
Chapter 28

As Chen left the couple quickly went to their own room and started having small talks, talking about the plans for Jeana's birthday party.

"I Wonder if we can get Dong Shan Cai, Jeana's favorite singer to come and perform for her..." Lilly muttered as Dante started to massage her temples.

Dante smiled warmly, "knowing you, I am sure that you can do it."

Lilly's heart fluttered at the words he had said. With a light smile she gave Dante a kiss on the cheek, and told him it was time to get some sleep.

Early the next morning Dante woke up and made breakfast with Tyra who woke up to make breakfast for the twins.

"Good morning." Dante's voice croaked walking into the kitchen.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" Tyra asked while washing the ingredients.

"No, not really... Lilly had a high fever last night and so she didn't fall asleep until midnight." He tiredly spoke.

"Did you check if her wounds opened up or not?" Jeana's voice questioned coming down from her room, as she was craving to quince her thirst, she overheard Dante and Tyra talking.

"Yea, everyone was fine. But she kept on saying that her head was throbbing so I gave her some Tylenol to help." Dante said, "right now she's still sleeping so when she wakes up I want her to eat before drinking her medicine."

"I'll find some ingredients for her favorite congee." Tyra said as she finished washing the ingredients that she was going to cook.

After they finished speaking Tyra looked around for Lilly's favorite chicken congee ingredients. In the middle of her sleep Lilly woke up feeling her ribs throbbing, with a light flutter from her eyelashes she slowly woke up gently massaging her ribs.

Reaching for her phone on the nightstand she dialed for her parents, after the second ring her mom picked up the phone.

'Hey mom, do you think you could come by some time later?' Lilly asked, waiting for her mom to reply.

'Are you feeling ok? Do you need me to come over and cook you something light?' Ashley asked worried that something happened.

'I think Dante is cooking something, I can smell chicken congee.' Lilly said as she sniffed the air.

"What are you a dog?" Jeana asked as she walked into Lilly's room.

"Haha, you're so funny." Lilly said sarcastically, her face not expressing a smile.

"Come on, I'll help you get ready for the day." Jeana said as she began to help Lilly.

By the time they had finished both Dante and Tyra finished cooking and Ashley had arrived at their place.

"Where's Nash?" Lilly asked as she sat down looking for Natasha.

"Searching for Joker, she wants him dead." Said Chen.

Lilly rubbed her temple, groaning at the pain in her head. Feeling slightly dizzy, her whole body started to sway side to side. Noticing that Lilly didn't look too well Dante gently grabbed a hold of Lilly and leaned her body against his. knowing full and well that Lilly was not going to get any better without rest Dante held the back of her head and lifted her legs, carrying her like a princess.

"Dante! what are you-" Lilly started.

"You're not going to get any better being out of bed, so I'm putting you to bed myself." Dante declared.

Lilly blushed and covered her face with her hands.

"That was bold of you." she mumbled.

After realizing what he had said Dante's face became a deep shade of red. Clearing his throat Dante headed towards Lilly's room and put her in the bed.

"Stay here for awhile, I'll go get you the chicken congee." After saying that Dante headed straight out the door and went to go get Lilly the chicken congee.

Inside of Lilly's room she took her hands off her face and stared off into the distance. Her head still throbbed but the pain within her heart had hurt a lot worse. That night when they had found her all she could see was the worries on each of their faces, her heart felt painful seeing how much pain she had caused them both physically and mentally.

"Dante!!!!!" Lilly shouted out loud, wanting him to hurry up and come into the room.

Pausing what he was doing Dante headed towards her room to see what she wanted since she was loudly calling for him.

Gently knocking on the door he slowly opened it only to find his girl pointing at something.

"You need the pen and paper?" He asked seenu good both items on the desk she was pointing at.

Slowly nodding her head she also added for him to fetch her laptop sitting in the cabinet of the desk. Getting her all the things she wanted he noticed her glasses and got them for her.

"Baby, thank you." She said with a gentle smile.

"Anything for you hon," saying this he gave her a kiss and then returned to the kitchen to prepare her food.

As soon as she saw his figure going out the room she quickly opened her laptop and started to hack into the military's information about Joker and his backer.

Successfully getting all the information she needed she quickly put back all the firewall that she had destroyed and left no trace of her ever being in a top notch secured information.

Remembering all the information she had found she emailed Nash to quickly come to her room, inside of her room Natasha received Lilly's message and stopped what she was doing and went straight to Lilly's room without asking any questions about why Lilly was calling her to her room.

"Lock the door behind you and listen carefully I won't repeat myself," as she said Thais words Natasha knew that it was something serious.

"The one called Joker, his real name is Chad, the same Chad who was reported to have gone missing 10 years ago. 10 years ago I was still in high school, and Chad was known for his craziness. And now he belongs to a terrorist group called Hell's domain, they're notorious for setting off the bombs in Wailing, Topain, and recently Glade ville." Lilly explained

"Wait the same Chad that was always getting into fights with you? Hold on should he remember you since you didn't chance that much?" Natasha asked slightly confused.

"You would think so but he's never been able to recognize people's face, each time we fought he would always question who I was," she calmly answered.