
Rumors spreading ||

When John got closer to his School, he asked James to drop him off beside his school, this was because the car was to eye catching and he didn't want to draw attention to himself for the time being.

"Drop me here. I will call you later to take me to the new Villa" John told him.

James nodded and agreed "okay"

When John got down, he took a step forward, after that he stopped and turned towards James and asked him"can you change the car to a less flashy one?"

"Yes I can" James readily agreed.

John just nodded at him and walked towards his school.

When James saw John leaving, he just stood there and looked at him and it was as if he was thinking of something, after a couple of minutes he started the car and drove away.

When John got to school, he saw some students looking at him weirdly and others looking at him in disdain and others were murmuring amongst themselves.

"Who would have that beyond that handsome face is a thief?"

"Like they say never judge a book by it cover"

John pretended as if he didn't hear anything and walked towards his dormitory but he was boiling inside.

When he got inside his dorm, he saw his friends sitting.

when they saw John entered, they all rushed towards him and Paul was the one who spoke first "How are you doing?" He asked with concern.

When John saw the sincere concerns on his friends faces, he felt warmth in his heart and he smiled "I'm good. I can't allow such a thing to bring me down"

John's friends noticed that he was unusually calm and much more confident compared to other times but they couldn't understand what had brought a change in him all of a sudden.

"So tell us what really happened because we all know that, that bitch Mabel didn't dump you because you stole, so what's all these rumors going around?" Kevin asked concerned too.

John sighed and told them all what had happened from when Jacob and Mabel connived against him in the restaurant to how Jacob framed him up and how he was chased out but he didn't tell them about the sudden appearance of his real father.

When John was done recounting what has happened, his friends were really angry and Kevin stood up and punched the bed while saying "that ungrateful bitch, how dare she do that to you after all what you have done for her and that bastard that call himself your cousin after taking your girlfriend from you, he decided that it wasn't enough so he went ahead and framed you and on top of that he's even trying to ruin your reputation. I swear if I see that son of a bitch I'm going to beat him to a pulp. Ahh. Just the thought of it makes my blood boil"

When they saw Kevin being agitated, Paul went ahead and tapped him on his shoulder and said "Calm down and let's discuss how to handle this". Paul then turned towards John and asked "how are you going to handle this? You can't be soft here as usual since you no longer have any relationship with them"

John just smiled sinisterly and said confidently "Don't worry yourself about it. I'm going to handle it".

Seeing how confident John looks, his friends were in a trance because the John they were seeing was different from the John they had known before because the John now exudes a strong mysterious aura.

"Then what about the post?" Paul asked still concern

John just smiled and said "you know how these things works. Sooner or later something exciting is going to come up and the post will be history. Don't worry I'm going to make sure to restore my reputation back"

Joseph who has been quiet for a long time suddenly shouted and said "that post no longer exists in the forum"

"What" Kevin and Paul exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm serious the post no longer exists. I've tried refreshing countless number of times but is still not there" Joseph said again.

Paul and Kevin both took their phones to check and found out that it was true that post no longer exists.

John too checked and found out the same thing and he was a little surprised.

"It seems like the heavens are in Favour of you today my friend" Joseph said to John with a smile on his face. He was happy as the post has been taken down.

"I would like to believe that too my friend" John said with a smile.

As they were talking, John phone suddenly rang, when he took it out, he saw that it was an unknown number, he hesitated for a little while before picking up the call.

When John picked up the phone, he heard a familiar voice "young master is me". It was James who was calling.

"What's wrong?" John asked a little worried.

"I just wanted to tell you that I've taken down that post of you in school down" James said.

"You? How did you know?" John was surprised and asked.

"I guessed something was wrong when I saw how silent you were, so I had to check because I was worried" James said in a worried tone.

"Thank you. But how did you do it?" John curiously.

James just smiled mysteriously and said "that was just a piece of cake for me and especially for a family like yours"

John just nodded his head and didn't ask further and said "yes, yes. I've forgotten about it. Ok talk to you later. I have to go to class" John said and ended the call.

When John ended the call, him and his friends were ready to go to class for their first lecture of the day.

Next chapter