
A Fateful Meeting

"I might as well take an early, afternoon shift at the restaurant," I admitted to Charlie.

"Alright," he agreed. "Have a great rest of the day."

"I'll try!"

Once I arrived, I quickly went I to the back to change into my outfit. I slipped on my dress, my knee-high socks, and my headband. My skirt was short, but fluffy. Not in the sense of fur, but that it was puffed out. The top, however, was quite the opposite and skin tight. Tonight was top hat Tuesday and everyone was wearing a top hat headband instead of the usual maid headband. Every top hat had a different ribbon color. Mine was orange and tied into a bow. I looked into the mirror and I thought I was pulling it off. I smiled and walked out into the kitchen.

"Glad you're here! Table five needs a refill," explained my coworker, Martha.

"On it," I replied.

I walked out into the field and gave the guy there a refill of black coffee. I always felt uncomfortable around people who ordered black coffee. They were usually so intense and had a dark type of feeling to them. This guy wasn't as old as they usually are, though. He was around my age with a stern build, brown hair, and blue eyes. He was also around a foot taller than me. Not really a surprise considering I was short on my own. Once I started pouring his refill, he looked at me. His eyes beamed into my soul. I tried to focus on the coffee and as soon at it reached the top, I asked if anything was wrong.

"Why do women wear top hats? It's un ethical," he spouted.

I felt my face turn red, "Well, why is it bad for women to wear top hats? I would be perfectly fine if I saw you wearing a dress, so why cant you accept my top hat?"

"I highly doubt you could stand the sight of me in a dress."

"I highly doubt I couldn't. You are still you, after all."

"Are you saying I'd look good even in a rediculous outfit? You must really think I'm something." He smirked and sipped his coffee.

I blushed, "I must attend to more tables, thank you."

I walked back into the kitchen and explained what just happened to Martha.

"Then he assumed I thought he looked cute, or hot, one of those."

"He sounds cute! Plus, you are so blushing right now."

"Stop! I don't like him, I'm just embarrassed, okay?"

"Fine, table four needs to be wiped down."

"Thank you," I grabbed the wipe and spray bottle, then walked out.

"There you are," the man smiled.

"Don't tell me you shooed away these customers for me to come back out here."

"I may have had a little to do with them leaving."

"Seems like I'm not the only one who 'enjoys' your company," I said sarcastically.

"So you admit it."

"Admit what?"

"That you enjoy my company."

"Table six needs a refill, I need to go."

"Please, at least tell me when you're off."

"Nine. I get off at nine. Happy now?"

"Very much so," he smirked.