
Cleo travels to California

The next day was a Saturday and Cleo didn't go to school that day because she didn't have lectures she just sat in her hostel thinking about her dad she really missed him she worried about his health

She didn't want to lose her dad because he meant the world to her. Cleo kept thinking and thinking about her dad then she decided she needed to go back to California to see how things were going then she decides to book a flight for the next day, then the next day which was Sunday Cleo travelled back to California to see her dad when she got to the house she tried opening the door but it was locked then she decided to knock then a fair looking lady came out asking who she was and she said don't ask me that where is my dad i need to see my dad then the lady figured out that that it was her Sir's daughter she said madam his not here he is very sick he has a hole in his heart and and he has kidney problems too he has been taken to the hospital for treatment. Immediately Cleo heard that her heart seemed to fail her for a minute or two she began to cry she fell to the floor and wept bitterly she didn't know that her dad had a hole in his heart she didn't even know he had kidney problems she blamed herself for leaving her dad to go to Nigeria she was so sad then she asked the lady the name of the Hospital and the lady told her madam the name of the hospital is Olympia Medical Center and immediately Cleo got into her car and drove off .

Immediately she got to the hospital she ran to a nurse asking about Mr Wilson Peters and she gave her the directions and she ran but they told her that her father has been taken in for Surgery but she insisted that she see her dad but they didn't let her and then she waited for them all night then the doctor told her the Surgery will cost money and they'll need a a Kidney and she told him that the money is not the problem as long as her dad was fine and they did their possible best they tried and tried but the way things were going the doctors weren't sure that Cleo's dad will be fine.

Cleo didn't go for lectures because she hasn't travelled back to Nigeria she was still in the hospital she refused eating or drinking anything she just wanted to see her dad but the doctors refused her from seeing him then she left and went to the house and tries calling her course mate but it was not reachable then she kept trying until she got her she asked her how things were going and her course mate told her that she has missed a lot of lectures but she has been helping her yo write her attendance and she thanked her friend and she hung up on her.

In the evening Cleo went to the hospital again to see her dad but she was told that his case was getting worse instead of becoming better and she was scared and begged the doctor not to let her dad die but they told her that it was God that give life and not them but she held the doctor by hospital and begged him with tears in her eyes but the nurses pulled her away and the doctor left her and she tried freeing her herself but she couldn't and they had to give her a sleeping injection and she fell asleep. she slept for 12 hours and when she woke up she heard the most shocking news ever that made her heart break, Cleo's dad was dead

Cleo wanted to die she wanted to kill herself she has lost her mom when she was born now the only man she loved which was her father Cleo felt her world crumbling she wanted her dad she wanted to die so that she could see her dad in the land of the dead she just needed her father she wanted to feel his warm touch she wanted him to call her my Angel but he could not she spoke to her dead father as if he was alive she said,

"Daddy please come lets play with tears in her eyes daddy I passed my exams but he didn't respond" it was time for her dad to be carried away from the hospital and they did but Cleo didn't want her dad to be taken away to the Cemetery she said "No don't take him away his alive his calling me

Cleo was going mad she never thought her dad could ever die she shouted,

"No No No Daddy why did you leave me the nurses tried to console but she couldn't be consoled she rolled on the floor the nurses picked her up and took her to a room and gave her some injections and she fell asleep.

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