

She enters the area, a dagger in each hand. As soon as she is there the goblins rush towards her. I grab my sword left by my bike and I run to join her.

( Is she out of her mind for christ sake ?!)

She also runs to the nearest goblin, screaming. I double my efforts to get there. The goblin arrives close to her and jumps, his dagger forward. The redhead chop down with both of her arms on the goblin, having a longer reach she pushes the two kobold daggers into the skull and shoulder of the goblin without him touching her. I arrive at that moment at her side to see her still attacking restlessly the same goblin. She does not care about what surrounds her and that complicates my task because I find myself having to cover her from a small army of angry goblin. Fortunately each movement of my weapon cuts three goblin effortlessly or makes them fly (usually with one member less). However they are more agile than me because of the size of my weapon and way more numerous. I find myself quickly submerged without being able to move my weapon. Fortunately the boost of Str acts and allows me to swat away all the goblins on me but alas some prefer to focus on the cutie that I protect. They pass by me and attack her.

"- RUN !"

But this only allow her to comes out of the relentlessness she had on the first goblin (dead for a while) and she rushes on a second one.


- THAT'S ENOUGH NOW ! ([Predator's Eye], [Blood Manipulation], [Blood Absorption]!)

I activate all my main skills at once, screaming. I then look like a bloodthirsty monster, a stream of green and red blood floating around me, red eyes and an imposing aura of [half-monster], [Blóðvölva] and [Dominator]. The goblins stop all at once. The scene seems to freeze in time for a second.


Ding *


[Goblin language] enabled



Nothing moves except the blood that is getting redder and redder around me. Then I see the goblins near Marie recoil with caution while avoiding me. Marie, on her side, still does not move.

"- Marie ..." I say in a deep and dark voice that I don't recognize, "move. Right now."

A shiver ran on her spine and she gets up hurriedly to join my bike.

Ding *


New skill obtained!

You have impressed / terrified a horde of monsters / players with your aura and / or your skills

Common Skill: [Imposing Aura]


passive skill: You emit a strong aura, influencing your surroundings, in good or bad way...

Active Skill: Your aura increases again and you can terrify your opponents or effectively control your troops

consumes 20 mana at activation then 10 / sec





your nature of [half-monster] as well as your Titles [Blóðvölva], [Dominator] and [Magus] affect the power of the skill and its mana consumption




New skill obtained!

your nature [half-monster] as well as your titles [Blóðvölva] and [Dominator] have changed the nature of your skill [Imposing Aura]

Unique Skill: [King's Bloody Aura]


passive skill: You emit an aura who have a much more powerful blood power, influencing your surroundings, in a good or bad way...

Active Skill: Your aura increases again and you can terrify your opponents or effectively control your troops

consumes 100 mana at activation then 10 / sec

changed by [Magus]: 60 / activation then 6 / sec


I close all the windows that pop up one after the other, not bothering reading it at all, preferring to focus my attention on the enemies troop in front of me.

Seeing that no one moves or seems to want to attack me I release my skills that begins to exhaust me mentally because my mana dropped quite low. Finally a goblin advances:

- Gi... gigi giiigi

Ding *


[Goblin language] enabled


"- repeat," I say to the goblin.

"- Human'gi, speak our language'gi?"

(Raaaah again this "gigi" ...)

"- Effectively.

- You leave territory to us'gi. We will not attack you if you leave.

- ...

I weigh the pros and cons.

(I am powerful but there are many, even for me ... but with my skill [Blood Absorption] I could hold ... ah but do they have a leader? I will ask ...)

- Do you have a chief ?

- Gi ? We have several, an Ancient and Hobgoblins who command us.

- Where are they ?

Upon hearing my question, I feel the goblin crowd getting angry and holding their weapons more firmly. Some even start pointing them at me. The one who speaks to me is tense too but he asks me:

"-Why do you want to know'gi ?

- Talk to them."

The goblin say long and deep "gi", as if to point out something to me, but I do not already understand the humans so the goblins ...

"- I go to see'gi. You stay there."

He gets into the crowd of goblin and goes inside the supermarket in their area (the Miniblins are at the DIY store, the slimes at the clothing stores and the giant rats at restaurants). I wait a moment then finally I see getting out of the supermarket two hobgoblins who then stands out in the crowd of green dwarves.

(two ... it's not going to be easy to manage with an army of goblin plus the two of them ... I have to play it smartly)

They arrive towards me and stop at ten meters. I identify them quickly:


Hobgoblin Warrior (level 35)

Hp : 300/300


Hobgoblin Raider (level 32)

Hp: 200/200


(One is like the one I killed, the other is stronger ...)

"- Are you human'gi speaking our language ? Goblin Gur say you're strong and want to talk to us'gi.

(a voice more serious, like the last one, well now I understand it ...)

"- Effectively. First of all I know that I am not in a favorable position there, but since we can speak I prefer to speak first before a massacre begins."

They remain silent and watch me calmly, I continue then:

"- I imagine you know that the Orcs are right next door and they captured the city, and you have the biggest food supply in the area ..."

They begin to grunt in a threatening way, obviously there is an animosity, either towards me or towards the orcs.

"- Your situation is not brightest if you want my opinion. They will want this area as well quickly. And they are stronger and at least as numerous."

(Oh they grabbed their weapons ...)

"- Human'gi insult us? You came here for us to kill you.

- I did not come to insult you, I'm talking about the current situation. And offer you something.

- Gi? You suggest something'gi ?"

(well they relax a little ...Still, I'm not out of business tho)

"- Yes. An alliance. Against the orcs.

- Alliance'gi? With human'gi?

- Yes."

They consult each other in secret for a moment then turn to me:

- We do not need help'gi, but human have a pretty female with him'gi ... if you leave her with us'gi, we let you g...


He does not finish his sentence, my fighting knife is stuck in his throat. I grab my sword and charge them while the second, the [Hobgoblin Warrior], watches his comrade fall back with my knife in my neck. However, the surprise dissipates before I am in range and he manages to throw his weapon before I reach it. Fortunately I have an advantage: my charge coupled with the weight of the sword allows me to swing a big strike from bottom to top, breaking his guard and his balance. I kick in the same motion forward on his chest, making him fly back with a Tud *. He crashes on the group of goblins behind him which gives me time to take care of his comrade with my knife. I violently attack with my weapon on the creature and activate at the same time [Blood Manipulation] hoping that it works via [Burning Rancor] and not my body directly. To my great happiness, I feel my mana decrease sharply as my victim's blood rises along my new weapon. I see the Hobgoblin Hp's diminish at incredible speed as his blood leaves him, but his comrade gets up and orders his hench army to attack me.

- [King's Bloody Aura]!

I activate my new skill, reducing my mana amount again to a disturbing level. The effect is impressive, I feel something huge in me surging, like a flash of heat that suddenly explodes outside me. The green blood of the creature floats around me and my skill [Predator's eye] is activated alone, I feel almighty ... but a violent pain in my head comes out of this feeling:

(shit my mana amount is almost zero! [Blood Absorption]!)

The blood that flies around me is immediately absorbed by my pores and I feel the vital energy of the creature invade me. The other goblins do not dare approach me, they are terrified. Even the Hobgoblin looks at me trembling...

"- I warned you," I tell him in a strange voice, " we could have allied and eliminate these pigs ... You decided to be killed by me instead."

(I feel like my voice is shaking the air itself, this feeling of power related to [King's Bloody Aura] is incredible)

I finish absorbing and killing the hobgoblin but I only earn three stats points as he is not responsible for looting I guess. Once done I get my knife back and I'm not worried about a possible attack as my skill is active then I go to Marie. She has her head down and I walk past her without looking at her and get on my bike. She does not react and just stays there without moving.

"- Hey ! Get up, hurry up", I tell her with the voice modified by [King's Bloody Aura].

She reacts with a fright then jumped quickly on the bike. I start immediately without even giving us time to don our helmets. Once on the road I disable my skill that consumes me enough mana. I feel it relaxing at the same time my skill stops.

(This skill terrifies even my allies if I use it like that ... I have to be careful, but there she has messed up, she put herself in danger and me too ...)