
Evil & Envy

"So she knows nothing about her family?"


"And she doesn't remember when she got into your car either?"

"She said she was out playing with her mother, but then her mom went out to buy something and told her to stay in the car. Next thing she knows she fell asleep and is waking up with a bump on her head when I hit the brakes."

"By the way, that bump doesn't look anything serious, right? Just in case, I think you should take her to a hospital first." Ali said, noticing the light swelling over Shashi's forehead.

Emily looked at the little girl who was holding an ice cream cone in each hand and was lost in thoughts. Her face filled with confusion as she was having a hard time choosing which one to eat first.

"I thought she ordered the same flavor?" Ali asked as he looked at her too.

"Well, I didn't know what she'd like, and the girl at the shop had two flavors of the same ice cream, so I bought it." Emily said and grabbed one cone from Shashi's hands and passed it to her.

Shashi nodded her head and got busy eating. Totally forgetting the fact that she was lost and couldn't find her mommy.

Hell, looking at how happy she looked eating the ice cream without any worry, she even looked like she was quite happy over this getting lost thing.

'Her mom's probably the strict type.' Ali and Emily both thought, seeing her smiles.

"What do you want me to do?" Emily asked.

"Why're you asking me, I called you thinking you'd help me." Ali said instantly. Not sure what to do with this little girl.

"Well, I can take her to a police station to see if someone's looking for her." Emily suggested.

"What if there's no one?" Ali asked. "I mean if _ you know_."

"You think her mom abandoned her?" Emily asked him in whispers as she pulled him away. Her face was suddenly filled with a little bit of coldness as she remembered something sour from her past.

"I don't know. I mean _ it's a possibility, right?" Ali said not noticing her change in expression.

"You_ fine, I'll take her with me." Emily thought for some time and then directly announced her decision.


"What, you don't expect me to drop her at some orphanage or something, do you?" Emily asked, her tone getting a little bit higher showing her anger.

"What, no." Ali, who heard her words, started shaking his head in hurry and refused it too. "Just take her back to the mansion, I'll talk to mom about her. She'll know what to do, I guess." Ali said and sighed as he looked at the little girl who was busy wiping her hands on his suit, acting as if she was trying to call him and did it unintentionally.

'This girl is evil.' Ali thought in his mind, but didn't stop her.

"Shashi, why don't you come with me. I'll take you somewhere nice. There are a lot of toys and games, we'll play for hours." Emily said as she bent down to her height and wiped her face.

Shashi looked at her with some doubt as if she was still considering it.

"There are a lot of chocolates and icecreams too. We can try all of them." Emily added another bait, and smiled as she saw Shashi's face brightening up by a few degrees.

Ali, who saw this scene somehow felt that it was very familiar, but didn't have any proof.

"Okay, let's go. We'll try all the games. What do you like by the way? Anyway, you can tell me, I'll buy it." Emily said happily as she stood up and raised her hands to pick Shashi in her arms.

But frowned as Shashi ignored her open arms and tugged at Ali's shirt in hesitation, as if asking for his permission.

Ali just looked at her actions in confusion, his brain totally not on the same bandwidth as the little girl, whose thoughts and personality was way over his understanding.

Shashi looked at the big uncle who was just staring at her like an idiot and sighed loudly. Hitting her head with her palm she wanted to act cute like she does with her mommy, but she forgot her little gaffe, and ended up hitting the swelling and screaming in pain.

"You okay?" Ali said as he bent down and looked at her red forehead and blew on it while gently massaging it.

"Can_ I go with her, phief Untle." Shashi said as she ignored the pain and took the chance and put forward her request. Which as she expected Ali agreed.

Ignoring her previous sad look, Shashi directly jumped into Emily's hands and hurried her to go fast.

'She really is evil.' Ali said and sighed again.

—ring ring

Seeing his phone ringing, Ali shook his head and picked up the call. "Hello,"

"Are you coming?" Aarvi's voice came from the other side.

"Yeah, I'm on my way, just stuck in traffic." Ali said and started driving the car.

"You know, you can take a day off. Get some rest."

"I'm fine. Just give me 5 minutes. I'll be there." Ali said and cut the call.

He wanted to take a rest too, get his head straight, but with everything that he learned from the system, he knew he didn't have the luxury to wait and live silently.

If fate really tried to fix the plotlines somehow, then he'd be fucked. And not to mention, he still had to find ways to deal with Kevin and find some tricks to farm points.

According to the system, Kevin was supposed to act like a hero and save some damsel in distress to impress Aarvi, and that's what would trigger his stepping stone role of a jealous and possessive young master, but due to some anomaly the plotlines changed.

And knowing how Aarvi was about to sign a big deal next month, Ali knew this was a perfect stage for the protagonist to jump out.

"Let's just hope he doesn't appear anywhere near me, or her." Ali said as he looked at the office building in front of him.

But just after taking two steps he halted, as he noticed an unfamiliar car stopping at the office gate, and a familiar face stepping out of the driver's seat.

Kevin, the man whom he least wanted to see was standing there, holding the door of the car for a beautiful young lady.

'For fuck sake, he just got a job two days ago.' Ali cursed as he noticed him. He wanted to deal with this new job this protagonist got, but looks like this lucky lion not only got a job but a hot looking heroine too.

'Is it wrong that I kinda envy this fucker now.' Ali thought as he noticed Aarvi coming towards him too.


Author note - for those who didn't read my first novel, life of a nobody - go and read chapter 3 of that novel if you're wondering how Kevin got a job. And ch 9 and 10 if you want to know how Kevin was supposed to act hero and save a girl.

Those 3 chapters r telling in detail about Kevin, so just read it or skip it idk.

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