
Another training

I wake up only two hours later but I already feel much better. I approach my window with a new t-shirt and see Inukami shooting at the target on which my mother and sister were practicing knife throwing. It seems that he knows how to use a bow because all the arrows he fires end in the center of the target.

I go down into the garden to see that my grandfather also shows the other two kobolds how a rifle works. My mother, my sister and Marie are in thehouse trying to put away all the new stock of weapons.

"How do you find this bows of us Inukami ?" I ask him.

- They are surprisingly simple to use, these wheels at the ends makes it easier to draw the arrow, is not it?

- That's right, the pulleys make it easier and faster to pull the string of the bow.

- It is not as powerful as that of our former leader but it is one of the best that I saw.

- Your old boss? Ah yes you were the third in the chain of command of your pack ... your superior has a bow more powerful than a hunting bow ... "

- No I want to talk about the alpha before the one you heard ... the new alpha had killed him ..."

Inukami seems sad when thinking back. That's probably why he followed me so easily.

(It's both good to know and disturbing, I think going back to the quarry is not a good idea ... besides being away from home, it's right in the middle of the forest which is a real death zone, let's add to that the alpha whose howling petrified me and the second who can attack with ice magic ... I would send my family to death by going there)

The kobold hands me the bow and I try to shoot. I need some arrows to get used to it but I find that my reflexes are back very quickly.

(I think that once again my stats are responsables there for a lot, I certainly have training but it's been a long time ... well we should see what it gives against moving targets on the other hand because this is no longer the same as soon as the targets moves around)

I have an idea to allow my grandfather to train with his spells and the otherswith their aiming : a new version of "Clay pigeon shooting". My grandfather would send a mana sphere and the others would have to shoot it.

I go back to the others to submit my idea. The old owl that is my grandpa agrees but the three women are not enthusiastic. It's my mother who explains to me why:

"- Lukas we discussed and ... we think we should seek refuge with the army. We looked at the information and it would appear that the state is counterattacking and proposing areas where civilians can go to be under the protection of the army ... I know that you and your grandfather do not want to leave the house but ... think of your little sister. I do not want to see her fight monsters and risk her life! Marie has almost been ... well, you remember ? "

I remain silent after hearing that. Of course I do not want you to fight for your life, but the images I saw on the internet have already shown me that governments were overtaken by events and only by increasing our personal power we would have a meager chance. I can not constantly protect them after all, my family must be able to defend themselves.

My mother and Marie anxiously await my answer, I can see it well ...

"- Listen, if it was a zombie apocalypse or a nuclear war I would have agreed. But that's a different story. It's the personal strength that comes first. While the equipment can help eliminate more powerful monsters than us, the few powerful monsters that I met can kill us in one movement ... and those I saw on the internet in Paris for example can kill us without even wanting to. I saw a zombie dragon destroy the Eiffel Tower with a tail swip to make a nest ! A lich raised an army of skeletons and overwhelm a contingent of the army as if nothing had happened ... in front of this kind of creature, if we are not high level then we are nothing more than a pebble on the side of the road: they will not even notice us while killing us. So you must become more powerful. We do not have the choice "

Now it is they who welcome my speech in silence. They look at each other a little, seeming to hesitate to talk to me.

"-I do not want you to fight alone Lukas, I want to help you. I trained to throw daggers you know, and Inukami told me that I was strong for that. I just want everyone to be safe, and for that I have to get stronger, right ? So what should I do ? Mom, I think Lukas is right, in the games when we are not at the level for a zone we get killed, no matter what our equipment. I often watched Lukas played and he won because he had a higher level or skills ! "

My little sister Alyssa surprises us all a bit, showing amazing determination.

"- But it's not a game sweetie! We are in real life !" Replied my mother.

"- We may be in real life, but the game has come to us. Mom, what she just said is astonishingly true. I do not want to see her fight either but ... it must be done. "

I lift Alyssa while saying that and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"-Do not worry, I'll never let her voluntarily expose herself to danger ..." I add, the most seriously possible.

Finally my mother has some tears but she wipes them quickly and takes us in her arms without a word. She does not need to say, we understand it.

There follows a new training session for my tribe. The constant threat of death over our heads serving as the best motivator possible. I am pleasantly surprised by the archery skills of Alyssa and Marie! Alyssa does not have much strength and reloading a crossbow is complicated, but with the pulleys of the bow this problem is compensated ! It's not a big bow so she does not have trouble using it on top of that. Marie can use the crossbow quite easily, especially as the laser sight helps a lot for the aiming part. My mother has more trouble, being more a pacifist at heart I suppose ... I know what class would go to her : priest or healer. Or more generally a magical class that can cure, its strong points being Int and Sag.

Meanwhile, I can finally look at the selection my grandfather made in the Library. There are books on a bit of everything: magic, history of certain clans with special powers, collection of this or that ancestor on how they fight etc ... I even took the skill book that the orc commander had, [ Unlimited libido]. Marie looked at me strangely when she saw it in my hands but what who cares ? What matters to me is to see if I can draw new skill from all that! So I start a long reading period while my family is training ...

After what seems like an eternity trying to decipher those old books, I end up coming up with the one that would be a sexual skill book ...

(Well, let's see what he says ...)

I open the book and find that it is written in a strange language. It sounds more like runes than letters, but strangely I follow them and "read" the book, even if I do not really understand it. The further I go, the more I feel a strange energy rising in me, until I reach the last rune and ...

Ding *


New skill!

Semi-passive Skill (Common): [Unlimited Libido]

You have extraordinary sexual stamina!

effect: semi-passive skill, triggers during sexual intercourse. Offers you long hours of pleasure in perspective ...


(What is this description?! It does not teach me anything!)

First of all, I am shocked by the lack of information that the skill window gives me, but when I think about it the title is quite explicit ... However, what I mainly learn is that skill books seem to be enchanted books that when you read them to the end, allow us to learn a skill directly without prior training.

(Well at the same time, training in this skill ... at another time I would willingly do it but there I have no time!)

I sigh and let the book go, and cross by chance Marie. Immediately I feel my lower abdomen reacting by seeing her and a certain part of my body wakes up.

(Oh, I ... I thought it was triggering DURING the act ! Not BEFORE the act ! Shitty monster blood!)

I suddenly get up and go back inside to take a cold shower once again ...

Alyssa's getting ready to follow her brother ! She share the same blood as him, so how will she change ?

Miaksoucreators' thoughts