
Des and Xan

Destiny P.O.V

" I plead the fifth! Where's my lawyer?"

"Destiny all I did was ask you what happened." Mr. Wells is the type of cool calm and understanding principal so maybe I was just over reacting in his office.

"I'll tell you what happened, what happened is she punched me!" Mia screamed while barge in the principal's office "I didn't punch you! Your ugly annoying face got in the way of my fist!"

"Liar!" she screamed

"Bitch" I screamed back .

"Ms. Coleman! Language"

"Your right Mr. Wells, I apologize Mia what I meant to say was-"

" DESTINY!" I rolled my eyes and sat back down in my seat

"Because winter break is tomorrow I won't suspend you but, you too can go home for the day. It's only 8:00 and you haven't even gone to class yet." Mr. Wells Sighed as he looked down at the papers on his desk and had a look of disappointment on his face "Yeah Destiny you can go home." Mia said with attitude in her voice " You too Ms. Davis"

" But she punched me!"

"And you egged her on. Hurry up before I actually suspend you." Mia got up and stormed out of the office as I was about to get up and leave to Mr. Wells told me to stay for a minute. "What can I help you with?"

"I want you to see our school counselor you have never once seen her ever since-"

"I don't need a fucking dumb ass school consular I'm perfectly fine!. One thing I hate the most is people telling me what I need and don't need. I don't need to talk to anyone about my feeling and emotions. If I did, I would have gone." I stormed out of his office and made my way to my locker. I unpacked my bag and left all my books inside of it. While I was doing so Xander approached me "I heard what happened. Do you need a ride?"

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Yes or No." As much as I like to not take help I did need a ride. I hadn't eaten that morning and I was pretty sure I was going to pass out so I decided to take the ride. "Why weren't you in class?"

" Decided to skip, winter break starts tomorrow anyways what the point in going."

"True, Where are you going? My house is that way."

"I know we're taking a detour." He took me to this café near our houses "Why are we here? I'm not hungry." The moment I said that Xander grabbed my wrist to reveal the very thin arm I had. " This is why we're here."

"How did you-"

" I'm not dumb Des no on where a long sleeve sweater in a hundred degree heat unless they're hiding something." When he said that the first thing that popped up in mind to say was

"Don't tell anyone.. Not even Noah." He looked at me for a couple of seconds while holding my wrist then he let go of it then he turned off the car and said "I won't ... for now." We got out of the car and went inside the café. When we sat down I asked "How exactly are you going to help me? I can't eat without throwing up."

" I know.. Which is why I brought this." He pulled out a black bag in it that was antiemetic and Gatorade. " How did you get that? And how did you know?"

"A friend and couple of weeks ago when you were having dinner at our place when you went to the bathroom I heard you throwing up. At first I thought you were pregnant but then I noticed you were getting skinnier and well I put the pieces together."

"Weirdo," we laughed. I took the pill and drank it with the Gatorade then we ordered our food and ate. Low and behold I didn't throw up or feel like I had to. When we were done we got back in the car "Do you want to see something before I drop you off."

"Yeah, It's not like I have anything else better to do." To be honest I went because I thought he didn't want to be alone. His girlfriend Ava just broke up with him so I decided to go. " What is this place."

" An abandoned building, this is my quiet place" The building was old and had graffiti all over the walls "You're the first person I took here actually." At that moment I felt special for some reason. I should be thinking that way right. I mean he's like a brother to me nothing more. "Oh so I'm special." I said in a joking way but what he said in response surprised me " Yeah... I guess you are." I smiled, I don't know why but I smiled." We ended up staying there all day talking but the time we got done it was almost 10 o'clock and we got there at 9. We spent the whole day together. He dropped me off at my house and I couldn't stop smiling and I didn't know why "Thanks for the day Xan."

"Anytime, Oh wait here take the antiemetic you need it more than me." I took the bag and waved goodbye. He lived next door so all he did was drive up a little and went inside. I went inside my house and let just say my mom wasn't too happy.


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