
Chapter 18: The end of the Journey

(Ace POV)

After riding the whole day, we reached the town where Olaf was stationed and stayed in one of the inns for the night. It was already decided that in the morning, I would challenge him to single combat instead of just slaughtering all his men to get to him since that was not necessary in this case, and honestly, we were all tired and ready for a break.

I lI lay on the bed in my room, looking at the ceiling, contemplating my plans after this is all finished. My thoughts were broken by the creaking of the door to the room being opened, and in walked Lagertha, dressed in just an all-white dress, making her way over and climbing onto the bed, making her way on top of me. I looked at her with a brow raised, and seeing my questioning look, she just chuckled.

"You're going to leave after tomorrow for some time, and I do not know when you will be back," she said slowly as she ran her hands gently down my chest and looked me in my eyes. Leaning down so that her mouth was by my ear, I heard her whisper, "Before you go, I want you to make me your woman officially." 

"Oh really now?" Not to be outdone, my hands snaked across her waist and brought her body closer to mine. "Are you sure you are ready for this?" I asked her, receiving a nod almost instantly, which was all I needed, and flipped her onto her back while secretly performing a cleansing spell on both of us. 

It was bound to be a sleepless night for both of us as we made love for the first time together, being connected and exploring every inch of the other's body, learning our pleasures, and fulfilling our desires. As the sun rose, signaling the start of the new day, I woke to a weight on my chest; I opened my eyes to see a still-sleeping Lagertha lying on top of me, looking like she was at peace.

After waking Lagertha up, although reluctantly on both our parts, we got up, dressed, and ready for the long day ahead of us. As we made our way out of the room we were sharing, we met the rest of the group downstairs in the central area to break our fast before heading to Olaf building in the center of the town.

Reaching the building, we saw two guards standing at the entrance. I just broke their necks with magic, alarming the rest of the surrounding people as they ran away, realizing what had happened. We walked into the building, where we came across a bunch of men breaking their fast while laughing and talking with each other.

"Kill them all and bring Olaf to me."

"Yes lord." x5 

With their answer, they all went in separate ways, starting their massacres of Olaf's men as their screams sounded throughout the hall. Within the hour, all the men except Olaf, who was kneeling before me, were dead, and it was just one more man that we had to pass judgment on before this ended.

"Olaf, do you know why you're kneeling before me right now?" I asked the kneeling fat man.


Hearing that, I just looked over to Lief and nodded; seeing me shake, he stepped forward and delivered a punch straight to Olaf's chubby face, sending him crashing into the ground, groaning in agony. 

"Wrong answer, Olaf. You're here before me to answer for your crimes of trying to bring war to the shores of my lands through your idiotic subordinates," I said, looking at him coldly with a glare that would send shivers down one's spine.

"I AM KING! I DO WHAT I WANT!" He shouted at me again, to which I just nodded at Lief again, causing him to deliver another punch to Olaf's face, sending him crashing into the floor.

"Thing is Olaf, I'm not here to judge you. I am just informing you of how you are about to die, and then it will be done. Now, I will have my two brothers here, Lief and Eric, tie your limbs to four carts drawn by horses as they pull you in different directions until your body is dismembered.

Hearing what I said, Olaf suddenly realized the situation that he was in but could not escape and started to beg and plead for his life, to which I just waved my hand to have Eric and Lief take the fool from my sight and go carry out his execution for the town to see. 

As Eric and Lief dragged Olaf to the town Center, all the surrounding towns people gathered to watch him be tied to four different carts for his four limbs and then the horses for the carts were nudged to go in their different directions causing Olaf to start screaming in agony and pain as his body was being stretched beyond its limits. Soon the sound of skin tearing could be heard when suddenly all four of his limbs tore of at the same time causing him to release a blood curdling scream, proving that his will to leave was indeed strong.

I walked over to his now limbless body, watching the now nearly did Olaf struggle for breaths. I unsheathed my sword and raised it, "Although you won't be stepping into the halls of valhalla, i hope you find solace in the demons and pray that they are kinder." and with that i brought down my sword severing his head from his shoulders bringing our long campaign to an end.

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