
Life in I want to eat your pancreas

Well, I am writing this for fun as the movie ending was very painful, also i have almost zero experience in writing. HENCE, YOU ARE WARNED! There will be PLOT-HOLES, BAD SENTENCE STRUCTURES, ETC. But i will try to write a romance fanfic (obviously no harem) Thank You~

Ayanokoji_Kiyopon · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 19-Timeskip and Agreed!

After completing their training, Sakura bid farewell to Asher as he entered his room and sighed satisfactorily. He then took a quick shower and went downwards for breakfast.

When he came, he found his father and mother looking at him with a teasing expression. He just went towards them and started eating breakfast with a straight face.

Kageyama teased his son, "Not bad..."

Shizune also said with a amusing expression, "yeah indeed quite a beauty."

Kageyama then looked towards his wife as he wrapped his arms around her and said, "But not as beautiful honey."

Shizune said with a blunt tone, "No need to flatter mr. kageyama."

Asher just snorted and didn't say anything, 'Old man you just wait making sakura mine then i would feed you with dog food in such large quantity that your stomach would not be able to handle it.' a darkened expression laced on his face as an evil smile hung on his face.

Kageyama glanced towards his son hoping to find a gloomy expression but he only found an evil smile which send shivers his spine as he dryly chuckled,

"I am going now for work." he then pecked his wife and bid farewell to asher.

(After 3 months)

Asher and Sakura were standing with sweat on their bodies as their breathing was uneven.

{A/N: control emotions heheh~}

They were standing facing each other after training as Sakura has also become more proficient in hand-to-hand combat as she can deal with 2-3 thugs singlehandedly with ease.

Asher said smiling warmly at Sakura, "Are you free tomorrow?"

In these 3 months their relationship has improved as Sakura do not feel any discomfort while accompanying Asher, Although they hadn't gone to any dates or have made their relationship official.

Asher now knew that she likes him now, although he doesn't sound to be narcissist but still he had done his all to woo her, he was not overly clingy with her as he messaged her often while they spend their time together in training.

They also return from school together accompanied by hachiman and ryoko, Ryoko dislikes hachiman due to his indifference and laziness, and our hachiman boy obviously doesn't have any interest in romantic relationship.

Sakura doesn't mind hachiman's indifference as she knows that he is like that but she keep polite and formal with him as he is Asher's best friend.

But after sometime both ryoko and hachiman stopped accompanying them as they don't want to be fed by dog food everyday, as singles they feel nauseous to the look in their best friend's eyes, Asher's look even made hachiman faint one time as he thought, 'He is an impostor, return my friend, Asher has lost it.'

Ryoko was also surprised by the look Sakura gives Asher, but she also felt happy for her friend who seems to find a man who truly likes her.

Now, Asher has decided to confess to her and make their relationship official, so he had decided to date her.

[POV Sakura]

I was startled by the sudden question but slowly regained my composure as i nodded and cheekily said, "Yes I am free tomorrow, Why ask?"

Although I have hunch but still i decided to ask him

His gaze became full of warmth and affection as he gently held my arm and looked deeply into my eyes as he asked with a tint of nervousness and anticipation in his voice, "Will you go to a date with me?"

Although i had guessed it but still after hearing my heartstrings quirked as ripples were formed in my heart, I blushed and nodded, "O-okay" Yeah i am now certain that i have fell for him although it is love or not i don't know but i am certain that i truly like him and by just imagining him with other woman my heart aches.

Then he squealed in joy which surprised me as he grabbed my waist and pulled into a deep hug and murmured in a relieved tone, "Thanks.."

I also hugged him back as i wrapped my hands around his waist feeling the warmth emitted from his body.

We stayed like this for a few moments when I hesitatingly pulled myself, then he looked at me and said in a teasing tone,

"Okay, get ready at 2 pm tomorrow, I will pick you up."

I nodded bashfully and then said in a low voice, "Its time to go Asher." as much as i want to stay with him but i know that i can't as he have to go to work, I have asked him about that which he replied as business deals and said he will tell me in future.

Well, I was not much interested in it to begin with, I like Asher not his family or work. Although I want to know everything about him but i know that he will tell me at right time.

Even i didn't have tell him about my illness because i am simply a coward, I am afraid after knowing it he would leave me, I really don't have courage to tell him as i can't afford him to cut all ties with me.

My mother has said there are some hopes, as the famous mysterious doctor-researcher Dr. Ash can make the cure but my disease is utterly fatal, but i have put my hopes on cure, to have optimistic view on life.

I then glanced at side view of Asher, hi perfect jawline, handsome features, sexy lips all were very enticing. Without my knowing a small smile graced on my face. 'Oh my he is f****g handsome.'

[POV Sakura End]

Asher heaved a sigh of satisfaction as Sakura agreed to date him, although he had the confidence but still after listening and conforming, his heart swell up with pride and joy.

He flashed a brilliant smile which almost blinded Sakura as her heart sped up and she thought, 'Very dangerous smile!'

Then Sakura was about to leave but Asher grabbed her wrist and pecked her cheeks swiftly before winking at her.

Sakura yelped at his sudden attack as she became red due to blushing and embarrassment. She punched him with her small fists on his chest. The attack brought nothing but excitement and happiness in Asher. Then he grabbed her fist and again pecked other cheek.

Sakura became surprised as she said embarrassadily, "Y-Yo-u-u, hmph Shameless!" she stomped her feet on ground and started walking away from him. She was not angry at him but embarrassed at him for kissing her cheeks without any prior knowledge.

Asher knew it and he said, "Only for you Sakura hehe~"

Sakura blushed red to her neck and without turning back she started walking towards her home.

Then Asher also returned to his home as he stroded into his room and began to think what had happened to his company and in underworld in these past 3 months.

A.S.H(All Society Harmony) has become one of the largest company in Japan with its connections reaching to foreign also, it is the fastest growing company of all time.

The hospital has become one of the world's largest with top-quality doctors, nurses, specialists and equipments.

The manga industry has become famous worldwide as Naruto and other mangas like fairy tale, One piece, One punch man, Hunter x Hunter, etc. have began to become popular worldwide

The music industry also have improved by leaps and bounds due to its unique songs.

The film industry has also become famous due to its blockbusters like Shutter Island, Inception, Jurassic Park triology, etc.

All in all A.S.H has become a hub of money in Japan it has also collaborations with michell industries which have greatly improved michell industries also.

Also, NOTE in underworld has become quite a name, he was now controlling upto 25% of underworld.

This is all for the company's improvement.

There is also something bothering Asher as Takahiro had not done anything after the attack 4 months ago. Asher is finding it very suspicious, 'Hmm, so this Takahiro is not as stupid huh?'

Asher has also tried to look into background of Yamauchi family head but this all lead into a dead end, it is like there is no origin of Kang Yamauchi. He then stopped looking into the background as he will ask Sakura in future and then will see what he have to do.

But Asher did not know that Takahiro had tried to put talks with Sakura at school with his usual facade.


Sakura was returning to her home then she heard a voice from behind,

"Sakura-chan wait a minute"

She turned around and found a handsome man, although not in league of Asher but still very handsome for whom girls would throw at him. But Sakura is not some girl.

She was annoyed at him as he was saying her name like they are close friends. She took a step back and said in a cold voice, "I think mr.?"

The young man said, "Takahiro"

Sakura thought, 'Oh the school warm prince, eh? what's good in him, he is just looking like a hooligan.' she snorted and continued in annoyed and distant voice, "I think mr. Takahiro we are not that close to call each other's name directly. Don't you know etiquettes?"

Takahiro's gaze darkened as an evil expression appeared on his face but as a expert in hiding his true face, he recomposed himself as a fake smile appeared on his face and he said with a teasing voice, "We can become close then miss Sakura."

Sakura became angry at him and she also found something different in his expression now and she thought it is not right to be near him.

She spoke in a cold and icy voice which send shivers to opposite man, "I don't have any interest in becoming close with you so please stop embarrassing yourself and LEAVE."

Takahiro became surprised that he actually became afraid by her cold voice as he thought, "This b*tch you just wait." he was blooming with anger inside as he tried to suppress it.

Then a cheerful voice was heard, "Sakura my best friend let's go."

Ryoko came looking for Sakura to return home and then she found annoyed and angry at a handsome man and she understood that this man was trying to do something to Sakura. So, she decided to call her.

Sakura looked at Ryoko and heaved a sigh as she said with a small smile, "Yes lets go Ryoko."

Sakura didn't even glanced at the man and started walking with Ryoko.

Takahiro gritted his teeth and stomped his feet angrily as he turned around and walked spitting anger from his face, 'How dare she treat me like sh*t, this sl*t, you wait i will take my revenge'

But Takahiro didn't know that even if he got a rumor of Takahiro approaching Sakura is heard by him then he will be doomed.

*Flashback End*


{A/N: Dating will start hehe~~}