
Life Game In Other World

[Do you find life dull?] [Do you want to experience a different life in another world?] [We have an array of roles for you to experience: tycoons, assassins, hunters, beggars, and countless other random identities.] [Would you like to start the game now?] [Yes][No] Laughable. How could I, a law-abiding good citizen, find life dull? He Ao sneered and chose [Yes] [Initializing system...] [Loading game.] [Welcome to the Copy World game] [Loading beginner tasks, currently matching you with a random life role.] [Match successful] —— This is the story of a law-abiding good citizen embarking on countless lives in the chaotic and mad Copy World. (Confirmed)

I love Xiao Yi · Games
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276 Chs

Chapter 146: The 4th Official Copy (Please Subscribe, Please Bookmark, Please Vote for Monthly Ticket)

Translator: 549690339

[0 years old: You were born, and your parents named you Joey.]

[1 year old: You lived in Kwei District, a very ordinary place with no exciting characters or explosive gunfire.]

[2 years old: Your mother took care of you at home, while your father worked as a temporary laborer.]

[3 years old: When your father was at home, he liked to lift you up and tickle your little face with his stubble. You would smell the tobacco from his mouth and reach out to grab his cheeks.]

[4 years old: You weren't wealthy, but you were happy. Your mother was cheerful, your father was attentive, and your childhood was bland yet blissful.]

[5 years old: You moved and started kindergarten.]

[6 years old: You started elementary school, and both your parents began to work odd jobs outside. They took turns picking you up from school, sometimes it was your father, sometimes your mother, and sometimes both.]