A candle was lit to defeat the darkness, but when the candle was extinguished, there was a terrible darkness.
He had three candles, each candle was lit for ten minutes, he was 95 years old, and for the last moment of his life, he was sleeping in his cot, it was two o'clock in the night, suddenly he woke up and he felt nervous.
It seemed, His heart knew that this night would be his last, it was dark in the room. Side of the pillow there was a bag of candles, in which there were only three candles, there was a matchbox and there was only one match in the matchbox,he did not get so much panic from death as much as Teely(match).
Seeing this, he lit a match,As the match started burning, its heartbeat It was getting faster, but like how He lit the first candle, and got down the floor.
He sat down on the ground with his bedsheet, and the candle began to see as if the candle never Will be extinguished, and there will always be like a soft moon light, looking the candle Suddenly he started remembering his childhood days.