

285 AC

Sansa Stark was a child, which is highly obvious, with her being born not even a month or so ago, she wasn't any different from the children I saw in Dreadfort nursery, something I made, a place where all babies can be kept under protection and warmth that could lack in their homes, and of course, make possible for their mothers to be able to work, and thus earn money for the family, something the womenfolk and even their husbands seemed to like a lot, and father didn't seem to mind, all that was needed was for the baby cries not to reach our wing of the castle where we lived, and father worked...

Sansa was no different to me when I was a child, with just the difference being where she seemed to cry a lot, I mostly cried when thought annoyed, or more, my memories of that time are fuzzy, something I'm glad for...

My introduction to Catelyn Stark was a terse one, with Catelyn being still a more South woman, and Bolton's horrid reputation, and again, Catelyn being full of Seven worshipers, I really couldn't do anything, at least not yet about her opinion of me, I didn't need her liking my family, but with her seeing me an as good person, I could achieve more, after all, Catelyn was Eddard's wife, with her on my side I wouldn't need to worry about her nagging Eddard against my possible future pleas...

Still, Catelyn Stark was surely a looker, Eddard was a happy man, with her long auburn hair, blue eyes, and hourglass mature figure, the years seemed to make her even more beautiful, not that I knew how she looked before, but knowing that Sansa would one day look like her made me almost wish for Arya to not being born, not that I planned anything, it was just mere passing thought...

That said, Catelyn still preserved her youthfulness, I wonder how she would look fully matured.

Still, lucky Eddard, and lucky me for not being able to feel any lust because I just know that when the time comes for me to regain my urges, I will be tortured to be able just to look and not touch...

And, there is the hostility, as Catelyn realized my probable presence, with her looking at me and then at the baby bundle in her hands, the woman is either shaper than she was portrayed in the books, or Eddard spilled beans about his plans.

"Husband, can we speak?" Catelyn outrightly asked Eddard, who suddenly gained a pained look, not that it showed on his face, but his eyes were transparent, at least to me.

"Not now, Cat, we have hosted there with us." Eddard tried to argue, but before Catelyn could make any circus of this, I saw an opportunity to win a few brownie points.

"That isn't a problem, milord, milady, I will happily spend time with Robb and Jon, there is no need for you to worry about me." Catelyn looked at me strangely, but I could see the frown easy just for a little bit, and Eddard looked at me with an unreadable expression, at least until he nodded his head at me, I wonder what he thought about me siding with his wife, or if he saw it just as childish innocence...

And as I watched Catelyn almost drag Eddard away, but still trying to be seen as proper noble and all that, I turned around to see Robb and Jon with wide eyes.

"Amazing, you didn't fear my mother?!" Robb excitedly asked, and Jon seemed to nod a little as if he wanted to ask the same question.

"Why would I? Your mother just worries about you and the little treasure she carries in her hands, there is no need to worry if you don't plan to make her mad." I chuckled but carefully looked at how Jon's expression became thoughtful, but Robb just nodded his head with a smile.

"You are good, Domeron!" Robb said with a wide smile, after that, we spent time with the boys showing me the castle and, more importantly, the training yard, saying it wasn't fair that they still couldn't practice with a sword when rumors said that even King slayer was training from his six years old, and with them being just a year younger...

All the while, I tried to be as patient as I could thankfully, thanks to my practice in Dreadfold, where I played with castle kids, I knew how to act as a child but still carried more responsibility air around me and often rebuked Robb about something with a soft voice, as to be seen as a friend and not some teacher...

Like that, time flew until we were called back to the main hall where potato soup was being given as supper...

A potato soup supper...

Im such an idiot...

I almost banged my head into the soup, a very hot soup, as the realization hit me like a high bulled train...

POTATOES! I worried about farming, and I didn't realize that there were potatoes?!

What the hell?! No, I already had potatoes in this world, so I can't say that I didn't know about them being in there, but still, this realization hit me pretty hard...

"Domeron, is everything alright?" Eddard asked, he truly tried to play as a friendly lord, with him calling me by my first name so easily...

"Yes... I just had a moment of epiphany..." I said as I tried to mask the pain in my voice, the pain of that all lost time where Bolton lands already could have numerous potato farms, after all, Bolton lands were one of the prime places where potatoes could grow in masses, and I fucking forget about it...

"You have a quite rich vocabulary for such young age, heir Domeron." Catelyn pinpointed as I smiled at her...


I could see Catelyn froze for a little as I bent my head down.

"S-sorry, I, I know my smile isn't a pleasant one." I managed to say in a pained and hurt voice, and I didn't even need to fake it much, as I really hated my smile, maybe once I'm older and lord, this smile will help me in the ruling, but now? It was an utter nuisance...

"N-No! T-That's nothing, you don't have to feel ashamed, child!" Ok... This was quite a good feeling, as I could feel being taken into the hold, or rather hug, feeling quite nice, big and firm pair of tits pressing on the back of my head.

"Cat," Eddard said, I still didn't lift my head, playing or not, on a hurt child, it seemed that my reaction to Catelyn's shock made some of her maternal feelings take hold of her, seeing me being hurt by her shock made her probably feel guilty, and it probably helped that I wasn't bastard as Jon wasn't eating with us...

Still, Eddard's words seemed to wake Catelyn from her frantic maternal state. Or something, as she quickly gets away from me.

"Im, I apologize, heir Domeron, I, I acted without thought," Catelyn said as she bent her head down in shame, hm...

"I-Its n-nothing! I-I liked b-being hugged! I-I mean!" There I bent my head down even more.

"I-I mean, I-I envy Robb... I-I too want m-mom..." I sobbed a little, I could feel the silence around me as nobody knew what to do with a sobbing little boy who is also the heir of one of the most powerful Stark vassals.

I angled my head so I could see Eddard, who was now looking behind me with a perplexed expression, and nodded his head, I didn't know what silent conversation Eddard had with Catelyn, but it seemed that my act worked as I could again feel gentle hands around me, now more gently, as my head was again in that wonderful breast mountain alley.

"Shhh, it's alright, Domeron, it's alright," Catelyn whispered to my ears...

Hmm, this was all unexpected, but given the results, I think that my way of worming into Stark family quite worked, as Catelyn didn't seem to be any longer angry at me for the contract Eddard wants to make me agree...

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