
Where am I??

Sarah's POV

As soon as I woke up, I rubbed my eyes and remembered that I was in that small dark room. I didn't dare to open my eyes. Suddenly I felt a gust of wind on my face. I thought that the door was opened now and so I opened my eyes and found something different...

Am I still dreaming?? Why did this room get bright all of a sudden?? Why is this room different than it should be?? Did I mistook it for the small room yesterday and step mom kept me here??

I got up and started to move towards the door when I heard a old woman coughing. There was no old person in my house then whose sound is it. I went out and to my shock.....


What place is this? Where am I? What am I doing here and who is this woman who was coughing a while ago??

I brushed off this questions from my head and started heading in the path which lead me to a small room. It was okay like with a light pink flowered wallpaper, and with two windows which allowed light to enter in making the room look more bright.

As I was entering the room, I found an old woman. She was sitting on a chair with her feet on a warm bucket of water. I realized she was not well. I wanted to go and ask her if she needs any help but I was also scared. This is not my place, what if something happens to me here. As I was thinking about this, I found a guy moving in my direction. I got scared and shouted, I didn't do anything. Idk how i reached here. I heard grandma's voice and came to see what happened. Don't do anything to me please.

The guy laughed and said, don't worry child. I wont do anything to you. I was just coming to see the old woman which u mentioned now. She's my mother and she got cold. So i came to check on her.

I sighed and said sorry for shouting out loud whixh disturbed grandma's sleep. He said dont worry and said that he was Steven. I said my name was Sarah and I was from... but I was cutoff by grandma calling Steven. He said sorry I won't be able to talk to you now but you can tell me what you wanted to say.

We both went to see grandma who was now awake, she looked at me smiling and said, My dear you woke up. How are you feeling now? I said i was fine. She smiled and asked Steven to take out the water and she was feeling better. Suddenly I remembered that this place is not where I should be. I asked Steven about how I reached here and he said that he found me on road unconscious and brought me home because there were drunkards roaming on that road.

I was shocked... Did my stepmom did this??

I asked Steven where I was. He smiled and said that I was in Magnolia..

Wait..... I did hear this name somewhere... but I couldn't think much because my head was aching badly. But then I realized.. I know where magnolia is. I saw it in my favorite anime, Fairy tail. I liked watching that anime but I couldn't watch it as my step mom would say that I am wasting time watching animes and not doing housework. What I could say. I didn't want my father to punish me. So i used to watch it secretly when my step sister would watch it with her friends on her biggggg TV in her room which her mother gifted her to watch animes.

But I thought, how would this be possible. Anime is not real world, maybe there is a town named Magnolia. While I was thinking, I started feeling smell of something burning. I got up instantly and shouted, there's fire there's fire around here somewhere, I can smell it.

But to my surprise no one showed any fear on their face, I got confused. When I get confused, I make that face which let's people know that Ya, this girl is confused. Steven saw me and smiled and said, that's my son.He might have burnt something while practising his fire magic..


Wait did he really say magic. I asked Steven again saying pardon me but what did you say sir. He said that his son was practicing his fire magic techiniques. I got really really shocked this time. Is this really the anime world which I always loved. I went out and saw a small boy chanting some words and fire coming out of his hands. This is really magnolia. Yes it is. The busy streets with people and wizards around. I reached the anime world. Wow. Is this true or am I still dreaming. I pinched myself but nothing happened everything was same, so i pinched myself harder making an ouch sound. But still it was the same. I started believing that Ya this is true. Then I started thinking what is my magic?? Do I have magic powers or am I just a normal being short won't be able to use magic. I can't wait to find my magic.

Well this is also a small one. I hope you all like it. I will update new chapter soon. If you like it then do vote and review, and ya please do comment giving me suggestions. I will wait for some. Peace. and ya sorry to say, I know English and I find it a little difficult to translate other languages. if u can comment in English it would be a little better for me to understand, but Ya you could comment in your language too. I would translate it ?.Thank you everyone ....

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