hi im chole. im the richest girl as i thought im the richest girl in my city because i didnt know there were more rich girls . so let me start from the beginning . i only had my dad my mom cheated on my dad when i was 5 but i couldnt believe she dumped my dad he was the funniest guy in the whole universe . maybe there is more funny people but my dad is the funniest person i know . one day we were going to get ice cream when we saw a lottery ticket we thought of taking it we knew we wont win but believe it or not we won . my dad and i were over the moon my mom apologize but my dad didnt by it . first thing we did was by a big mansion and then we got a car and alot of more my dad couldnt keep this money all for him self and i was still 12 so he married another girl i thought she was better than mom but oh i was wrong out of all the girls he could chose he chose sandra everything was going great until i saw she was stealing money from my dad and say i did it . we got in to a argument and we didnt get together well the only thing comfort me was andrew. andrew was my butlers son he was my best friend he always listen to my problems and comfort me but i regret what i did this rich boy named zack was the most richest boy in our city he asked me out and i said yes then andrew came to me and said " chole i know we are best friends but i want to take our friendship to another level " i was shocked when he said " chole will you marry me i know we are still in highschool but when we are more older i was thinking when we are more older we can get married " i couldnt say no or yes my dad likes zach cause he is rich but andrew is so sweet how can i say no to this angel so now i regret saying was " no andrew i have a boyfriend sorry " i said with my tears rolling down my checks andrew was sad i could feal it and he didnt talk to me at school and after alot of courge i will say to zack and dad that we are no longer dating when i was going to approach zack i saw the most shocking thing in the world if you want a part two lets get to 1k likes
coming soon