
Part 1

"Space. It is dark, big and open. There is still so much we have not yet explored in our own solar system, let alone our universe. We may not have the technology now, but in the future, we can discover more, learn more, see more of our universe. That is what my father told me as a child. It is possible for us humans to make more scientific discoveries if we just worked together. Now, any questions about today's lesson?" Jonathon asked his class. The class was silent. It was so quiet; you could hear a pin drop and it would sound crystal clear.

"No? Well then, make sure to read the chapter 5 of your astronomy textbook over the weekend and I will see everyone on Monday. Chairs in and class dismissed." People started to pack up their books and pens and started to head for the door of the auditorium. As the class left, the classroom fell silent once again. Jonathon grabbed his laptop and bag and headed for the door to head home for the weekend, but he was stopped, by the Mr Daniels, the principal of the school Jonathon was teaching at.

"Professor Jones, can we take a walk?" He asked.

"Of course Mr Daniels, it there something wrong?" Jonathon responded. The started walking down the hallways of the school.

"I heard your lecture; I've never seen my students so interested in your work!" Mr Daniels was quite impressed.

"Why thank you Sir," Jonathon said, sounding very pleased with himself. The two men extended their hands out for a handshake.

"Please, call me Andrew," Mr Daniels said.

"Well Andrew, I wish we could talk some more but I need to get home to grade some homework," Jonathon said before heading to the teacher's carpark.

Jonathon hopped into his car and drove home for the weekend.

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