
Life in I want to eat your pancreas

Well, I am writing this for fun as the movie ending was very painful, also i have almost zero experience in writing. HENCE, YOU ARE WARNED! There will be PLOT-HOLES, BAD SENTENCE STRUCTURES, ETC. But i will try to write a romance fanfic (obviously no harem) Thank You~

Ayanokoji_Kiyopon · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 17-Press Conference

He then went back into the house where his parents have just finished the breakfast.

Shizune asked worriedly while looking at him, "Everything is alright ashy?"

Kageyama was also glancing for answer.

Asher looked at them and a slight smile appeared on his face as he said releasing a sigh, "Yeah, mom, dad everything is alright."

They both were still suspicious but nonetheless nodded their head as they have unshakable trust in their son.

After that, asher dragged his father to his room and showed him the place to make main headquarters of A.S.H.

Kageyama was first surprised to see that his son have found a perfect place for the site, so he quickly dialed a number and asked his men to buy the plot and keep all the transactions confidential.

He asked his father to arrange a press conference for him so that he can publish the cure as well as news of establishment of his enterprise.

His father nodded and made phone calls to make arrangements for a press conference.

The whole media was thrown into chaos when they heard that the most prominent researcher and doctor is going to make his appearance in front of the world.

All the connections of Dr. Ash with michell industries was kept under the covers, asher took out a mask to cover his face, he wore black blazers, and gloves with a hood so as to cover his face.

He can also change his voice by changing the tone and pitch of voice.

He drove a black top model BMW, which only ten such models are in this world.

When he reached the destination, rows of journalists were on either side of road as they kept clicking photos one after the other, they were shocked by the appearance of one of the most expensive car on earth.

All their attention were on the car when they felt the clicking sound of door opening, from inside a young man came out with black leather shoes shining under clitter-clatter of cameras, he was wearing black blazers and a hood was over his head, he was wearing black sunglasses and a mask to cover his lower part of face. Although he was wearing a bit oversized clothes, but still it was unable to hide his well-built body contending with that of atheletes.

All of them were first shocked to see such a young man coming out of the car and then they were disappointed that they were unable to capture his appearance.

Surrounded by 5 men in black bodyguards, the young man moved inside the building, he sat down on chair in front of the mic and said with a deep, cold voice silencing all the people inside the hall, "Firstly, hello I am Dr. Ash. And today i will give you two news. After that you can ask questions but only one question one person nothing more nothing less. UNDERSTOOD?"

Hearing such a dominative and strong voice they wall nodded their heads like obedient children.

He then said, "Today, I will publish the cure of gland cancer also."

after a slight pause he continued, "I also like to invite people for recruitment for my hospital and enterprise that is going to be built in near future"

He then started explaining his company, "The company will be named as A.S.H(All society Harmony), it will contain hospital, music industry, manga industry, film industry, etc. as in future."

"For now, hospital will be focused, it would be the largest hospital with all up-to-date equipments and also the price will be very affordable. So, in two days time all the doctors, specialists, nurses, etc. are requested to come to decided venue for interview and recruitment. THANK YOU."

"Now you can ask your questions."

All the media started whispering to each other as they were shocked by the sudden news, then they heard a commanding voice not too high or low but was able to reach the ears of all people present, "SILENCE"

The entire place fell into pin-drop silence as a person asked a question,

"Why are not showing your face Dr. Ash?"

Asher asked coldly, "What does my face have to do with all this? Your question is ended please return to your seat."

The journalist was angry but hearing such cold and indifferent voice he obediently sat down on his seat.


Another journalist stood up and asked, "When will you disclose your identity sir?"

Asher said bluntly, "When the time is right. Next"

Another one asked, "When this company will be opened for public sir?"

Asher said, "When it is completed, but we will try to finish it as soon as possible."

Another one asked, "From which companies will you be collaborating with sir?"

Asher said, "You will know in future, it is not decided for now."

"What is your age sir?"

"100069 years old"

All the media felt silent and some were trying hard to control their laughter at the poor journalist who was just standing like a wood, not knowing what to do.

"Okay, now today's conference is ended please wait for further news and updates, also a website will be made in near future where you can make online reservations, bookings, appointments, etc. Have a nice day."

Saying this asher walked from the stage without paying any attention to media who kept asking questions but were put backwards by the bodyguards. Then he drove the same car to his home.

He reached his home and removed the clothing to change in light wear as he opened his moblie to send a message to sakura.

ASHER: *bowing head* Miss Sakura, do you have time for this humble me?

After 5 minutes he received a reply

SAKURA: *standing proudly* this miss have some time so you can use it.

Asher grinned widely and dialed her number, *ring* *ring* *ring* after 4 rings sakura picked the phone, for first few seconds, an awkward silence was on both the sides when asher decided to break the silence,

"Hello Sakura-chan~ did you miss me?"

At other side after hearing asher asking her if she missed him or not, she blushed and fidgeted when she replied,

"Hmph! who will miss you?"

But Asher shamelessly replied,

"But I missed you sakura-chan~"

Sakura became speechless at other side at his direct reply, as she thought 'what happened to innocent asher, when he became this shameless' she didn't know what to reply him but still saying him, he missed her she felt warm in her chest and also her heart skipped a few beats.

On another side, Asher thought that it is not a good idea to tease more so he directly came to topic,

"Sakura, I wanted to invite you every morning for exercises and running, will you come? Only if it is okay with you. You don't need to force yourself."

Hearing his serious yet caring voice her heart melted and she beamed in joy when she heard him inviting her but she didn't wanted to know him so she lazily said, "Ok, I am free in morning anyways. So, you might help me with boredom."

Hearing her agree to come over at his place he jumped in joy as he excitedly said, "Okay! you can send me your address and i will come at your place to pick you."

Hearing his excited and enthusiastic voice, she smiled dazingly and said lightly with a gentle tone, "I will be waiting." after that she ended the call and rolled over on the bed covering her face with sheets which was blushing now.

"I will be waiting"

"I will be waiting"

"I will be.."

This sentence kept repeating in asher's mind as his heart start beating rapidly and he felt bliss as he said, "Don't worry sakura, i will not make you wait for long."

After that he returned to his home and entered the music to pour this happiness feeling, he picked up the guitar from his room, adjusted the cords and started singing while playing with his melodious and deep voice.

{I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

Call me, baby, if you need a friend

I just wanna give you love

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon

Reaching out to you, so take a chance

No matter where you go, know you're not alone

I'm only one call away

I just wanna set you free

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon

You and me can make it up, anyway

For now, we can stay here for a while

Cause you know, I just wanna see your smile

No matter where you go, know you're not alone

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day






{A/N: another chapter down heheh...}