom except for me .

-End Of Flash Back-


Yoongi told us everything and he took he's phone and show me a picture of yeonmi how Yeonmi Put my Wallet to Yumi Bag and i accidently drop yoongi's phone .

Yeonmi:Danica i dindt intention to still your Wallet , i just did that because i want to teach a lesson of Yumi , Please Danica

Yumi:Thats not how to teach me a lesson Yeonmi

Yeonmi:You dont know everything

Yumi:Your not even being a good friend bitch

I look to them and yumi was about to slap Yeonmi but i cover Yeonmi so yumi cant slap yeonmi then yumi almost slap me .

Yumi:Danica get out of her front


I went outside and slam the door , i ran to the Rooftop sit to ground . Untill the principal spoke to the microphone .

[Every sudents i want all of you to went to the Stage , the program will be start , I repeat every studwnt come to the Stage]

I Stood up and went to the Stage and i saw everyone and i sit next to Kurt .

Principal:As you all know , we gather you guys to know what did you guys major and who the states invite to their collage to continue the major of science .

Then everyone clap , After we all know our major its time to know who is the states invite . And our prof Went to the stage .

Prof:Let is call Mr.khen and Can you please Join us here Miss Danica min

I stood up and bow and went to the stage and Mr.khen hug me and i hug him too , And he gave me the certificate of the states of collage

Mr.Khen:I want all you to know that we had the 7 Who will be in University of states , Miss Min can you call them .

I went to the mic and read the script .

Me:Before i call the 7 people i want to congrats them and i want all you to know this is my dream but i think someone is got my place , Ive been major in Science of STIM and Pyscisian , Ive been part of the hardest major hefe in university , but i though ill be the one who will recieve this but i dindt , Yes i did my best to diserve this thing but its not enough , Ive been prove my self but nothing , so congrats to the 7

I read the name in the script .

Me:Please Join us here if i call your name , Kim Namjoon , Kim Seokjin , Jung Hoseok , Park Jimin , Kim Taehyung , Jeon Jungkook and lastly Min Yoongi , The 7 boys who invite of the University of states , They invite you to learn and to experience everything in University of States , let us gave them applouse

We all clap to gave them applouse and went to them and gave them the certificate and leave the stage and left their i went to the classroom , i fix all my stuff and grab my Bag and went to the parking lot . I went somewhere i can be relax i went to the park and sit to the bench .

-Hours Pass-

My phone ringing and its Dad

*Phone Call*

[Sweety where are you]

Me:Hi dad , Im just celebrating alone

[Why your celebrating alone , What is your celebrating]

Me:For being a loser in the familly , Dont worry dad ill be home

I hang up the phone call and the sun is coming down so i ride my motor and went home , When i arive i see the house Window in the living room i think they are celebrating . I park my motor and went inside of the house and saw them celebrating and i saw Aunty , Then Aunty went to me and hug me but i refuse her hug .

Aunty:Did you heard the news

Me:Yeah....I was there.....

Then tears fall to my cheeks so i wipe it .

Me:Yoongi , Congrats by the way , All of you , your familly will be happy to you guys , Congrats .(Sad)

Mom:Is there something wrong sweety

Dad:Why you celebrating for being the loser , i though they also invite you

Me:Huh! , Dad Are you always like that , You dindt even know what happening to my life

Mom:Can you just tell us , Were here , we will listen to you

Me:Listen , Your here , Big word mom , Back then your not in my side you dindt know what happening to my life even i got bully you dont know , I dont know if i really thank that i have you guys or not


Me:You dad , you always in your work , your always in a meeting , Even back then , Years and years pass but you dindt even Change dad , You dont know either what happening , Im celebrating for being a loser Cause I though i can make it to the University of States but its just a dream i work hard to be a major and finally ive major everything but i dindt even make it to the University of states , You dindt even congrats me when i major my all subject even now .

Aunty:Honey we understand you , Thats why we are here for you

Me:No , You all Dont Understand Me .

I walk away and went to my room and saw Blacky Sleeping , i took blacky and cary him .

Me:Atlis you understand me

Then blacky left and went putside of my room i went to my desk and took every paper and Bucket list , i throw all it away .

Me:Congrats , Pafetic .

I went outside of the Room and went to the Thropy Room , And i saw Yoongi certificate , everything here is mine except this one , I was too angry cause they pick them instead me tgen suddenly someone came and its the others .

Yoongi:Thanks to congratulate us

Namjoon:Congrats too cause you deserve to be the Major in STIM and Pyscisian

I turn around and gave them a Glare .

Me:Do you think i really congratsing you guys , hell...NO

Taehyung:But you said

Me:Yes , You All got my place , But it doesnt mean you win , I should be the one , not you guys , You all just major the Music And what is the one again oh...Major in History , And what is mine , I major the Science part of STIM and Pyscisuan Oh....Did i just tell you that I major also The History And Chemistry How pafetic (Sarcastic)

Yoongi:Can you be just happy for us

Me:Happy for you guys , I told you i cant be happy anymore , Even for you guys , Look , Ill be happy if im the one who recieve that , Not you , You know why Cause you dont deserve it , just for me , But my parents and Aunty They will be happy , Yoongi do you think ive been happy with you , Hell No , Cause You dindt even Make me Happy .

Yoongi:What the

I walk away and stop and turn around and walk closer to him .

Me:Work hard on that , Even you dont deserve it , Congrats Or Not

I roll my eyes and went outside of the room . I went to The living room untill the maid call me .

Maid:Miss Danica , The dinner is ready


I went to dinning area , And wait for the others i look to the food its steak Again and Mom , Dad , And Aunty went i stood up and bow to them and sit .

Mom:So do you like the dinner

Me:No , Usally i only ate steak in Lunch not dinner but its okay cause its serve now here

Aunty:Wow are you sure this is your daughter

Me:I usally like this cause im pyscisian and major in STIM and did you know i major the Pyscisian not just that History and Chemistry also thats part of science soon ill be working as a pyscisian but i change my mined i can be the next CEO of the Min Corp if thats okay to Mom and Dad

Aunty:Wah...Your smart

Me:I know , Im dark in outside but smart in inside

Mom:Where is the other

Me:Must be celebrating , Pafetic

Aunty:Ahmm...Danica when they will be leaving korea

Me:They have 1 weeks here and they will leaving after 1 week

Aunty:Are you happy for them

Me:I have no response on that Aunty

Then finally they are here .

Next chapter