
Chapter 2- Unexpected Happenings

After a tiring afternoon, I called my dad and he took picked me up from school. I told him the story and what had happened to me. He just consoled me and prepared a warm bubble bath for me and made me spaghetti and meatballs.

I woke up and did my regular routine. I picked out a pair of blue jeans and a white lacy top with some black boots then moved downstairs for breakfast. I left the house with my dad and we drove to WHS.

I walked through the corridors after being dropped by my dad. He advised me to stay at home but I told him my grades were important. As I passed, I heard snickering, and whispers and glares were being thrown at me. Not your normal warm welcome to school. People laughed at me and seemed to be viewing something on their phones.

I got a notification and quickly pulled out my phone to see it. I saw hundreds of memes and vines of me as Stacie poured the milkshake over my hair. They had created a profile for me and were reposting the incident over and over.

I sighed and went to my locker. I gasped as I saw what was written. Don't mess with me bitch!!! I dropped my books in it and went to my class. As I moved around the hallways I heard muffling around a corner and went to see. I wish I didn't go to look in the first place.

"What the hell Jack?!?!" I shouted and Jack and Stacie quickly separated from eating their faces off.

"What, can't you see I'm busy?" Jack replied snaking his arm around Stacie's waist.

"You're cheating on me!" I screamed, tears forming in my eyelids.

"Don't you get the message? I dumped you cause you reduced my popularity level with your janitor's work. You're not cool anymore so I'm going with Stacie. Get that into your thick skull bitch. We're done. Over. Ended" Jack finished and continued kissing Anastasia.

"That didn't even make any sense. I really made a mistake falling in love with you" I said and moved backward slowly.

I ran as fast as I could. Not knowing where I was going but just getting out of that place. I ran to the girl's locker room and cried my eye out.

I cried for about 5 minutes before I heard footsteps and saw my besties. Like they had some crazy superpower shit. "Oh no, my baby. It's okay." Vanessa tried comforting me but it didn't work. She pulled me in a hug, Ella, and Lola joining in the embrace. They said soothing words to me and I eventually calmed down and stopped crying.

I washed my face with the cold water from the tap and told them everything. We then made our way to the class cause my grades were freaking important.

During lunch, I went outside and sat under a tree in silence, thinking why Jack did this to me. I rested my head on my knees when I saw a pair of Versace heels and quickly recognized who it was.

"Allyyy," Stacie said in a high pitched squeal. I ignored her. I yelped as I felt a yank on my ponytail causing me to stand. "Hey! I'm talking to you" she said.

"What do you want from me, haven't you ruined my life enough?" I said and slapped her hand away from my hair.

"I haven't even started with you. Hope you liked what you saw." she laughed evilly "I have bigger plans for you. Watch your back" She spat and pushed me to the ground, laughed, and kicked me. She flipped her hair and sashayed away.

I picked myself up and went to my biology class. I got there right on time before the bell rang. Today we were having a practical session and we were to dissect a frog. I wore the gloves on my table, my lab coat, and some glasses. I then moved the small knife down the stomach of the frog and thought about what Stacie had said about "bigger plans ".

School ended pretty quickly for me after that. I was still given awkward stares and I just wanted to go home.

I walked into my room thinking about today. I didn't really feel the impact of Stacie's heel on my stomach. I winced and opened my phone looking at the wallpaper of Jack and

I. I deleted all pictures of Jack including his phone number and threw my phone on the table then crawled to my bed. I practically cried myself to sleep.