
The Hardest Game To Beat

("People say all the time that games make life more fun, that they love the thrill of the game, or that it helps you escape from life. Then there are the ones that believe games hurt your brain, make you rage more at others, or they make you stay in your room all the time making you into a loner, and the list goes on.")

As Clark is thinking to himself, he is in the middle of fighting the final boss in a game called, Curse War. The game is an RPG that has magic, swords, open world, PVP, big boss fights, and more in the game. Clark is one of the top players in Curse War, and he has been fighting the final boss known as True Blade King, for the past 5 hours. As Clark continues to fight True Blade King, he can see that True Balde King is at 10% left in his health bar, causing Clark to focus even more than he has so far in the battle.

("But to me, games are like challenges. Challenges that are made to be beaten over time by someone. Even if the game says it can't be beaten or has no end. That just means that the game is a difficult challenge for every gamer, but not for me.")

Another 15 minutes passed, as Clark finally beat True Blade King. Clark lays back in his gaming chair and looks up at his ceiling, with sweat coming from his forehead. Clark wipes his hand over his forehead to remove the sweat coming from it.

"I never knew that I would be sweating by playing a game, but I guess you can say that True Blade King is the strongest boss there is. In the hardest game to beat."

Clark stands up and stretches his body and looks up at his computer screen and sees the time. Clark's starts to squint his eyes to see the time but is having a hard time telling what time it is. So, Clark rubs his eyes then looks again, and as he looked his eyes got bigger as he sees that the time is 5:52.

"Oh man, I am going to be late for school."

Clark turns around and pushes his chair to the side and grabs his jacket and his bag, as he runs out of his room to the front door to put on his shoes, so he can try to make it to school in time.

("Every game that I have played I have beaten the final boss, but there is one game that can never be beaten, but I will find a way to beat it. And that game is. The game of Life.")


The door closes to the classroom as Mrs. Woods walks over to the white board and starts to write the new assignment on the white board, as all the students take their seats one of the students in the front of the class looks at the seat next to them then at the door.

("I guess Clark stayed up late again.")

Mrs. Woods turns and looks at the class and sees that Clark was not there. Mrs. Woods then looked at the other student that sits next to Clark.

"Mr. Gears."

The student goes to look at Mrs. Woods but his goggles fall from his forehead to his eyes. Forcing the student to try and fix them as the other students in the classroom start to laugh at him, making the student feel unwelcome in the classroom. Mrs. Wood grabs her long ruler and slaps it against the white board.

"That is enough class. And Mr. Gears, I have told you many times to leave your tools and goggles in the Fine Art Class."

"Yes, I know. I just like to wear them."

"Yeah, because you're a weirdo."

"Now that is enough of that, Mr. Cloud."

Seating in the back of the class with his feet on his desk and a penis in his mouth is Jake Cloud. He scratches the back of his head as his black hair with red highlights slightly covers his eyes. He looked over at Gears with a smile on his face, as Mrs. Woods starts to talk.

"Now Mr. Cloud, I will have to ask you to remove your feet from the desk and quit picking on your fellow students."

"What do you mean Mrs. Woods, we are just having a little fun that is all."

"Yeah, they are just being boys. So don't worry too much about it, teach."

Mrs. Woods looks over at the student that is sitting on the far side of the class against the wall.

"Now Mr. Park, please stop calling me teach, it is Mrs. Woods to you as a student, and secondly. Where is your school bag?"

"It looks like John forgot his bag again."

John looks down at the floor then at the back of his seat, before turning and looking at Mrs. Woods.

"I guess I forgot it again teach."

Mrs. Woods rubs her thumb and index finger over both of her eyes before speaking.

"I swear. I don't know what I am going to do with you. And it is Mrs. Woods, not teach."

As Mrs. Woods is giving John a hard time for forgetting his bag, Clark slowly opens the door and tries to sneak in, but Jake pointed him out.

"Look who finally makes it to class."

Clark looks over at Jake, as everyone else looks over at Clark.

"What's wrong, did you stay up late again? I guess you need a bedtime now."

All the other students but Argos start to laugh, as Clark smiles then speaks.

"I guess you have a point there. But I am a little surprised."

Jake quits laughing, as he gets a more serious look on his face.

"Surprised about what?"

Clark puts his right hand on his chin and holds his bag in his other hand.

"Oh, you know, how you actually can use that brain of yours. Since you're failing all your classes."

Clark gives Jake a wink before he goes to take his seat. As Mrs. Woods looked over and spoke to Clark.

"Nice to see you join my class today. Mr. Beyohuma.

Clark gives Mrs. Woods a smile before speaking.

"Yeah. I figured that it is best if I did, if I didn't want to hear it from my mom later."

"That is a good decision. Now take your seat so class can get started."

"Yes, of course."

As Clark walks over to his seat he looks over at Jake and sees that those words he said to Jake really got to him, as Jake breaks the penis that was in his mouth, as Clark takes his seat next to Argos. Clark sits down and puts his bag on the floor next to his seat then looks over at Argos and can see that Argos goggles are not staying up like they should. Clark opens his bag and pulls out tape and speaks to Argos.

"Hey Argos, I got you something. It is for your goggles, I hope it can help."

Argos looks over at Clark and sees the tape in his hand. Argos takes the tape from Clark and puts it in his bag for later.

"Thanks, Clark. That will come handy later."

"Now the tape is meant for your goggles, not for your side things."

"Oh, no fun."

As both Clark and Argos start to laugh a little, Mrs. Woods walks over and places a book on Clark's desk.

"If you came here to talk a lot Mr. Beyohuma. Then you can start by reading the first 10 chapters out loud to the class, for today's lesson."

"Wait, do what."

Time 12:45

After a while the day has gone by, and it was lunch time. Both Argos and Clark go up to the roof, where the rest of their friend group is waiting for them. As Argos opens the door, he sees the shadow of Jenks standing there against the wall right next to the door. As Argos looks up at Jenks, Jenks pats Argos on the head.

"Hey what is up Argos? I heard your goggles came off again today."

Argos removes Jenks' hand from his head and looks up at Jenks'. As Argos looks up he can see that Jenks towers over him and even blocks out the sun from hitting his eyes, as Jenks' golden blonde hair shines from the sunlight from behind him. Jenks fixes his hair back to the way it was. Clark walks outside and looks at Jenks then speaks.

"Hey Jenks. I see you got a new haircut. Is that style called quiff or something like that?"

Jenks looked at Clark with a smile and spoke.

"I am glad you noticed but no it's called a mid-fade."

"You mean it is a quiff and a mid-fade?"

Clark and Jenks both look over and see their other friend Rex sitting down and reading his favorite manga. Rex put a bookmark in his manga, as he looks at the other three standing at the door to the roof.

"Are you guys just going to stand there, or are you going to come over here and take a seat?"

"Yeah, you have a good point there Rex."

"Let's relax and enjoy this time we have, to be away from everyone else."

"I agree, but a nap sounds amazing right now."

The other three sit down with Rex and start to eat but Clark, as he lays back against the fence to the roof and starts to try to sleep, as the others start to look at him. Clark can feel the others looking at him as he lays against the fence. Jenks takes a bite of his lunch then asks Clark a question.

"So, Clark. Did you not get any sleep last night or something?"

Clark opens his left eye and looks at Jenks.

"Not really."

"Were you playing that game again?"

Clark closes his eyes and rolls to his side.

"I think that answers my question."

Argos looks at Rex with a confusing face.

"What game are you talking about?"

Rex looks back at Argos with a disbelieving look on his face, as both Clark and Jenks look at Argos, like he has been living under a rock.

"Argos, please tell me your joking, right?"

"No, I am being real with you guys, so what is with the looks?"

Rex puts his hand on his face.

"Man, Argos, you need to get out more."

"You mean he needs to get in more. He goes out to build things, so he has no knowledge of the gaming world."

"The game is called Curse War, and I didn't just play it all last night, but I even beat the final boss."

Jenks looks at Clark with an excited look on his face.

"Hell yeah, how did you do it? I heard that even a team of 100 top players couldn't defeat the final boss."

"Well, it was not easy, but I did it."

"The real question is now. How long did it take for you to do it?"

Clark slowly looks over at Rex.

"Around 5 hours."

Rex and Jenks both shake their heads at Clark. As the three continued to eat Rex stopped to say something to Jenks.

"Oh yeah, Jenks."

"What is up?"

Jenks looks over at Rex as he eats his lunch.

"You said hell earlier."

Clark gives a little smile on his face as he lays against the fence, as Jenks finishes what he was chewing and looks at Rex and points at him.

"Don't you dare start that will me."

Rex and Clark start to laugh as Argos looks at them with another confused look on his face.

"What is wrong with the word hell?"

Rex looks at Argos.

"Argos, remind me later to teach you things outside of work on builds and all that type of stuff."

"Good luck on that Rex. I have already tried to do that."

Clark sits up straight and looks over at Jenks then at the others, as Rex starts to talk.

"So, the reason we are giving Jenks hell for saying the word hell. Is because his family are Christians, and they hate the word hell."

"Even though it is in the bible."


"Look guys, it is not a big deal."

"We know, we are just giving you hell."

Both Clark and Jenks start to laugh again, as Argos still is kind of lost on what is going on. After both Clark and Rex stopped laughing, Argos asked them a question.

"If his family is Christians, then what are you all?"

Jenks stops eating and looks at Argos then at the other two.

"Well, you see Argos, not everyone believes in stuff like that."

"Like what?"

"A god."

Both Argos and Jenks look at Rex and look back at Argos.

"And if you ask what a god is, I swear I am going to make you read one of my mangas."

"No, I know what a god is."

Rex takes a breath.

"That is good to know."

"They were in the history textbook. When we study over the Greeks and the Romans. You remember, right Clark?"

Clark looked over at Argos then started to rub his eyes.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Well yes the Greeks and Romans had their own gods, as we have ours."

"What is the difference?"

"That is hard to explain Argos. But what I can say. Is that all gods suck at their job."

After Clark said that all the other three looked at Clark with confused faces. Jenks puts his lunch in his bag and then asks Clark a question.

"What do you mean by that, Clark? Just curious."

Clark takes a breath before answering Jenks' question.

"Well, how can I say this? I look at everything as if it was a game."

"That is no joke. That is all you do is game."

Jenks looks over at Rex then back at Clark.

"Like a game you say. Even life?"

"Yeah, life is a game to me. And the bleed gods are the one running it. I mean come on why do I have to live this way, why can I not do whatever I want or maybe level up or something like that. I just feel like the gods need to change something or let us be more free in the world."

"Well maybe it is for our own good. You know."

"For our own good. I feel like they just want to be on top of everything. I don't even remember being asked if I wanted to live in this world."

Rex gets mad at Clark for what he just said and stops Clark from talking.

"Clark, it is cool to talk like that."

Clark pushes Rex away and speaks.

"I am not saying I want to die or anything like that. I am just saying that I would rather live in a world where I can be what I want to be without limits, you know."

The others look at each other before Jenks starts to talk.

"Yeah, I know that feeling, but we have to be happy with what we got in life."

"Yeah, I just feel like the gods, need to go somewhere else, or give us a rise to believe in them. Then just because we should."

Argos looks at Clark and speaks.

"So, if you did live in another world. Where would that be or what would it be like?"

Clark looks over at Argos with a smile on his face.

"I would live in a fantasy world with magic and all that cool stuff, and to be able to do whatever I want to do, with no role or limits."

"That sounds to cool to be real."

"Yeah, I know."

Jenks looks at Clark and spoke.

"If you find this fantasy world of yours. Will you come back for us?"

Clark looks at the three of them as they look back at home. Clark then hits himself in the chest and speaks.

"Oh yeah I would. I guy's or may bros. I couldn't leave you all anywhere."

"I guess we will hold you to that, Clark."

"Oh yeah we will."

As the four of them sit there smiling and laughing as they eat their lunches, they can hear the bell ring for the roof. Jenk and Rex both jump up and run to their class.

"Okay see you guys later."

"Yeah, you guys stay out of trouble. And I am talking to you Clark."

Jenks gives Clark a smile before running down the stairs. Argos and Clark both stand up and follow right behind Jenks and Rex. As Argos and Clark run to their class, Argos asks Clark something.

"Do you think Mrs. Woods will be mad at us for being late?"

"No, I think we will be fine."

Argos looks at Clark as they run down the halls and speak.

"Okay I trust you."

Both Argos and Clark make it to class with Mrs. Woods gives both of them a look as they take their seats. But in a fair distance in another dimension, there are 6 beings sitting in large throne-like chairs that are made in a u shape around a large room. As the one in the 3rd chair on the left from the center chair starts to talk.

"I can't believe humans have the audacity to talk to us gods like that. If I had it my way, they would be begging for mercy just by looking at us."

The god stands up out of his chair and looks at the others.

"I say, let's go teach that boy a lesson."

"And what kind of lesson will that be, Poseidon?"

"The lesson that mortals deserve for talking down to a god."

"I feel like Poseidon is on to something here."

"Not you to Shiva."

Shiva looks over at Anubis with a face of disappointment.

"Don't tell me that, you okay with a human talking down about you, Anubis?"

"Of course I am not, but as a god I have a job to do."

"And what is that?"

Poseidon walks over to Anubis and stands right in front of Anubis face.

"My job is to watch over the underworld and help guide the dead to the right place."

Poseidon looks at Anubis with a face of disgust before he starts to walk to the door that leads to the other dimension. As Poseidon gets to the door, Athena speaks to Poseidon.

"I don't think it is smart to do that Poseidon."

Poseidon turns and looks at Athena.

"Can you say that again, Athena."

"I believe we should wait for Christ and Buddha to get back from their meeting, and see where they stand on this…"

Before Athena could finish talking, Poseidon summons water spears around her. Poseidon looks at Athena and the other gods that are in the room with him and says to them.

"If you want to stop me, then try. But I will make that boy pay for what he said to us gods."

As all the others sit there in their chairs, one of them stands up and starts to walk over to Poseidon.

"Okay, I will play along with your plan Poseidon."

Poseidon smiled and spoke.

"Well, it is good to have you join me, Sun-Wukong."

Athena goes to say something, but she can feel the gaze from Shiva. Shiva looks over at Poseidon and Wukong and speaks.

"Go ahead and go, no one here will stop you. But do remember this Poseidon, when Buddha gets back, you will have to deal with him on your own."

Poseidon looks back at Shiva.

"I am fully aware of that."

Poseidon summons his trident to his hand, as Wukong summons his Ruyi Jingu Bang to his hands. They both turned and Wukong teleported to the other dimension as Poseidon spoke one more time.

"We will be right back with the boy's soul. If that even lives."

Poseidon then teleports to the other dimension right behind Wukong. As both Poseidon and Wukong get ready to go through with their plan, Clark gets in his room and goes to take a nap.

"Finally, I can sleep."

As Clark closes his eyes, Poseidon and Wukong make their move on him. Clark heard something move around him and when he opened his eyes, Clark can see that his is in a full black room that goes forever with no end and sees the beings standing right in front of him.

Next chapter