

Jasmine and Kel arrives at school, immediately Kel's friends came to play with him while Jasmine followed behind them, George(one of Kel friends) turn to Jasmine to tickle her a bit and asked if she was OK and Jasmine replied saying she was perfectly OK, while the rest of kel friends turn to wave at Jasmine since she was now heading to her class while kel blow a kiss to her and she caught it and put it in her bag, that act made the rest of them burst out into heavy laughter while She walk away happily to her classroom.

As she walked towards her seat she smiled at whosoever her eyes caught sight with, she finally got to her seat, she took off her bag and sat down and as usual Tim( Jasmines classmate, smart, Always topping the class and one of Jasmines crushers) was the first to greet her, good morning, how was your weekend my queen? My weekend was fabulous you know! I didn't get to see your face and answer your horrible questions, my weekend was question free and yours! Said Jasmine, mine wasn't so good because I couldn't see you! Said Tim, well now am here so how about now, Jasmine asked, Tim brighten up and said with a broad smile on his face! Wonderful! And both laughed for a some time and then Tim asked, so Is your Home work done! Jasmine playfully mimics him before answering him, both chuckled! Minutes Later a manly voice resounded in the classroom followed with silence from the rest of the kids in the class room.

It was lunch break, Jasmine and Tim were having lunch in thier usual spot in the cafeteria, Mitchell, Rachel and Rukky( They are Jasmines nightmare, classmates and Bully) joined them on their table, The three girls were chatting with Tim and ignored Jasmine presence, it didn't matter to Jasmine besides she was use to the girls for being that way towards her and she liked them, she was done with her meal and was about leaving when Mitchell told her to wait so they could all leave together, she did not mind and so she did wait, minutes later They were all ready to leave when Daddys little angel started talking to everyone about her weekend and what her Dad got her, as usual Mitchell and Rukky also had good stuffs to talk about, Tim also talked about the new bike his Dad got him, as if on queue waiting for Jasmine to say something, before she could say a word Mitchell hurriedly said, How do you expect her to have something to say, have you guys forgotten she as no Mum or Dad, just Grandma! The three girls started laughing and then Rachel said,, what do they call kids without parents! All three said unison "a bastard". Jasmine immediately ran off while Tim ran along with her.

The moment she got to her classroom she immediately unzip her bag and let out the kiss her cousin sent to her and then she let out a wry smile and held on to her bag so tight, Tim saw her and what she did and then he walked away.

Please guys am really new at this, please your comments matter alot. THANKS

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