
Life in Isekai

Dear Readers, This is just a timepass story I write at school. Updates are not sure. As soon as I get time, I will write new chapters. Thank you for your support. Special mention to my best friend and my cousin sister who encouraged me to write this. Thanking you, Author~

nxture · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Tiring day it indeed was! A test, physical education period with extra stayback and the worst of all... a splitting headache!

After spending atleast 45 minutes in the scorching sun at a temperature of 40°C, just to reach home, it had done nothing much but worsened the aching.

I reached home and laid on the floor, wishing my headache would just go away. Thinking it is what it is, I unwillingly took a bath and ate some instant noodles and then, directly jumped on my bed and shut my eyes. I waited and waited... and waited.... heck I couldn't sleep! Thinking that trying to sleep even though my mind didn't want to sleep, I opened my eyes and lo behold!

There was darkness all around. I started looking around me but there was nothing except miles and miles of darkness, stretched to infinity. I lifted myself up and looked at my surroundings once again, nothing had changed. There was darkness in the West, darkness in the East... I didn't even know where East or West was...

I closed my eyes, hoping this was a dream and that I would wake up soon. I opened my eyes once again and I was surprised. The background which was pitch black, had now changed to blinding white!

I closed and rubbed my eyes and, again, opened them. What lay ahead of me shocked me... land!

There was grass all around me! Little streams of water, which passed through the grassland, supplied the leaves with energy to grow. I looked up and there were huge mountains past the grasslands, surrounding me in all directions. I looked above me. The sky was blue, just like our normal sky. I looked down at the ground. The ground consisted of brown soil. There were moist, soft, blades of grass growing on the soil with occasional coloured flower-like structures.

I was in awe.

This sight could not have been found on Earth.

Was I... in another world?!