
Hello sunshine

Looking around Rowan saw what looked like a church building with two big towers with large painted windows depicting saints right in front of him. If Rowan knew anything about architecture he would be reminded of the European gothic churches. He was in awe of the building but to him, it was just another building.

People came in and out of it. Some were dressed in priest robes, some looked like nuns. There was occasionally a warrior mixed in with regular folk. They all had human characteristics though.

The attire people wore looked like it came from middle ages with men wearing stockings or tunics, while women wore long gowns with sleeveless tunics and wimples to cover their hair.

The warriors wore leather or plated armors with their weapons strapped on their backs or swords tucked in their scabbards.

He took in the view and saw no buildings in an area of 50 meters from the church. The closest buildings that he saw looked like stores selling a variety of stuff.

He wore a white linen shirt and pants and was barefoot. Like any decent teenager, he checked his private parts and was bitterly disappointed. Rowan only saw a pair of white underpants with nothing in them.

"I guess they made it PG-13, or was it because of my age.", Rowan thought.

He called out for inventory in his mind and it appeared as a floating hologram in front of him.

He checked his stuff and he was bitterly disappointed again.

[ Novice shirt]

Defense rating: 0

Remark: Just a novice shirt. Keeps you decent.

[ Novice pants]

Defense rating: 0

Remark: Just novice pants. Keeps you decent.

He checked the rest of his stuff in the inventory of which 10 out of 16 slots were occupied.

They were: basic hammer, basic fletching knife, basic collar, basic chisel, basic pen, basic pot, basic cauldron, basic tanning kit, basic wrench, and basic enchanting kit.

"Basic, basic, basic. What am I supposed to do with all this? Where is my weapon?", Rowan cursed in his mind but then he suddenly remembered how his registration went.

"Status.", he yelled.

Name: Ayx

[ Strength: 1]

[ Agility: 1]

[ Dexterity: 10]

[ Endurance: 1]

[ Vitality: 1]

[ Perception: 10]

[ Intelligence: 10]

[ Wisdom: 10]

[ Charisma: 5]

[ Luck: 5]

[ HP 100/100]

[ MP 1000/1000]

[ Stamina 100/100]

[ Hunger 80/100]

[ Thirst 50/100]

[ Gold 0G/0S/0C]


[ Novice alchemist 5/10]

[ Novice blacksmith 5/10]

[ Novice cook 5/10]

[ Novice enchanter 5/10]

[ Novice engineer 5/10]

[ Novice fletcher 5/10]

[ Novice scribe 5/10]

[ Novice tamer 5/10]

[ Novice tailor 5/10]

[ Novice tanner 5/10]


[ First Jack of all trades]

As the first player with all crafting professions unlocked bonus received to all skill levels +4.

Rowan looked at his status and the first thing that came to his mind was: "Logout. Delete account. Start over."

He tried but there was no response as usual.

"Logout you stupid beep game. I paid 600 bucks for this beep. Customer support. Damn you beep beep beep beep.", at the end he just spread-eagled lied down in the middle of the spawn point.

In the control room, the researchers watched him and they didn't know if they should laugh or cry. The looked at the recording of his registration and at the moment he was supposed to select his starting professions something happened and he selected all the crafting ones and confirmed all the following screens in the span of a second. The name Ayx was probably also chosen by his mind spasming from the needle insertions.

"Should we give him a reboot?", a researcher asked.

"Let's ask Rickman when he comes back.", another one suggested.

So they continued to watch Rowan starring at the Sun in the middle of the street while NPCs were almost stepping on his body trying to enter the church.

Soon an NPC dressed like a nun came to him and asked him: "Are you, ill child? Do you need help?"

Rowan looked up at her and she was a middle-aged woman wearing a tunic and a coif headpiece.

"Yes. Help me log out.", Rowan replied.

"What is log out?", the nun asked.

"Nothing. Never mind.", Rowan responded when he realized he was talking to an NPC.

"If you are well, could you please continue sleeping somewhere else, since you are creating a disturbance here? We will be forced to call the guards if you don't comply and I am sure you don't want that.", the nun gently threatened.

"OK.", Rowan had no choice but to comply.

Rowan moved down the main road which led directly to the church when his stomach started making noises. He looked at his status again and his hunger reached 90/100.

He felt uncomfortable so he went to a shop that was selling food nearby. As he approached it he saw the shopkeeper looking at him with disgust. Looking at the food made him feel the fangs of hunger even more but he knew he had no money so he needed to earn some quick.

He went to the shopkeeper anyway and said hello.

"What do you want, beggar?", shop keeper replied.

"Do you have any jobs for me?", Rowan replied as this was the only thing that came to his mind.

"Hmmm. My cat is missing and there seem to be mice in the cellar. Go catch 10 mice. A copper coin a mouse. You can catch more for a bonus.", the shopkeeper replied.

"OK.", Rowan agreed and he was soon escorted into the shop and down in the cellar where the shopkeeper lit up a torch.

"Stay in the light since you might not be able to handle things deeper in.", advised the shopkeeper.

Rowan just nodded and the shopkeeper left for upstairs.

Looking around the place he found sacks of flour, potatoes and all sorts of ingredients. He occasionally saw a mouse but they were just like in real life fast to hide.

He took out his blacksmith hammer and waited at a hole in a sack. Soon a mouse came and headed for the hole. Rowan was quiet and with the hammer above his head awaiting the mouse to come in range. As she came to the hole in the sack it stopped and looked around which was a fatal mistake on its part since a novice hammer smashed it over its head.

Its health bar was showed when Rowan selected it as a target in his mind but it didn't show how much health it possessed. It was emptied in one hit though so Rowan didn't care.

What was left of it was a [Mouse carcass]. Rowan picked it up and checked it in the inventory.

[Mouse carcass]

Quest item

He waited a minute after that and another mouse came. Rowan was surprised that the second mouse already had an HP bar as he targetted it.

It just said: Mouse [HP 1/1]

He repeated his actions after that and quickly got 10 of them.

Rowan was about to leave when he noticed the next mouse that came did not have an HP bar.

He smacked it over the head but it only stunned the critter. Rowan bashed it again and again until it finally died. It had ten times as much HP as the ones before. He picked up the corpse and inspected it in the inventory.

[Mutated Mouse carcass]

Quest item [Search]

He clicked on the search option and it asked him to select a tool. He selected the basic fletching knife and his hands moved automatically and disemboweled the poor mouse.

Received [Lesser Ruby] holographic window popped up and soon faded.

His stomach grumbled like crazy and he went upstairs to fulfill the quest.

The shopkeeper gave him 20 copper coins and a loaf of bread and a glass of milk as a bonus. He also told him to continue the good work and introduced himself as Jonas Walsh but everyone calls him old Jonas.

Rowan quickly ate his bread and drank the glass of milk. His hunger and thirst both fell to 50/100 then he turned around and returned to the basement.

Next chapter